As strong as two child gokus

>as strong as two child gokus

So stronger than Saitama?

As strong as a kid who can lift rocks and turtles?

I think it's only because of the gun.

Also how the FUCK was Goku intended to wipe out the human race as a baby when a farmer could have shot him in the fucking face? If it hadn't been for Roshi and holy water giving Goku power ups he wouldn't have even defeated Tien.

Maybe he'd have gotten stronger at a faster rate without the brain damage?

Well Goku was supposed to be pretty shitty for a Saiyan.

Also this possibly

Lay low until a full moon. Kill everything as an Oozaru.

>Gets Mafuba'd

yeah, but what normal human being would shot a baby in the face? i repeat, NORMAL

You mean as strong as two newborn Gokus, no way he was still a 2 after training with grandpa Gohan

>People still believe made up power levels

If it's not in the manga it's not real

You have a point

That's some actual fucked up translation shit.

Goku wasn't sent to earth to take it over, that was more of a cover story.

You know, the Bardock rebellion and all.

Other way around. Goku at the start of the manga had a power level of 10.

Bad writing, same as the entire dragon ball series

The whole concept behind it is that Goku would go on a rampage on a full moon and wipe humanity out. It doesn't matter how week he is, he'd still become exponentially stronger at a full moon.

It was retconned. They sent Goku to a weakest, most habitable planet they could find to save him.

t. opmfag

Master Roshi was only as powerful as 50 farmers with shotguns yet he singlehandedly canonically took out more than 50 of Golden Frieza's elite forces.

Not a single word of that sentence is canon

Why was Jaco freaking out so badly about a baby saiyan coming to Earth? Why would he use a genocide device on an entire planet of innocent people just because of that?

If they can build doomsday weapons that can fit in your pocket why don't they just send infiltrators to Allah Ackbar all the worlds in Freizas empire and destroy his forces?

Oozaru was defeated by Puar and Yamcha, it never had a chance to defeat humanity.

That shit was retarded and the worst.
Goku's mom turns out to be a special snowflake 'peaceful kindhearted saiyan', despite the fact he was a regular genocidal saiyan asshole until he smashed his head and got near fatal brain-damage?
They should have never revived the series.

Each one of those soldiers should have a power level of over 1000 since back in Namek even Frieza's weakest soldiers though they could easily defeat Namekians with a power level of 1000.

How the fuck did Roshi even beat a single one of them when he was scared shitless of an old King Piccolo with a power level of 200 and he didn't even bother fighting against Raditz.

Because plot convenience

How does a single monkey destroy a planet?

The new stuff is total crap trying to pander to nostalgiafags, its the entire reason they had a freiza movie in the first place and gave him a shitty recolour super saiyan-knockoff form

He doesn't, he just need to kill all the living beings that are captable of fight back.

It was more Puar and I think the Saiyans could be forgiven for not expecting a cat to be able to turn into scissors.
Still doesn't excuse Vegeta losing his tail to Yajirobe's sword.

I doubt it. Child goku can easily dodge the bullets and kamehameha him.

Goku was sent to wipe out the Earth.

>the bardock rebellion

what is this rewrite garbage

As a kid Goku was strong from training with his Grandpa but he would have been content hunting fish for food the rest of his life. A savage Goku probably would have been training and fighting dinosaurs his entire life and constantly getting mauled half to death and getting powerups. Roshi still probably would have put him down but he could do a lot of damage.

that retcon was the lowest peak in Toriyama's hack list
Goku's story ended like a carbon copy of Superman's

Giant ape form, that's how.


Newborn infant vs 12 year old boy

By your logic it's an even fight