How the FUCK did Christianity spread?

How the FUCK did Christianity spread?

Islam makes sense, it was basically 'join us and we'll steal and rape together'. But how do you convince people to become cucks and to give you money for nothing in return?

Christianity used to be as bloodthirsty as Islam is now bucko. It civilized a bit after the Enlightenment.

>How the FUCK did Christianity spread?
Join us and we'll suck the emperor's dick together, or we'll kill you.

Because it's the Truth.

Maybe look up the Roman Empire, and realize they force it because Christianity was a great slave religion. "Slaves obey your masters!" and realize that it was all feudal after Rome fell and serfs were basically slaves.

Lot of people were jewed into joining. Eventually they grew enough that they were able to spread violently like Islam did

Something like this I don't know how it spread, but it was very likely that the Nordic countries would have been attacked by other European countries, if we didn't convert to Christianity.

Because it appeals to the lowest of the low, bottom-up. All can be forgiven, it's like Judaism, but open for all.

Because they "put the fear of god in you"

If your life is shitty, a promise of eternal bliss in the afterlife is pretty convincing.

Because Christianity used to be based, the Bible itself still is based so I recommend the lecture.

Because Jesus is literally the son of God.

Convert the women and let them do the rest

Because it’s real and we aren’t about tolerance like the fake churches talk about. People hate degenerates.

Medis gave the nords tons of gibs and promises of land if they converted. Christianity in the early days was mostly filled with former pagan cucks that wanted the land of other pagan cucks.


Women are responsible for spreading the beginnings of Christianity. Look it up.

Bingo. You will never remove the truth.

Testosterone. Men had testosterone back then, now maybe 30%.

>OP hasn't listened to common filth radio

The previous religions were all about convincing warriors to risk their lives in battle in return for rewards in the afterlife regarding ideals such as honour and glory. Short thrift was given for the meek.

Women, who raised the children, found an afterlife that gave solace to the infant that died tragically young, the woman who quietly maintained a home, more appealing. And they passed those beliefs onto the children as well.

early christianity was the religion of uneducated slaves and women. Enough so that greek writers laughed at christ-cucks that walked around looking for children/women to preach to rather than taking up the conversation with men.

It should be pointed out that Emperor Constantine was taught about Christianity in the first place by his mother.

First Christcucks jewed people into following them and used the threat of violence to keep their cultists in line, then once they were large enough, they took over the Roman Empire and destroyed Pagan temples, persecuted Pagans and killed Pagan priests. After they destroyed Rome, they spent the next 1000 years attacking and destroying any Europeans who wanted to remain Pagan, until they slaughtered and forcibly converted the Lithuanians in the late 1300s with Christcuck Crusaders.

Watch The Last Kingdom and some other historical TV and movies and you'll see for yourself.

Basically it was spread with the sword just like Islam.

No, it's bullshit. No amount of LARPing will really convince educated, critically thinking people.

Same way Islam did. Christians were the muslims of their time.

Rome through pure luck. Despite the fall of Rome and all that, it was still the premier power in the region. Everyone wanted to be on good terms/trade with Rome even as it was dying, so they all converted when Rome asked them to if they want to make deals.

That's it.

And now Christianity is the religion of Greece.

>that's it

Typical faggy Christcuck who doesn't want to admit his religion used violence and persecution to stamp Pagans out. Turn the other cheek nigger feet-kisser.

And the Enlightenment was the reintroduction of Greek philosophy. Greek philosophy was varying levels of agnostic and very science based. It's the product of white minds, unlike Christianity which is a Jewish trick.


Christianity isn't about becoming cucks and giving all your money in return for nothing. No surprise that you can't understand its spread if you can't understand what it is.

I would you call a faggot back, but the term is redundant for Christcucks. Now back to fucking little kids you pedophilic priest-sucking fuck.

>watch the Last Kingdom
>a show where Christians are attacked by Pagans and eventually convert the Pagans through diplomatic means after withstanding their assults

I have the theory that most of the people are trash
That is because of civilization; Civilization ended natural selection to weed out the weak
Therefore, most people seek some sort of "escape" of the cruel reality, because they know they arent fit for survival on their own
That makes the appeal of ideologies like socialism or christianity
So, Christianity spread just like socialism/communism: Lots of stupid and unworthy people followed a small group of fanatical people who promised them literally heaven on earth
That is the reason why only authoritarian societies work; Because the better must rule over the worse to enforce and keep some standards of moral or general decency/virtue

>Everyone wanted to be on good terms/trade with Rome even as it was dying, so they all converted when Rome asked them to if they want to make deals.


