The moment this nigger went around healing people I knew he was jesus

The moment this nigger went around healing people I knew he was jesus.

>not muhammad

OP never heard of Black Jesus.
Fucking newfag.

I wasn't aware Muhammad was a healer?

user, we didn't see that guy raping any goats or camels, so that guy isn't Muhammad.

Not yet

I wasn't aware Joan of Arc had flame powers?


Does Hijikata knows the airplane guy?

No. Kanno Naoshi is from WW2 and Hijikata is from the Bakufu era. Nobody knows Naoshi.

it is probably Jesus
''i tried to save humanity, but they denied me"


Nah hitler shows up elsewhere.

ITT: Illiterate infidels.
"Whoever has ears, let him hear" should have given it away in ep1.

Yoichi is for ______

Everyone fucking knows it's Jesus. He just won't reveal it for fear of butthurt Christians. That being said, modern Christians are pussies, he shouldn't fear anything. Now if he had Muhammad in his story, now that is someone who should definitely stay hidden.

Sending off to kill stragglers and then harshly chastising for missing one.

Dropped like hot potato.

>Muhammad had the Stigmata
You tripping balls?

No, even though Naoshi self claimed as the Commander of Shinsengumi, he is no related to Hijikata nor Kondo in any way,
He just took the name for his fighter squad because it's cool

>Last episode
>Drifters win
>All get sent back to the moment of their death

Hitler did came to this world, 50 years before Toyo show up, they will talk about him in future episode

It's supposed to be revealed at the end.

Probably only Yoichi will be send back since it's historically confirmed that Yoichi died naturally at age 64 as a monk

DESU I just thought it was some guy who was shot in the hand

I am muslim, muhammad had stigmata, can confirm

The manga omake literally spelled it out as Black Jesus.

she was burnt so it's somewhat logical