What the fuck is happening.
Magi 326
Does Yunan get mindbroken?
Judal a best.
Just waiting on translations.
Is the anime a faithful adaptation of the manga? Can I skip the first 200 chapters so that I can continue with the story?
You could probably get away with watching the anime. They change some stuff but nothing too huge, I don't think.
What the fuck? Wasn't his body destroyed?
Everyone is as confused as you, user. They even mentioned it last chapter, right?
I'll be doing the same as last week and translating this as soon as my native language updates with it which should be Monday/Tuesday at the latest.
I hope you guys don't mind ugly scans though because I don't really have the time to make everything pretty.
God's work, user.
Fuck the autists. You do you.
Glad to hear it, user, I'll make this a regular thing.
>Morgana rejected me
Wait, what?
Is this what the fuck they meant by the world has changed?
you're doing well so don't worry about all that.
The chapter is strange and i like that for now.
It's odd. I'm not really fond of this postponing the wedding by making Alibaba insane or something, though.
Heck, I don't know anymore.
I think I would rather Sinbad just have interrupted normally because this feels like a silly way to just drag this wedding out.
Nah the anime sucks, start from chapter 1 lazy faggot.
I wonder if she really rejected him in this universe or if he just thinks that she did.
Baba suffering never ends.
At least people can stop saying he doesn't love her, he looks really damn upset.
I doubt Sinbad had anything to do with this. At least, I hope not. That would be the pettiest thing ever, you become God and the first thing you do is make a girl dump a guy? Ridiculous.
Then why would she ever dump him? She's been in love with this guy for years and accepted that proposal in a heartbeat.
I mean, clearly something happened and I don't think she did this by her own free will.
Eleore posted that Sinbad rewrote everything and that's why this is happening.
Alibaba about to get laid after hundred years of suffering
Sinbad rewrote the world make Mor dump him when she and Baba are about to marriage
Sinbad, the absolute madman
Wait, fuck, I derped, that was someone else.
Fucking sinbad die already. It was Alibaba's time to get laid why does this faggot have destroy this.
I don't see the point of this.
Morgiana dumps him because the world is rewritten and she didn't really have a choice, Great, then what. We all know they're going to fix this and make up, what's the point in dragging this out?
>Morg is such a non character that she's now the only one of the supposed trio of main characters that Sinbad changed
When will Sinbad dick all the pretty girls of the world while he make all the males can only fap and cry at the side. Or he will make all the males become little girls and dick them all
Nah i'm not a fan of sinbad but his character is not so petty as to ruin baba's relationship like that for NO reason especially after he's achieved his goal, he has no reasons to mess with baba like that.
I mean, what does he even gain from making morg not like baba?
To showcase what a dick Sinbad is. In fact Sinbad is such a dick he'd outright turn everyone Aladdin cares about into human meat shields should Aladdin ever even try to oppose him. The problem is with this, how the fuck do you beat a guy that's omnipotent and omniscient?
Did Sinbad literally cockblock Alibaba out of spite?
>Nah i'm not a fan of sinbad but his character is not so petty as to ruin baba's relationship like that for NO reason especially after he's achieved his goal, he has no reasons to mess with baba like that.
Because he's a petty little shit.
Didn't you see how he went ALIBABA REEEE HE'S RUINING MUH FATE earlier?
He rewrote the entire universe to do it too the absolute madman.
I swear if Sinbad changed Mor then in the next chapter he will also cuck Aladdin by changed Fish too. The queen of kou now is his sex slace, pretty neat
>of all things he could rewrite like Reim suddenly wanted to join the IA Sinbad is gonna waste his time doing something like make morg reject baba
I mean if you want to make him the final boss fair enough but doing intentional pointless cringeworthy shit like this to make him look "evil" is laughable
Phase 1: cancel the wedding
Phase 2: fuck Morg in front of Alibaba for the rest of eternity
>The universe literally bend over just to cockblock Alibaba
Jesus fucking Christ
This is another level
He's petty when his goals are in his way.
Like i said, what the fuck does this morg crap have anything to do with his goals? He's literally god of the verse now so baba is insignificant.
>Literally bending the entire universe just to cockblock another guy because you're jealous of him
Sinbad microdick confirmed.
I was neither for or against Sinbad before but I'm starting to really hate him. This is just petty as fuck.
I fucking called it, watch how next chapter all of Kou's international relationships fail and he rewrites the laws of magic so all their tech no longer works.
This is fucking stupid now.
>Having Morgiana break up
This is not even good suffering.
This is just pathetic story telling
>"""""""women mangaka are good"""""""
I'm usually the first to defend this manga but honestly this.
We KNOW they're going to kiss and make up or whatever later. We would get that Sinbad is a dick even if he did something else. There's no real point to this besides shipping drama of which we already know the outcome of.
I'm convinced the past 10 chapters have been specifically dedicated to assassinating Sinbad's character. He's been degraded so much in the past few months it's unreal. He went from a charismatic and enigmatic leader with real goals to this completely unlikeable, petty, boring shit in the space of a few weeks. Why did Ohtaka do this to him after all these years of building him up? What the fuck happened?
shipfags BTFO
Not really, we know everything will be fine, this is a shounen manga at the end of the day.
