Anyone here want his son to be a thug
Anyone here want his son to be a thug
what could go wrong, OP?
white people are terrible
kill the kids before they become a nigger too.
Niggers are worse than feral dogs
i pray just once i witness this happening with my CCW
Liberals would blame the white man for oppressing those kids
> dad, can I hang out with Tyrone?
There is literally nothing wrong with being white.
> mom, I'm going to Shaniqua's house to study
Shorty wanna be a thug?
> I'm cool with minorities, bro
I will teach my kids not to hang around niggers... just like niggers teach their nigglets not to hang around us
> I'm glad our school is diversified. We get a fuller education
White people are all horrible and need to be replaced in their own countries so they stop offending POC.
white people have most of the recessive genes, bioweapons will probably affect you people the most.
ITs not that they tell them not to hang around us. If anything its the opposite and they have to be involved with EVERYTHING whites do or they scream RAYCISM.
I blame the parents who teach them no respect, that white people OWE THEM and that we need to be punished for being sucessful while they have more kids then they can afford and live in poverty.
Im honstely sick of it all. The 1st generation immigrants are usually fine. Its the 2nd and 3rd and even 4th generations that are becoming a nightmare and actual threat to the rest of us.
burn the coal, pay the toll
> I'm so glad I sent my daughter to public school
> I don't want my child to be sheltered. A public school education creates a more rounded individual
plz gib source
no source but for the fun:
>Implying regressive genes are automatically bad for a race.
I even dare to say there are many idiots that think regressive genes means inferiority.
Fucking nogs, you can just tell they are jealous of straight hair.
Nappy hair is fucking gross
I didn't mind black people like pic related way back when. Somewhere though, their culture has changed. Unironically, would Sup Forums go back in time and talk to some black jazz people? They seem like pretty cool people.
> talk to some black jazz people
be sure to pick up Cliff Huxtable, too.
Since you're looking for fictional black characters
literally more prone to skin cancer, eye damage, bone problems, etc.
>Superior because I look gud
All people have some drawbacks. All races have weak links, all races have degenerates.
blacks usually hang out in large groups of blacks so you can't hang out with them if you're not black they'll just rob you and beat you up. "based black men" usually are the only black guy in a groups of mixed spics asians whites and others.
Depends on the climate, nigger.
>literally more prone to skin cancer, eye damage, bone problems, etc.
Else i'd just say it's because people from a civilized society tend to get older, hence they face new problems.
I don't know what it's like to live in a non-majority black city. Everywhere I go since I was a child looks like planet of the apes. And I've seen more chimpouts than I can remember. And know many people who've been affected by black on white violence.
You don't cite any source so you're probably full of shit but I'll take those for having zero chance for shit like sickle cell.
People of different races also age differently. Although these types of things are affected by lots of factors including environmental ones, in general, we can see clear trends.
sickle cell is also a mutation whose phenotype is a result of recessive genes.
Kek she's the only white person in that webm, guaranteed her main nig caught her fucking some other blackie and chimped out as per usual.
So she deserved this
And? Its a recessive gene mutation only people with black ancestry have.
This, apes are definitely jealous
And? I said before that people with recessive genes are more likely to be affected by bio-weapons. All races can have recessive genes. But white people are sure to have some recessive genes.
It was just a joke. True, kinda sad, but a joke nonetheless.
oogie woogie me like the special color water
The absolute state of niggers
user you got the story on this one?
That's not an opinion, it's a question.
In a survey asking if white people would switch their race to that of another in order to avoid recessive genes all 600 million white people answered either 'no' or 'fuck no.' In a surprise twist more than 5/6 of coloreds said they would switch to being white despite recessive genes.
Wrong, it's about what you target with a specific designed bio-weapon.
If i target genes and DNA strings that only shitskinlers have, i will most likely not affect any whites at all.
It's like coding a computer virus. The virus can target a windows computer, because it is designed for doing so, but it will never damage a computer with linux or OS-x installed. These operating systems need their "own" viruses to get their OS fukked.
>user you got the story on this one?
more news at 11
I'd rather know my dad
I fucking LOVE that they are self-segregating now, which is what Dr. Pierce, GLR, even Malcolm X-mas have been calling for all along. It's just a matter of time now before the niggers call for more shekels for their own "historically black" unis and even all negro companies and towns and never have to lay eyes on their niggers asses again. Final step is simply diving up the US and giving them 13% of the nation and give spics california, and then have an White ethnostate. THEN we deal with the Jews.
>giving them 13% of the nation
yeah, worked out well for Israel. There are no jews anywhere in the world BUT Israel.
Fuck that - niggers don't deserve any land. Kill them all
>story on this one?
pretty obviously a nigger witch in Africa. for a good laugh, search on jewtube "african witches." If White do-gooders would just piss off, they'd cull their own population by up to 10% thinking they are witches. Could make it even better by using remote speakers to play scary howling sounds in their villages at night and other shit.