Holy shit, talk about projecting the present onto the past

It spread because it is the Truth.

>"The Last Kingdom"

I like everything about that show except for the protagonist, who while a 9th century warrior, somehow embodies an obnoxious fedora-tipping edgelord.


So why is it dying now?

I'm not Christian. Doesn't change the fact that Christianity in Europe spread primarily because everyone wanted to suck Rome's dick, my butthurt Lithuania friend.

Tfw allowing people to live praising false gods condemns them to hell. "Love thy neighbour". If you want to save someone for eternal suffering you have to make him christian and no matter how you do it after he dies he will be thankful for being saved. That is how.

show your flag, mutt :3

It was due to contrarianism in Ancient Rome

>tips fedora

Christianity was traditionally a religion of women and slaves.
Constantine adopted Christianity because he wanted a single religion for his new rule as sole emperor, which was a break from the tetrarchy that was started by Diocletian. Christians were a convenient base of support that could protect and maintain his rule.

>That is the reason why only authoritarian societies work;

Of course an obedient german would think this.

>Decreasing over a small period of time =/= dying

What are you, atheist? Dude read up on history, Christcucks were not peaceful as they pretend to be, they used violence and persecution whenever they could to stamp out minorities. Think about why no European country has even a 0.1% natural Pagan minority that survived.

I fucking hate Christians. They absolutely ruined Europe's heritage and culture. Abrahamic religion is cancer.

It's a great show.

I like the protagonist, it would be too heavy if the main character was another grim fatalistic Anglo-Saxon stoic.

>leaf flag
>islam makes sense


Christianity helped to enforce authoritarianism lad.
Above is the answer, Christianity spread hierarchically. It helped to justify the kings rule and as they converted so did their populations.

Church attendance has been trending downward but there has been an increase in the number of people who identify as "spiritual".
>people want the promise of eternal bliss, but don't want to be constrained by any silly rules.

>Don't treat the meek like shit and be willing to do the lord's work at any cost, up to and including your life
>This is a "cuck."
It spread because it calls one to be better than animals, something Islam can't even fucking comprehend. Their idea of heaven is literally just a hedonist's paradise (where women of faith are still treated like toys, mind).

I wish you used critical thinking rather than critical theory desu.

so much this

Mhm, unifying the Empire by adopting a minority religion followed by 10% of the Empire, mostly in the East, and a minority religion that was engaged in a violent controversy between Catholics and Arians at the time? Sounds like a totally logical decision that was not at all motivated by Constantine's genuine conversion to Catholicism.

>What are you, atheist?
I suppose so, I'm just not religious.
No one says the didn't fuck up people, especially in the Northern Crusades. Both most rulers/nobles converted to get on the good side of Rome, and over time the populace followed. In comparison to Muslims, the spread of Christianity was very less violent overall.
Stop LARPing as a neopagan brah.

>I fucking hate Christians. They absolutely ruined Europe's heritage and culture. Abrahamic religion is cancer.

Jesus Christ I fucking hate these threads. I really don't know why I read them. Especially when it's Americans hiding behind meme flags.

Everyone has bought into the of scientific reductivism.
>We have no scientific understanding of consciousness.

>It's a great show.
Yea, I can't wait for the next season. Even makes me want to pick up the books.

We didn't figure out why we should wash our hands until fairly recently in human history. We aren't that wise today, and we most certainly weren't wiser hundreds of years ago. Hell, just fifty years ago we believed nazis were making shrunken heads out of flammable jews.

Christianity was used to justify authoritarianism. Traditional liberalism was flat out derived from Christianity.

Read the Epistles of Paul in the NT. Christianity was first spread through Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Rome through the Apostles of Christ in the first century.

Practically speaking, it's also likely because it offers salvation for all, regardless of profession or works. Not everyone can be a warrior. I find the martyr worship particularly disgusting. Failure and weakness should not be celebrated

Nonetheless, Christian culture and tradition is far and away superior to the current secular paradigms, so I will continue my support and belief in it

because whites are smart. also, islam does not make sense


>Abrahamic religion is cancer.
haha look it's the muh abrahamic religion faggot again. you are retarded boy

>be late antiquity pagan
>some guy in a robe shows up claiming he can save my soul
>don't really care at first, but keep hearing him talk about how shitty everything is in life and can't really disagree with him
>he says the reason it's all shitty is because we're damned, everybody's damned, and our only hope is eternal salvation after death
>have no real way to argue with him on account of being an illiterate farmer, but I guess that sounds like a reasonable thing, but how do we get saved? This is the part where I have to sign myself into slavery or whatever right?
>actually it turns out I just have to submit before his god and ask to be saved, then if I want to show gratitude I can live according to his rules to be worthy of salvation
>holy shit that sounds choice, eternal afterlife at the price of some groveling (which I do already anyway to people far less deserving)? Sign me the fuck up.
It goes basically like that. Christians provided answers for why everything was shit, they had a common doctrine that let them give people a mystic solution to the age old problem of "everything is shitty and nothing seems to make it better".

supernatural things drove it.....don't worry about it, you'll see some things in this generation like the days of old....but you won't care,....


