Only choice one

Only choice one

>Perfect body
>Moderate breasts
>Cute personality
>Pure and innocent
>Strong and intelligent
>Sweet and gentle
>Devoted to one man
Lisha-sama is literally perfect.

It's perfection against a skeleton, a cow, an even bigger cow, and a literal whore.

Guess who wins?


I want both Lisha and Krul though.

Literal perfection?

Literally discount Celestia.

Literally the perfect woman.



Why Yoruka not in underwear?

>Blondes are winning
Good taste itt

>blonde surplus

Lisha A BEST
This shit not

Wew. They really go out of their way to draw Krul like a skeleton.

Celes a best.
Best body.
Best personality.

Celestia a shit.

>hating bestest girl

Get out.

>Yoruka second to last
>generic tsundere first
Sasuga Sup Forums. Terrible taste.


Strawberry flavor please.

>First wife
Krulcifer Einfolk
>Second wife
Lisesharte Atismata
>Concubine & successor factory
Yoruka Kirihime
>Sex friend
Celestia Ralgris
>Secret lover/wife
Airi Arcadia
>Friends with benefits
Noct Leaflet
>Practice woman
Tillfur Lilmit
>Food Tester
Philuffy Aingram
Shalice Baltshift

Celestia is literally the cliche of the stupid blonde

>Second wife
>Lisesharte Atismata
Sorry but no
Lisha at the end wins because I predicted


cowtits are the worst?

Define the word slut, user

>prepared to breed many illuminati heirs to inherit her husbando's ambitions and guide from the shadows, the unseen hand that moves monarchs

>These shitposters who is ruining it for everyone

There are only terrible Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut threads now.

If I was Lux
I would to make babies with lisha, after we got married obviously

You want to stop writing?

How come only 14 posters in the thread and more than 30 voters


what is wrong with her?

you mean her boobs?

Kurumi, is that you?

Celes > Yoruka > Phi > Lisha > *

Her attitude?
Who wins krul or yoruka who is more slut

Krul > Lisha > Yoruka >> Celestia >>> Phi

You're mom

Really, seriously?

You just got roasted user

Oranges vs Melons

My brothers.

Where did all the Celestiafags come from?, I dont remember her being that popular back in the day

>Celestiafag samefagging when Celestia is a literal who minority
It hurts to see how obvious this is.

It's just one guy spamming.

Nowhere. Stellafag recently attached himself to her and has been promoting her non-stop as the hottest next thing.

Well she is not that bad, but really weird that she became popular


She isn't though.

Celes only ever had 2-3 fans back then. That hasn't changed if you subtract the spammer who's been samefagging her.