>yeah, worked out well for Israel
The Jew has been a wandering parasite for over 3,000 years. They can't live without sucking blood from a host. Here, the negro is now ASKING to be segregated. What more could anyone ask for? give them fucking alabama or even better miami beach and brooklyn.
I'd LOVE to know this nigger's GPA and LSATs:
B.A. 1997, University of Michigan;
J.D. 2000, Columbia University;
B.C.L. 2002, Oxford University
For a nigger not to be able to make it into Harvard/Stanford/Yale law, do you have any idea how dumb they have to actually be?
>What more could anyone ask for?
just cut off all Government Gibs.
It'd be the black man's Trail of Tears
This is false on a ton of different levels. Bioweapons, if ever brought to true fruition, will be destructive on a scale that is unfathomable to people such as yourself. Your immune system won't be enough to deal with a virus engineered with you in mind. No amount of "Muh dominant genetics" will be enough to trump something specifically designed to kill you.
would north sea be caucasians?
Thank you.
I'd love to see someone so smug stand in a cloud of neurotoxins thinking his superior genetics will save him from the neurotoxins blocking the signals to make his heart beat
unreal isn't it - in the west for more than 2 centuries, had over 140 years since slavery, given money and free everything and they still basically behave as if still in the jungle
Again, incorrect. Bioweapons will do what they were designed to do. If I engineer a bioweapon to kill a specific group, it will do that regardless of the presence or absence of recessive genes.
You're talking to someone who thinks it's awesome to make a jihadi memeflag. Whichever the race, he's a retard. But yeah you are correct
Who would want to hang out with a nigger?
what study is this from?
>white people have most of the recessive genes
says the litteral inbreed
Lmao even if that were true why tf would that make us more vulnerable to bioweapons? Do you even know what it means for a gene to be recessive?
I welcome this. Segregate niggers.
I would murder someone if they did that to my kid.
fuuuck, literally triggered me. I had this same thing happen to me in Baltimore back in uni, except the nig faggot wasn't strong enough to knock me out and I just ran. Fucking niggers, hope they die of lead paint poisoning.
Niggers are so gross yet fun to watch. This thread feels like a zoo.
>literally more prone to skin cancer, eye damage, bone problems, etc.
True but misleading. White people are the result of natural selection in Europe. Europeans had a grain based diet and didn't get a lot of sunlight due to dense forests and overcast skies. Because of this dark skinned people literally died out in Europe and only the lower melinine genes survived. Keep this in mind.
Now, let's take this person and drop him in a region of the world with totally foreign weather and diet. This person would likely be outperformed by those who were naturally selected for that part of the world.
That is what you are essentiall saying. The fact that Europeans get sunburns and eye damage from the sun is simply due to them being evolved to suit another region. This has nothing to do with recessive genetics and everything to do with evolution you idiot.
The bone density or the lack thereof isn't related to dominant genetics. It's simply an expression of genetics the same way some people are tall and others short.
Tomoko a cute
This. He's totally full of shit or a troll.
Wait..he sucking on that cows ass to get high? Is he huffing methane from the source?
I want his son dead
Might sound like a stupid question but is this porn
>when you're the same color as the fucking cow
Not a thug, but I do expect them to observe vendetta if necessary, and you should expect the same of your children and relatives if you are white.
This kid just got 9 years for this.
How Brain dead are those people at new york times.
better yet Black kids should always have white friends.
Actually if you watch the full video she is defending another white kid the chimps grouped on.
Please post black parenting webm's
Was a nice middle class nigger
But Sup Forums knew the evil he'd do when he got a lil bigger
Negress needs double-tapped
Yeah, the porn industry in Saudi is booming right now, retard
Did you read the whole thread on the website that was originally posted on? I did. You dont understand what you are looking at, or you wouldn't be posting it.
really activates the old almonds
can we meme the blacks into bringing back segregation?
My opinion as black who hates nigger "culture". I feel whites are more of a positive than negative. After being raised in the hood for half of my life. Having experiences given to me by whites that have changed my life. I don't understand why blacks wouldn't want their child interacting with whites. Its almost developmental death for that child.
I feel for Arab/Black women...
Also nice tits.
Yeah the "talented tenth" is not really stupid and can appear bright on the surface. Can never do math.
These are the annoying people who get constant affirmative action to advance them way above their ability into good jobs, where you have to tolerate them and often have to help them.
Since I live at a safe distance, I don't mind the lower 80% of blacks. They are no threat to my interests, and most never get any affirmative action. I don't want to spend a lot of money on them, but I don't mind them if they can just live quiet self-supporting lives like anyone else.
Funny thing is the opposite article would have more data to support it.
Blacks didn't invent jazz (that was a white guy) but they did some cool things with it. Some blacks have a certain talent for what sounds nice. It's a nice contribution (just about their only one) to our culture.
Mist be nice being new as well as have no understanding of Photoshop.
So blacks want segregation back?
Bully. Great idea desu
Trump has said very nice things and proposed more support to HBCU's. Smart.
Ayy nyt really kiking it up lately wew! Keep going! Yeah
Should get strung up on a lamp post. Write that down NSA.
redhead every fucking time