>Especially when it's Americans hiding behind meme flags.
Hey don't look at us when it comes to blaming neo-pagan faggots. Christianity built the foundation for modern Europe and guided it into the present, the Catholic Church is greatly responsible for preserving information and educating people over the course of history, as much as I dislike papists and general popery I'll give them that much.

>Traditional liberalism was flat out derived from Christianity.
Spot on. Luther played a massive role.


You mean peace beyond human understanding? Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Islam is the beast and muhammad is burning in hell like the warlord pedophile deserves.

>as much as I dislike papists and general popery I'll give them that much.
The pope is literally the anti-Christ

>martyr worship particularly disgusting. Failure and weakness should not be celebrated
If you think meekness is weakness try a weak being meek.
Also look up matyrs who literally are willing to die for their faith in the most brutal of ways like St Edmund, after he refused the Danes' demand that he renounce Christ: the Danes beat him, shot him with several arrows in the chest which failed to kill him and then beheaded him. Yet he still did not give up on Christ, that's brave af and its that same courageous spirit that carries the Christian faith today and inspires many great missionaries as well as warriors.

Aristotle literally came up with a proof of God based off of the fact that things change, and came up with things like natural law.

To claim that the Greeks were "agnostic" is to totally misunderstand them, but they were "science-based" to an extent, since they had Aristotle's idea of the four causes. But the theory of the four causes is teleological, so it is not "agnostic" in any way.

>I find the martyr worship particularly disgusting

If you dislike the idea of totally giving yourself to the fight for the good, that says many bad things about you

Don't you start shit with me you Anglican bastard, I'm Presbyterian.

>I fucking hate Christians. They absolutely ruined Europe's heritage and culture. Abrahamic religion is cancer.

It was inevitable user.History have laws just like physics do.
Once you have prosperous society like roman empire the role of warrior male diminishes and feminine values rise to the top.If it was not christianity it would have been some pagan feminine cult like Cibela or Diana with the same results more or less.

also FPBP


brainwashing works well.

it probably spread because monotheism is physiologically superior to polytheism, and Christianity was the first form of monotheism available to the Goyim. Actual (AKA non LARPing) Polytheists don't have a firm sense of self since their identity is fragmented between a number of spirits and archetypes that they see as external to themselves. Monotheism, per Jung, leads to an integration of the self archetype and a firmer individual identity

Aristotle isn't the only Greek philosopher you 'tard. Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Skepticism were, and are, massively influential.

>Once you have prosperous society like roman empire the role of warrior male diminishes and feminine values rise to the top.If it was not christianity it would have been some pagan feminine cult like Cibela or Diana with the same results more or less.

So many historically-ignorant people today. If you looked into the late Roman period at all you'd know that Christianity's only real competitors were religions like Mithraism and Manicheanism, and "pagan feminine cults" were not at all relevant.

>I'm Presbyterian.
Oh, my apologies, you already know that the pope is the anti-Christ

christianity has been one long act of deceit and contradiction Christianity is the revenge of the wandering Jew


Well Aristotle is the most influential and most intelligent Greek philosopher though (maybe the most intelligent man ever desu)

Best stoics were Roman.

>Christianity was very less violent overall.

you talk like a muslim

Plato is objectively superior to Aristotle in all ways.

>power of christ impresses when you understand his mind
>kept europe intact as it fell due to Muslims distription of mediterranian trade
>kept europe intact as barbarians wuz learning how to do greco-roman ideas
>kept europe in balance as barbarians developted their barbaric lands, either by force or diplomacy

salvation. eve laid the devil. Christ had NOTHING to do with vaginas. heaven doesnt either. muh jewry muh isis muh shekinah hoax muh 72 virgins muh save yourselves. that's why

I like how you cut out part where it's the spread of the religion compared to Islam.

Piece of piss, if God's on your side.

>killing nephilims is violent
oh well

The desert fathers, Antony and a wave of other Christian ascetics are really very responsible for Christianity's far reaching spread.