How about a game of mahjong?

How about a game of mahjong?

I bet Akagi could beat her.

I wouldn't put it past him. Toki isn't exactly the strongest mahjong player.

how do i play this bullshit


>playing mahjong
Are you an old chinese grandma that yells at 100 decibels?


>not being a budding lesbian with superpowers specific to tile matching games

c'mon son


I'm the only 1 in queue.
Join me

>16k hand to overtake NoName

Question: Why does one learn Mahjong if they know English well?

I'd expect Sup Forums to do shogi, not mahjong.

Is there a pop up bottom for my winning card?
Like the guy drop a card I can win with but I end up pon it then throw away antoher card my winning hand

NoName here
Anything can happen in mahjong. I've seen crazier stuff from people like Anonym/a/

Should be the ron button, it's on the left from the pop ups. If you select your tile instead, it pons it and if you were in tenpai before that, you're gonna end up breaking it.

This is the best I will ever pull off.

Can you screenshot that ron button for me? It happen again. Can't find that button. Like there's a pop up on the right but I think that's a discard button?

From a random screenshot on Google, it's the button on the left. Above the 5 and 7 sou tiles in his hand.

If you're in furiten, you can't ron.


I don't know the technical terms for this game but I know how to play it.

So I have 2 pair and a 345 of the same series. The guy throw down a card that matches one of the pair and that should have been my winning card right? I end up pon it then throw away the 3.

You could take a screenshot but I'm pretty sure you just need to consult the flowchart again.

Chinese mahjong is shit.

It's okay depending on the style
I mean there's so many styles it's basically homebrew anyway. Also it doesn't have the retarded fu nonsense

>3 dragons pon'd

hello DSG

You can always just click this option. It just makes you autowin from whatever tile you see that you can win from.

Why not go to /jp/'s mahjong thread though, it's basically a general over there and it's not like you're discussing Saki


Well, that's what you get for dropping the chun after they called the other two dragons.


Thanks. And I click too fast on my previous match and the guy had a hand that took over ~46k points from me. Wish I could return back and look at his hand.


>every gambling manga with a mahjong arc

Click on the tab labelled 牌譜.

jesus christ

Looks like another user is in my name.
this is the hand.

You were in furiten.

Oh you're talking about a game in 7447 no wonder
And hey at least you didn't get hit for 24k

He has no yaku and he's not even in tenpai.

Wait, actually you weren't even in tenpai. But you would have been in furiten.

>5 7 8

I need another combo

You're not even in tenpai
"I know how to play the game" my ass
Did he drop the last genhai for open daisangen too?

Yeah, he dropped the chun after hatsu and haku were called.

That is not even the same game.

What does pic mean? I'll go back and screenshot the reply with the game I could have won

He was asking for it then.

Never seen that before.

You've got Tenhou open in another tab. You can't connect twice from the same IP.

Is spectate broken or something?

You have to wait a few minutes after their game is underway to spectate.

Ah, thanks

>le uradora meme

Here's the game. The guy on my left drop the circle one I could have won with but I end up pon it and throw away my 3

You have no yaku.


guess I don't remember how to play this game at all. I haven't touch this game for like 10 years.

How about you read the rulings first before playing the game, retard?

Waiting for spectating.

Playing the tile stacker mahjong puzzler.

Is there a way to ensure you don't up with something like this?

>2nd turn riichi

plan ahead

I just realized I meant no yaku instead of furiten. Time to sleep.

Got lucky desu

>lost the head in the last one.

oh well, thanks for the game.

I was afraid that the afk dude got dealt 2 chuns

Sup Forums, have you always been this bad at mahjong?

Sup Forums has never been good at mahjong
/jp/ is a little better
Recently actual high-ranking nips have been showing up on occasion.

Personally, yes.
for all of Sup Forums? probably yes to that too.

I wanna play now. Get in here, losers.

Popular tonight, arent we?


>1 ura dora would have won it, but instead leader gets a tanki dora mangan next hand.

>Not Jewish or Flip

