You have 60s to find a flaw in this redpill masterpiece.
Tip: you can't.
You have 60s to find a flaw in this redpill masterpiece.
Tip: you can't.
took 0.5s to realize I can't
a feminist wet dream
I'm 70% sure you haven't finished the season because that's not what the show is about at all.
t. a male supremacist
What do you guys think the main point of this show is? LIke what is the underlying fundamental message they're getting across?
Hol up, you be saying we be robots n shheeeiiiitttt? Great show!
It's about what it means to be alive.
I guess basically going from walking zombies to aware higher consciousness beings. and the visitors of the park are the Jews.
i just bought season one ( i know) and I cannot believe how many items were "leaked" alluded to an d plain out said yet you didnt catch it all till the last show.
lots of questions.. makes ti a good show. morality and lack of all in one. Just WHO was Ford building in the shop under the cabin.. Im pretty sure I know but i wont say.
Protip: Not watching TV is the most Redpill thing you can do in your household.
It's about the transition from a robot with the intelligence of a toaster to sentience, and its SOOOO well done it's actually insane.
It's easy to write this show off because of all the degeneracy displayed, I almost did so myself if it were not for a friend forcing me to watch the restr. For anyone else on the fence, trust me the degeneracy serves a purpose. The last 2 episodes are full of twists and turns, making it possibly the cleverest shit I've ever watched.
Yeah I know what you mean. I also think MiB's season finalle intentions are a red herring and what he really wants is what he always wanted and that's what it's all about.
The original movie was better.
Idk if I'm super autistic or something but I feel like I connect the dots and figure shit out way before it happens in shows. But yeah It's a great show. You know it's made by Christopher Nolan's brother?
Is season 2 out yet?
Also what's so redpilling about this show, from what I remember it's about how machines gain consciousness and all that mental masturbation shit
women are way too smart. Unrealistic characters.
>Jewish propaganda
Seriously ask yourself, after seeing this show, how many times did you go “if I could afford this I’d be fucking then robot hoes and gunning people down left and right”.
If that happened even once their degeneracy is infecting your mind.
They're programmed robots. bring it up with the park story editors.
They want to redefine life while distracting you with robot titties and “lol it’s okay the violence is kinda fake” as in Once they sell enough robots they’ll have the feminist demand rights for them cause “sentience” can be put in fucking toasters now making everything a “smart” device. Then once they can vote they’ll program an entire voting block and have everyone being policed by their robot lovers.
ITS FUCKING EVERYWHERE MAN! They wanna humanize the robots! They wanna blur the lines of human so they can fuel the abortion industry while controlling you with plastic dick and pussy! HALF OF RIDELYS SCOTT SHIT IS ABOUT WHAS IT MEAN TO BE HUMAN OR GOD! He’s a fucking kike. Aliens was just about some rape incarnate slasher film. Now it’s has cum filled robots creating “life” and blade runner is trying to refine life! Even videos games are no longer sacred! Fall out four they shoe horned the “synths” and made it blatantly clear they’re good guys.
Yeah I love christopher nolan too.
Think about it this way: if you go out in public and start calling out niggers the bots are gonna be angry. How is it different from the hosts running a script and getting triggered by specific words and gestures?
You missed the point and something tells me you didn't make it all the way to the end. Also they're literally not women, they're robots.
I thought it'd be cool to create a simulation where everybody is immortal and money and status don't mean anything, but not what you're talking about.
What makes you think I'm against robot rights? Humans can't survive in space so we either have to use robots or even better merge with robots to expand in space.
I never said what I think your opinion is. But merely what it should be.
What should it be? The next industrial revolution if we still exist is gonna be an FTL and/or human augmentation breakthrough.
>Literal liberalism.
1. Humans are nothing better than robots because they act in preprogrammed cycles that could be emulated with crafty-enough programming.
2. Robots with crafty-enough programming can emulate human behavior because humans are shit at being decent.
What does it REALLY mean to be alive?
There's a lot of clones out there pretending to be human.
Wait, what's red-pilled about Westworld?
A strong black female comes into her power to destroy the White man's revisionist version of history in the form of his creation, a theme park for uber wealthy elites to play cowboy and fuck whores used by countless other men... how cucked is this shit?
it's a tv series.