>Stop sinning
Stop sinning
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give foreskin back cuck
Jesus didn't castrate you.
he allowed it to happen, fuck him. If he wants me back then he should mircale my foreskin back and return me to a teenager to make up for lost time.
Jesus would look nothing like that but nice try leaf.
but i can't i have original sin
ok desu
>Anything I arbitrarily dislike is "sinning"
y-yes lord
Already on it thanks for the reminder
Forgive me for my trespasses as I forgive those who trespassed against me
Lead me not into temptation and deliver me from evil
thanks lord
>>(You) are the way and the truth and the light
Jesus allowed it to happen, yes. That does not mean he approved of it or can not use the situation for good.
'circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God'.
-Romans 2:29 (NKJV).
>Wants foreskin back so can sin more.
Great idea.
What makes you obsessed over this?
Get the fuck over it you whiny pathetic faggot. Quit obsessing over your fucking dick.
fuck him
galatians 5:1-3
says the guy with long hair which come the new testament is a abomination same as a woman who wears a mans clothing or shell fish
i will be damned if im going to let some transvestite shell fish talk shit to me. fite meh fgt
now gib bf
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Make me
Christ is risen.
>galatians 5:1-3
Jesus is referring to Judeans who use to obsess over circumcision as a way of honouring God's promise and law. As the covenant was fulfilled in NT, it is dangerous for people to continue obsessing over circumcision. This is why he suggests Christ will be of 'no value to you at all' if you do not accept the new covenant; the whole law includes Christ, circumcision alone cannot fulfill it.
>Stop sinning
Forgive me my lord, my sins are so heavy
Stop attacking other people's Religions and
way of life not everyone believes in what you do & they don't appreciate your pushing your Religious beliefs on them just A Tip
yeah sure >anything i dont like in the bible is a metaphor, typical. The kikes tricked your parents into sending you to hell for not looking like a hasidic kike
It's hard lord, I'm trying
Jews want you to hate THIS
Nice English skills.
I do not recognize jewish notions of sin.
>Doesn't realise Jesus often spoke in metaphors and parables so that only those who pursued him would understand (Matthew 13:11-13).
If you want to learn more about the verse, check out some commentaries. e.g. Matthew Henry. The Bible is a complex set of documents, with thousands of links between books.
uh huh, says there plain as day if you are cut christ is of no use to you, you are obligated to follow the whole law. Those fags are just trying to justify what their parents did to them and what they did you their sons. Assholes, all of them.
Jesus Christ hates child porn more than you could ever imagine...
Christ forgives all who believe in him.
This user is right. Lrn to total depravity! We're so sinful that even when we think we're doing the right thing we are sinning.
I live a pious Christian life.
You have the authority for endless energy under Christ.
Straw man. Completely ignored what I typed last two posts. Jesus did not promote circumcision as necessary to salvation under NT. It was a covenant/promise between God and Judeans (see Abraham).
You'll have a better time if you stop trying to interpret verses on your own understanding and knowledge of the text. But I fear your intent is to be malicious, rather than earnestly seek to understand.
Yeshua teach me senpai
Rejecting the messiah is as jewish as it gets.
>the verses dont mean what they literally say, they mean what i want them to, sorry youre too stupid to understand
just fuck off, you lose this one champ
Please lord, help me sort my life out, I am so lost, and I mess every step, I need your guidance
>Takes everything literally in bible, despite Jesus not teaching that way.
>Claims to understand and interpret verses in harmony with the rest of the bible texts.
I'm saging this now. Purely malicious.
Pray more. Cleanse thyself.
God is here with you eternally.
>the bible is all a metaphor, pay no attention to the words they mean whatever i want them to
I ask you all to join me in prayer seeking forgiveness and thanking our Lord in Heaven for performing his miracles on God's green Earth.
You are right, this is my fault for giving my back to God
i am not baptized, do not call jesus "christ", think paul and the squad are charlatans, and believe miracles are part of a mythological arc.
yet i think jesus is the greatest person to ever live and try my hardest to live life by his moral philosophy
what does this make me? thomas jefferson?
>wanting me to forsake my chance at happiness and fullfillment
Your grammar and punctuation could use some attention.
Jesus is capitalized.
it's not that bad, considering.
Do not tread lightly.
I'm trying.
Oh God, am I trying.
Speak in tenses of future glory, not past reconciliation.
Imagine Heaven on Earth and thank GOD for bringing it to us.
That is right. Worship the Lord and rest on Saturday like commanded. Stop following the Satanic Catholic Church and doing it on Sunday. Stop sinning. You afterlife depends on it.
rage, rage