Sup Forums I just became a U.S. citizen
Got my passport and card
Sup Forums I just became a U.S. citizen
Got my passport and card
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Were you once a leaf?
No I was daca
>I just became a US citizen
Something that can be anything is nothing.
What a shitty country this has become.
why do you post will taking a shit?
also checked
Ayyy grats my niggy.
How long were you here before you applied since you were DACA?
Welcome to the US. You'll be contributing to society, integrating as a member of your community, and avoiding degeneracy and crime. Right?
Why didn't you stay in your own shitty country?
> poo gets citizenship
> decides to brag about it on Sup Forums
> literally pooing in picture
Cool now get out
can't blame you, the civilizations built by Whites are indeed superior
Barack Obamer looking ass nigga
Howg, my native friend.
do you work? do you contribute to America? do you get welfare? assistance? higher learning? how many kids do you have? are you now trying to get the rest of your ilk over here?
50 years ago being a citizen of the USA was a glorious thing. It isn't any more. Nothing against you personally, but in your own way you are proof that the glory is gone.
You need to go back
A nigger...
how does it feel you now a part of our 20 Trillion dollar national debt? Your share is about 80 thousand. Please remit payment before you decide to go back to wherever you came from because it's actually better there.
Shut up plebbitor. None of that matters. No niggers. Period.
Because I came to fuck white woman
stop biting your nails.. it's fucking disgusting
Wouldn't that be awesome if I was like ":( user is right" WRONG. Fuck you fucker.
So Democrats were simply lying when they are promoting a "pathway to citizenship"? Clearly you made it without their help.
would you vote for Trump?
If he's truly a Republican and a Sup Forums shitposter, I'd take him over some white San Francisco/NOVA faggot shitlibs or kikes any day.
And you will die here with that mindset. Try that BS in the wrong place and watch what happens to you.
Thank you for doing it legally and welcome to America.
I found the idiot, guys.
>using toilet
>brown person
>obvious proud poo taking poo in loo
Welcome to America!
we can still see your entire face you retarded nog
google search the image.
oh fucking boy another democrap voter
Nice photo shoot
Thanks, is that u?
yeah baby. wanna meet up?
>Flee from the socialist shithole you're from
>Get citizenship
>Vote for the same socialist policies
>Brag about the superiority of your previous home country
they flee from their shithole countries then try to make america like their old country. makes zero fucking sense.
Sorry, no. This is me.
Are you Argentinian?
Are you Tyrone?
Does it bother you that people are coming through illegally especially now that you are a legitimate US citizen?
Fuck off back to where you came from. This isn't a civic nationalist board, all shitskins need to get the fuck out
He gets laid? White bitches love """exotic""" dudes over boring white bread.
brows are 99% in the world, but whites are boring kek, you are not even a pure race, you are a mongrel, prob partially white mexican.
That's not very nice desu, check your internet etiquette my friend
I work at walmart
Okay Tyrhone
Are you in a bathroom taking a shit for this picture?
Why would you get the fucking card?
rinse and repeat
the ride never ends
Nice man happy for you but how did you do it you said you were DACA didn't Trump
Suspended that or something like that pretty jealous when I visit America I want to stay legally of course it's always sad going there.
I swear I've seen this thread a couple of months ago.