Golden age > Black Swordsman > Falcon of the millenium > Conviction > Fantasia
This is the objective best order
Golden age > Black Swordsman > Falcon of the millenium > Conviction > Fantasia
This is the objective best order
Conviction > Golden Age > Black Swordsman > Falcon of the Millenium > Fantasia
I have reread Berserk more than 8 times in a spam of more than 10 years so my opinion is objectively right.
Golden Age > Conviction > Black Swordsman > Falcon of the Millennium > Fantasia
I have read the Berserk manga for 14 years over 88 times. My opinion is objectively right.
How can we even fairly judge the Fantasia arc if it isn't finished yet?
First of all, you are wrong.
Falcon of the Milleniun > Fantasia > Golden Age > Black Swordsman > Conviction
Because it's beautiful and the characters are wonderfully diverse
It was too big to be called bait...
Jesus, you are one obsessed man.
>shit taste coming through
I'm not baiting. I got into Berserk earlier this year after I watched the films so I'm not as held back by nostalgia. I find the newer arcs of berserk to be much more exciting and beautiful. Muira's art keeps maturing and I love it.
>he didn't get the 1488 meme
>Muira's art keeps maturing and I love it.
Do you also like big cocks into your mouth?
Griffith did nothing wrong
Y'know I wonder if Fantasia would be better received if we could read it all at once like what most of did with the black swordsman, golden age, and a little of the conviction instead of getting around 2-3 chapters a year
>I'm not baiting. I got into Berserk earlier this year after I watched the films so I'm not as held back by nostalgia.
The last arc, Falcon of the Millenium, had been going on for longer than 10 years, no one here is bound by nostalgia.
Idk, if anything you had more time to truly appreciate it than me. I read through the millennium falcon arc in less than a day! (Now this is bait!)
I agree with this user
what a fucking tease chapter man
it's been forever since it came out and we're still half a year away from the next
Schierke and Farnie see Casca get all dolled up
it does mature up to a point though
until a few years ago it was as nice as it's ever looked, now we're in the dark times
Literally anything > Fantasia
>no one here is bound by nostalgia
It's already crushed
There's some spoilers floating around. In fact, there's something right underneath your post.
Literally nothing has happened since guts killed the Sea God.That was barely 15 chapters ago, and it's already been two years.
This is probably a better question to ask in Sup Forums but, how's the new game? you guys enjoying it?
It looks awful and the story parts are worse than the 2016 anime.
wow Your Grace is RIPPED