it begins
Communist Party USA
haha good luck faggot
>implying they haven't been COINTELPRO'd up the ass
haha good luck faggot
There's been so many my friend
>It ends
Funded by the CIA
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
this. look at modern gommunism compared with what it used to be. it's 100% pozzed these days and serves only as a method of attacking establishment enemies and agitating conflicts that justify the increase of state power.
What begins?
>inb4 300 replies
penis face
>City people all voted for Hillary.
niggers and weak people subverted by neo marxist philosophy and corporate propaganda? is that really who you want on your side? kek
The funniest thing is is that the FBI doesn't even try to hide it
When do the gulags and death camps start?
this is actually illegal
like no meme this is not allowed in this country
Sage goes in all fields, and OP is a glow in the dark CIA nigger trying to distract us. I will also sage some other threads posted by OP the butt clown, because fuck him (metaphorically- he's pozzed as shit)
Communism is institutionalized Judaism
Read about mouse utopia experiment. After that google up population density in the US and the political leanings of people by region/city.
seefalse flag party to maintain control over two party politics.
Gib FRe moni
Illegal. Digits confirm
Instead of trying to drag everyone else into your cult, why not simply live like the Amish?
Why not just start a commune somewhere where goods are communally distributed or used as a community and leave the rest of us the hell alone. Surely that would be much easier.
modern commies don't actually want to work in the fields or the factories they just want to be card carrying party members who do nothing but collect gibs
Well were fucked
>doesn't even try to hide it
They shouldn't. If it makes related groups more paranoid, all the better for them.
Literally illegal. Good luck.
I hope this is obliterated stamped out and totally erased from history
Historically, any big attempt at organizing such a thing peacefully was met with aggression from capitalists.
We're slow learners, but now we understand that there can be no coexistence between socialists and capitalists.
You can be fined $10000 or go to prison for five years for joining.
what's their tax plan?
Just admit you’re too lazy to try.
>there can be no coexistence between socialists and capitalists.
not so fast, pal.
Keep me updated Bernie
Communist party ended in the USA in the late 80's because they found that democrats hold the same views. That's why they stopped running presidential candidates.
Nice try, CIA.
>a plan to unify protection of private property and abolition of private property
What did they mean by this?
>radical ideas
Top. Fucking. Kek.
CPU are just democrats who wear red.
The Communist Control Act is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
An Act to outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes.
Yeah because they bombed US officials
Get a job
Translation from retarded commie speak: I'm too bloody lazy to do actual work that's why I'm a communist.
>real politics
Lel, unless it fails
Not getting my (you) faggot
Fuck off
third and fpbp
I have no idea why this law was never enforced.
Communism is a criminal conspiracy, not an ideology as most people understand it. It has always operated as an agent on the behalf of hostile foreign powers and sought to undermine the United States. It would not be a violation of free speech to punish Communists accordingly.
>What did they mean by this?
They want to eliminate all taxes and replace them with a consumption tax.
>real politics
Communism has always end up with people killing other people who values hard work. You just end up with a non-efficient system with people pretending to work.
>real politics
>implying foreign powers aren't hostile for justified reasons
>implying United States does not deserve to be undermined for its crimes
Party’s over faggot!
Because capitalism is destroying the world.
reported to the FBI enjoy prison
>capitalism is bad therefore everyone should starve to death
wrong answer faggot
>implying foreign powers aren't hostile for justified reasons
I don't just imply it; I say it openly.
>implying United States does not deserve to be undermined for its crimes.
You have admitted that you want to undermine the United States. Whether you think it is justified or not is irrelevant; according to the law, you need to be punished.
>hopefully like this low-life assassin on the right
>Hola, mi amigo.
Nice waste of money.
There is still a ban on political parties that allign with communism in America.
>"capitalism is bad therefore everyone should starve to death"
That is definitely not what I said faggot.
>[blank] is capitalism's fault
never gets old
but it is what would come about
>invading Afghanistan and CIA trafficking heroin out isn't wrong
lol this will never get popular. people love money and buying shit. all of you poor shits will be round up and shot.
silly faggot
>Communist Party
Not even going into how stupid that is, the ideology of the CPUSA is so fucking flawed they sound like that one kid communist kid from YouTube from "Why we need Communism"
It's another circlejerk of edgelord failures revelling over an idea they can't even grasp a quarter of.
they'll all be high ranking party members making "important decisions" while everyone else does all the actual work
at least that's what they think will happen
>invading Afghanistan
Let's not forget that you smelly communists invaded Afghanistan. Unprovoked, too, and killed an awful lot more people.
Very true.
>communism is good therefore everyone should starve to death
is this what you said?
>it's bad when the CIA does it
Ah, another person with fine taste.
Exactly what I was going to say. They should lock these fuckers up if they weren't ran by the spooks. I was shocked that CA was allowed to legalize communist govt employees in the state.
Uh oh porky's upset!
Let's ban the free speech guys! Within reasonable limits!
I just wish we could have just wiped out all of the commies and their sympathizers in the 1960s and 1970s, instead of allowing them to spread their poison unchecked.
Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Tom Hayden, Bill Ayers, etc. should have all been lined up against a wall and shot; we would not have put up with the same shit from Imperial Japanese and Nazi sympathizers. And we would have had a much freer and more prosperous society, nothing of value would have been lost.
>real politics
>take other people's money
I may hate the commies, but you are right that everyone should be able to speak freely. Not the one who made the post your responding too, I just agree with you user.
they're all trust fund kiddies so they'll be the first to be shot
>serves only as a method of attacking establishment enemies and agitating conflicts that justify the increase of state power.
>implying communism has ever been anything BUT that
so the democrats finally rebranded eh?
In all seriousness, this is a counter counter shill group designed to take the heat off communists in actual positions by pointing at these idiots and saying "they're the real commies"
Suddenly you care about the Islamic fundamentalists led by the Bin Ladens?
The taliban actually surrendered, which USA did not accept.
>>implying communism has ever been anything BUT that
Yes it has been. In fact many Communist society's were critical of the USSR along with many leading theorists
Nothing gets voters more excited than "radical ideas. real politics"
Do you remember Venezuela? That's how you end like Venezuela
>first to be shot
naa more like second, it'll take time to strip them of their wealth and they'll make useful idiots in the beginning and would make great brown shirts for the new party
Sorry but his digits confirm >3rdpbp
With cia plots to break apart your country?
>communism is the cancer that killed several hundred million people and completely destroyed multiple countries for decades
>stupid fucking nu-males and brainlet retards think advocating literal genocide is a good thing for any way shape or form
the best part is, if a communist revolution is actually in effect, your asses would be the first ones on the chopping block you rich 1% gated niggers!
someone pls hack it and release all the names of commies