Does Sup Forums like araragi under the bridge

does Sup Forums like araragi under the bridge

No, but I like Arakawa Under the Bridge. I should probably read the manga at some point.

The manga ending was shit.

run while you can

It was comfy to watch. There's a lot of good characters and peaceful atmosphere even in the endings.

I enjoy it, something about the comedy just click for me. Was comfy and relaxing type of show to watch.

Comfy is not the word I would use to describe a group of crazies living under a bridge

Did this shit ever end?
If so, how?

Barely got through the first season, probably won't see the second one.

What happened?

First episode was pretty hilarious.

Everything after felt bland.

I love it

First season is GOAT, second season is great till they start building the rocket to go to space then it becomes pretty shit

what happens?

Please learn how to post.

Didnt it end with the girl going to venus/jupiter or whatever? The last translated chapter I was able to find was the MC debating whether or not he had the right to stop her

Nino was revealed to actually have been a Venusian all along.

Venusians were said to be born in pairs and that they live with the pairs as lovers. In the past, Nino's twin (i.e. her Venusian pair) died when he heard she had been killed - by the Mayor (but that wasn't true, as she was alive). Because of that, her parents left her on Earth, because if she learned her partner was dead, and if she returned to Venus where everyone lives in pairs, she would die because her soul would have tried to find her brother. So, she was left with the Mayor on Eaeth, since unlike Venusians, Earthlings aren't born in pairs, so she'll be with other loners and, hopefully, one day she'll find someone who'll love her.

However, one guy showed up by the end named Amashoku, who started getting close to Nino. It turned out he was being possessed by Nino's pair/brother, and once she learned about that she became torn between him and Rick. At first, she was leaning toward her brother, but still chose Rick in the end.

Looks like you need to go back to school, because you learn how to post haha

>the quality of the posts is extremely important for the community


> At first, she was leaning toward her brother, but still chose Rick in the end
for fucks sake
