What a fucking moron. Fuck this guy.
What a fucking moron. Fuck this guy
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No bitch fuck you. Faggot mother fucking cunt bitch ass nigger. Roast beef pussy lookin face ass. Bean shaped head lockin face ass. Go fuck yo mom in the eye socket face ass.
Your daddy issues are showing up, schizo trump cultist.
Envious that he had a father?
Ha, Hillary lost faggot.
Yo mom calls me daddy.
Trump is the Man! Fuck obummer!
>still getting triggered by Donald's shitposts on Twatter
This is now a pro Trump thread. Post em.
so what is the origin of this photo?
his butt is fat and wide?
what's the point? thicc trump?
i know many girls who like guy butts
The point is to body shame him.
Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.
Your Dear Leader talks like a 5 year old child.
Sup Forums - It's Okay When Donald John Trump Does It
>he studied (((psychology)))
get a job.
oh you can't?!?
i dont really grasp it though
butts are butts
if you look at someones butt you will see butt
what does it matter the size or shape
butts are butt
i feel like this was the most jidf forced meme
>suddenly it's not ok to body shame a fat tub of lard
Republican hypocrisy par for the course.
Honestly, why is he so fat and why does he like accusing other people of being short and fat? It's like he's a primary-school dropout. What retards would elect someone like this as their president?
i think u mean donald john DRUMPF
Fake problems, is not about him faggot. there are way more people behind him. hillary is a friend of trump. they are all on the same side.
They just cause fake problems to consume you. So you do not have any time / energy to talk about the real issue.
He has a great ass
kill yourself my mans
But aren't you going to decry how shameful it is for Democrats to be fat shaming c'mon man don't stop!
>He has a great ass
you're the one with daddy issues friendo. I like Trump because he reminds me of my dad.
a great secret of comedy
who makes the best fat jokes?
fat people
who laughs the hardest at fat jokes?
fat people
Suddenly it is OK to shame fat people. Liberal hypocrisy in full view.
Nah I dont give a shit really, Trump is /our fatguy/, go suck another dick homie
Trump pretty clearly called himself fat when he said "I have never seen a thin person drink diet coke" and loves it so much he installed a diet coke delivery button.
>this guy fat shames women
so why do fat women become HYSTERICAL?
so much for the intolerant right...
whats wrong with that
waaah, Trump isn't behaving according to the rules the media has previously established and muh social group tells me not to like it...KYS FAGGOT.
Oh shit. You called him drumph. I guess you win. I just cant compete with that. Your massive intellect btfo anything i could say. You are truly a genius. You could've attecked his policies or decisions but when we go low you go high. I salute you sir. I never thought i would encounter such a powerhouse of brain power. Maybe if President Trump had came up with such a name for hillary he could have won the popular vote.
He has a superior ass and is a genius of the unconventional serve.
>Nah I dont give a shit really I just involuntarily came to the defence of a fat fuck getting attacked i couldn't help myself I literally have no self-control
k fag
Great thread!
He's got a fat ass but he is still a billionaire and president of the united states. You just have a fat ass.
>dat booty
no homo
God Bless our Glorious and Fearless Emperor-god President Daddy Trump!!
>trying this hard to avoid an L when I dont fit your BLUMPFKIN HYPOCRISY paradigm
Last post 4u loser. SAD
>President Daddy Trump!!
Your daddy issues are showing up, schizo trump cultist.
>so why do fat women become HYSTERICAL?
Honestly, can you feel good about this fat shaming?
All memes aside it was a stupid thing to add in the tweet.
Healthy ass plenty of bread and above it all hes got this waiting in bed.
Look at this fat faggot. LoL. What an obese motherfucker!
Cheers, fag
Yup. Hottest and also the most intelligent first lady ever.
because he is TALL and fat. manlet
If you actually think she lets him fuck her, you're a moron.
I've never given a shit about calling fat people out for being fat, just pointing out the hypocrisy.
Trump is a 70 year old senior citizen, nobody expects him to be ripped and handsome.
You jelly fag? What do you know about her. Fucking nothing just flapping your stupid big lips like always.
you are so jealous. clearly a lefty
that is all lefties are btw
waaw he has things, I don't, gib
#sad actually
>fat-shames women
Is that referring to the Rosie O'Donnel feud? Because there were plenty of shit flinging in both directions.
Lefties are literally nothing but projection and jealously from top to bottom. Pathetic hypocritical faggots.
>Trump is still triggering cucks left and right with his tweets
Oh sweetie. Did your two dads not explain the birds and the bees to you?
I am so glad that his presidency is crumbling
>I don't get it why do people vote for trump!??
>HaHAHAHA you stupid idiot republicans you talk like 5 year olds you RETARDS!!!
I know you're in this pic related somewhere.
the trumpfags are easily triggered when you post unflattering images of trump
duly noted
I think you might want to look up the definition of that word. He is thicc in all of these.
you think we are triggered when you post GEOTUS?
"oh yes donald. you're so big. oh yes. no one is bigger than you."
>reddit spacing, pls go back
>suddenly it's not okay to be a hypocrite
>>reddit spacin
hes your leader to, guy
Yeah sure. My Dear Leader talks like a 5 year old child.
wtf i hate the enter key now
He’s not that far anymore. Post a recent pic of him in the Philippines in the hook outfit. He’s slimed down. Plus, he’s 70 for fucks sakes
He’s a billionaire who fucks a 10/10 model and is the most powerful man in the free world.
Trump > Everyone else
Ya, no way she lets a billionaire who’s the most powerful man in the free world fuck her.
Go shine your EBT card
It’s actually the complete opposite.
Go get run over by a Muslim.
And also, she is barely a woman.
>He’s slimed down.
Trump's enemies:
>single mom roasties
And we're the ones with issues with father figures?