Why did you believe pizza gate and disregard the 17 American intelligence agencies Russian/republican collusion info?

Why did you believe pizza gate and disregard the 17 American intelligence agencies Russian/republican collusion info?

Oh god not this shit again.

because the former is true and the latter is designed to distract us from it.

Jews have the slimy arms around intel with the gibs.
Jews have their cum all over pizzas.

Because i read the emails and pizzagate is real and russian collusion is fake. Can you understand that shareblue? Do you understand now?

because the "le 17 agencies meme" is faker than pizzagate

You know more than the entirety of the intelligence community cause you read emails leaked from wikirussialeaks

I know man. Its super scary how powerful the Russian are. I went to go to the store this morning and my car wouldn't start. The Russian must have hacked my battery because I made some social media post about dotard.

>17 American intelligence agencies
Why are you still repeating this debunked crap?
4 agencies, not 17. 4 said their was evidence and the other 13 said they could not agree.

How does this woman on Twitter know that the Keurig hashtag is being pushed by Russia? Just because it's trending?

Lots of things are trending. Are they all trending because of Russia? Where is proof of this?

You're telling me that Russia can control hashtags related to Keurig coffee but couldn't help Republicans win in an election in Virginia?

Also, can you name the 17 agencies? If you can, you'll realize that in those 17 agencies is the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Dept. of the Treasury, Dept. of Energy, and the Coast Guard

How would the Coast Guard and the Treasury know about "Russian collusion"?

>17 intel agencies

daily reminder this includes the coast guard because apparently the coast guard has a cyber division monitoring the election


Where the fuck is the "proof" behind this obnoxious claim?

The same intelligence agencies that lied us into iraq?

>Saddam Hussein has WMD
saged and reported

Can I get a tl;dr of pizzagate?

17 agencies was a lie. it was 3 plus clapper and they didn't even investigate. they just signed off on a dem produced evaluation.

First two posts really explained it. There is no need to say anything else.

And if that's not enough for you:

this could maybe add

>and the people saying i rigged the nomination election are all crazy conspiracy theorists

then to remind you

Show me the coast guard report on Hillary's server, then we can talk.

>muh 17 agencies

