What u gonna do bout dat whyte boii
Fight or Die: 10% of world population is white
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that's a gross overestimate. it's actually around 5.5-6% of the world population, and projected to be 1.5-2% by 2100. Blacks will be around 45% of the global population by 2100 according to UN estimates.
2% can't keep sending food to 45%.
At some point, the 2& will realise they are moron, and kill themselves, and then become 0%.
The 45& niggers will die of starvation, and otherwise killed by Asians.
Whites will collapse.
Niggers will die from hunger.
And we don't even have to do a single thing to kill off all the niggers.
>implying the world can sustain so many nogs
We must not allow the East to become moralistic like the West. The Chinese has nothing to learn from the African, thus they should let those niggers die out.
>We must not allow the East to become moralistic like the West.
The Chinese apparently have a term for this moralistic west: Baizuo
Yup, they are learning to avoid becoming like us. They will survive the coming dark ages of black infestation.
10% is being taught to be:
3)push for hardcore numbers of foreigners
based, keep fighting for your genocide guyzzzz!!!
Party like it’s 2017.
White women are not like this anymore sorry pal. They all have tattoos and burn coal.
One outta ten people are white~
One outta ten people are white~
Nuke falls down, no more brown town~
Nine outta ten people are white~
I don't care lol
Nothing because Italy is doing fine compared to you cucks.
I desire u to have lots of ficki ficki and reproduce massively. Flood your streets with your own poors, so the welfare state is inflated by your own kind.
Selectively breed our offspring into super intelligent super-humans with genius sperm donors.
Quickly become masters of everything that requires any sort of intelligence. Dominate business, art, technology, engineering, science, the internet, etc.
Then market our super sperm to the rest of the world, and transform the global population into super-humans.
Trends can and do reverse themselves. If the choice truly comes down to fight or die, then the white race will fight, and woe to all who stand in the way of their superior technology.
America is the only hope, unless the Europeans go full genocide, which they very well might. It's always darkest before dawn.
>Two months ago a guy got rektd and his gf raped in front of him by an diverse refugee
>Doing fine
I've always wondered about this exact issue. I can only hope for a RAHOWA, or a homeland. Even if an unofficial homeland,at least one that's solidly white.
>Imagining you are not going to fight among yourself again
They were polish.
We need to find the next Hitler and get him to power in America. Russia and China would most likely join forces with the US, a metric ass-tonne of European countries and natsoc groups would join then the race/commie vs nazi war can happen and the day of the rope will come, with IRL right wing death squads at the helm. Then we can colonize space and shit.
Liberals aren't majority white, dumbass. Those who fight against their white brothers and sisters will learn soon enough. We can move forward as a country, but only as a white one.
White women are unhinged and enjoy the materialistic culture of jewish degeneracy and based black guys that's been forced down their throats for decades. Face it boys we're on the titanic.
> Muh IQ
You know what the Chinese are doing instead? They've become Africa's largest trading partner. Africans are moving to Guangzhou and Shenzen and learning Mandarin as opposed to learning English. They've setup business and the infrastructure for huge scale trading between the two continents.
You brainlets really think the east is your friend. They are looking to replace you, idiot. Most companies in the U.S know what's happening. The Chinese are outcompeting you in every corner. Once your fossil fuels are gone, your economy is going down the toilet. Your biggest companies are either weapon's manufacturer or natural gas/oil companies. China already stole manufacturing from you.
China didn't even have to adopt an interventionist foreign policy like the U.S. They're offering investments into African infrastructure. They are going to replace American as the biggest superpower.
Don't you love the sweet taste of nihilism?
Great idea. Why don't we adopt social Darwinism. How great of an idea genius! We totally don't have tools such as CRISPR. Let me tell you who is the leading experts in Eugenics, it's china. The west has already abandoned Eugenics. We're not going back to that.
America and Europe will wake up soon. Generation Z knows the truth more than any other generation in many decades
Is this even legal?
The first part, breeding while selecting for superior intelligence.
Once whites can no longer support niggers the niggers die of starvation.
>Blacks will be around 45% of the global population by 2100 according to UN estimates.
Sounds like hell on earth.
Frankly there is nothing to be done. Rapture is upon us and its face is nigger. The trumpets sound soon.
Kill left
Fuck middle
Marry right
Governments sponsored Eugenics is illegal in most western countries because it's unethical. China loves Eugenics, they're trying to breed super-geniuses.
quality over quantity
>15% is black
ur not safe faggot. the problem is asians and mediterrannian cucks. Not black faggots. After we're gone, you're next in line. Fucking african loser
I cant wait for the day we have had enough and blood will flow over mother earth.
Not gov backed, but private initiative
in millions, lets see.
europe pop= 743 of wich 700 are white
USA pop= 323 of wich 100 are white
Other whites (autralia, can, south africa, argentina, new zeland, uruguay, brazil)= 150??
total: 950 out of 7600= 1/8= 12,5%
WTF are you talking about? Maybe the whites of europe are very wrong and are a lot less (moors, gypsies, migrants), but idk.
I think China is a pretty cool guy. Eh researches eugenics and doesnt afraid of anything
perfectly legal.
bitching about it online seems to be the way to go
So why not start?
Yet we control every aspect of the deficient male and female nigger's life.
We should have done this long ago. But now it seems all males are a Weinstein, etc.
I will and I encourage everyone to do the same.