Hey dad, is it true? did you abandon your kind in the 2019 race war?

>hey dad, is it true? did you abandon your kind in the 2019 race war?


Who the fuck are you?


Hush now lil nigga, get yo black-ass to bed.

Yes. Best decision i ever made


>meanwhile in reality

Im glad for the mutt meme, it's needed. Europeans have to understand America is too far gone to come and save them from their fate. If a white ethnostate can exist in this modern world, it will HAVE to be in Europe.

So go Europa, save yourselves, save our race. Save the dream.

fuck off kike



hmmm. i wish i never joined /pol. its too late for some of us you know... kids are already being planned...


The transhumanism event horizon happened in 1965.

It was totally worth it bby


God damn I fucking love this meme.


don't give up man. There is hope.



>2 uggos make a 10


Sweetie, there was no race war. A bunch of bitter virgins thought that them not being able to get laid was a genocide and they collectively sperged out. Most killed themselves through heart attacks. The rest were left to their own devices and we assume they offed themselves. Nobody bothered to check.

The absolute state of the frogs.

wow. that's more niggers than Atlanta. And there are a LOT of niggers in Atlanta.


Why yes, Carmelastein. We chose the strong black negro man over our own people, because the Jewish people have tiny cocks.

>that gigyamongrel
ok this pretty good


All niggers must hang


what did he say that was wrong?
fuck off spic/nigger mongrel

Yes it is .... now hold steady .

fuck off kike



Everyone looks sad in that picture. Even jewish pornstars cant fake being happy with what they do anymore.

How could anyone call a niglet "sweetie"? That term was made for sweet white children only.


I thought that hand belonged to the kid. Pretty cool optical illusion.

She turned out pretty well