Which makes this situation dumber.
>Tfw the politics/economics was the only good part of the arc
Sinbad will probably also make all his old allies that would disagree with his actions follow him to the death now.
It's all good m8.
>Trying to write more Alibaba suffering
>It is shit as it is forced as fuck
This was the last time it was good.
Time for me to drop Magi until it's over and then bulk read it. See you guys later.
What happened to this manga? It used to be my favourite but now it's gotten so bad.
Yeah back when Morg rejected him on the boat despite all the build up it was already forced.
So what kind of bullshit do you expect aladdin to pull out when he manages to defeat sinbad since discussion is never gonna work with them?
This is disappointing.
What does Ohtaka want us to believe? That she'll make a tragedy and keep them apart forever? Everyone knows how this is going to end.
I have no clue, it's just going to be one asspull after the other from now on since we've reached the domain of characters having the powers of gods with seemingly no defined limits.
I assume only Djinn wielders and Magi will be semi-safe from Sinbad's powers because of how Sinbad was saved from Ugo's god powers by his Djinns. Trust no one else.
Why is Aladdin looking lewd here?
Aladdin is always a very lewd boy.
Thanks a lot, user. Love ya for this.
Keep in mind, if someone tries to shit on your work, it's more than likely some stupid Sense shill so ignore them.
It's alright, it's why I choose to post here rather than anywhere else. At least they can't bother me that way.
Also, you're welcome.
buenos dias arba!
Goddamn, just let Alibaba get laid already.
Based amon gonna tell the other fuckers djinns who the real king is
>Preventing Baba from getting laid
Of all the evils Sinbad could commit, that's the worst.
Mfw Sin did all this shit just to cuck Baba.
More like get gangraped by the other 7 that sinbad have.
Seriously his manga needs to fucking tell me how he managed to get Zepar already.
baba should have already smashed her by now if we're being real.
Unless your one of those
>muh sex after marriage
Is he so heartbroken that he started melting?
He is probably just angry/envious at Alibaba for having success in life previously, when he [Sinbad] was the only one supposed to see destiny and be on top of life there. He already admited he is (was) just a greedy human being, so he can just fuck up Alibaba's life and don't feel remorse anyway.
It won't stop with just his love life, I guess. Watch next week his business go to hell and Kou's economics get shitty too.
I see, I see. This chapter is Alibaba suffering again huh. Great chapter
If Sinbad cuck Baba then he will also cuck Aladdin by making Fish, the queen of Kou his sex slave
Morg probably threw him somewhere where he got wet.
He already fucked Alibaba's life up for now, he needs to leave Aladdin alone.
What the hell happened to this manga? I haven't read in months and was about to pick it up again, but it seems pointless now.
Nah he's high off god powers, he'll be so blatant about it that when they ask he'll just straight up and say "Yes I'm god, what are you gonna do about it?"
Why need to make Kou's economy go shit why he can just make the queen of Kou his bitch
Well, the most recent chapter reveals that Ohtaka has put yet another nail in the series by pandering to NTRfags.
Ignore this guy. Just ignore the ending to season 1 and the stuff about Alibaba becoming a dark king. None of that happens in the manga. It's just stuff they shoehorned in because I guess they thought it was just going to be one season and so they came up with an OC ending.
I feel legitimately sorry for Baba.
It must feel like shit to think someone you love decided you suck for absolutely no reason that close to your wedding. Of course he doesn't know it's not really her choice but that just probably hurts him more.
>He already admited he is (was) just a greedy human being, so he can just fuck up Alibaba's life and don't feel remorse anyway.
Still don't see how its got to do with fucking baba over when he gains nothing from it, like before he fucked him over to ensure his business stays at the top but this, seems like a waste of time.
>he can just make the queen of Kou his bitch
What's the fun of fucking with someone if they're not conscious that they're getting fucked over, he'd get bored if he just broke her.
I bet 10 bucks it has nothing to do with morg and you all are meme'ing
> FishBabafags and HakuMorfags come alive again
Stay in tumblrshit
>I guess they thought it was just going to be one season and so they came up with an OC ending.
Which doesn't make sense since the second season was announced in the same episode
>yfw it's not Morg that's been messed by Sinbad but Alibaba who went off to 5 different whore houses and fucked multiple women and then went to brag about it to Morg
>gains nothing from it
He gains the pleasure of watching his rival being screwed up by destiny
It's because of this people are calling him petty. It literally doesn't have any logical reason besides wanting to fuck his rival's life
Translations of the pages are out bruh. Morg dumped Baba.
Why would they? If they think this means anything for them then they are delusional. This is more like delaying BabaMor fucking than actually splitting them apart.
Yeah now the wedding will just be an epilogue thing in the final chapter. The only possible significant change is that maybe Aladdin won't get to be present at it if he ends up becoming god like his dad to beat Sinbad.
You underestimate shippers. There are people on that board that completely and earnestly believed Chitoge wouldn't win.
Yeah, I was expecting the wedding to be delayed until the very end anyway. It's a little sad though, I was hoping to see how Ohtaka would write the whole thing.
>He gains the pleasure of watching his rival being screwed up by destiny
He's not even a rival at this point now and he's never been shown to do stoop this low for literally nothing