>Be obsessed with old men
>The only males interested in you are shotas
Is there a more tortured existence than Tamaki Honda's?
Be obsessed with old men
I'm pretty sure her daddy gives her all the "love" she needs.
Why is she such a massive slut?
She just likes her daddy
Tama is the worst girl. Electra complex is shit and tries too hard to pander. Literally any other girl is better than her.
>be 6th grader
>fall in love with another 6th grader
>she turns out be a highschooler that likes old men
is there a more tortured existence than being a shota?
I bet this series isn't doing too well in Japan given the MC is lame as fuck and has terrible fetishes.
Also shotas are shit.
Why are the subs so shit?
Fansubbing died in like 2014
Go check HellaStella fags.
The old fansubbers just went legit or retired due to work or having relationships and not being a basement dweller anymore.
New people (read college students) refuse to be fansubbers because they don't like to work for nothing and would rather just shitpost like you instead of contributing.
This episode sucked.
>shitty side characters
I agree.
Hopefully they'll go back to the main club again.
What, you mean you didn't like token gaijin?
>you never had an onee-chan who brings all her hot friends home to tease and play with you
Shota and shit taste Tama fucking suck.
The only reason for sticking around is Ari Ozawa and Aoi Yuuki.
>shit taste Tama
But Tama is best girl you fucking cockmongling cunt.
Fuck off gramps.
>Tama is best girl
Don't be bitter just because you unhealthy fags won't age like fine wine a few decades from now.
I want to grow old with my waifu, not prey on a mentally ill, naive, highschool country bumpkin.
Is this better than Daisuki?
Sorry I don't like degenerate girls.
They use Daisuki as a base but an user promptly fixed most of the mistakes. So they're probably the best ones so far.
My wife Tamaki is so cute.
Go to jail.
Your wife is a whore.
No but seriously, why do they all look like eight year old kids?
Becouse drawing 4 years old kids is harder
Why not?
>you will never have a daughteru this pure
I like the three strands of hair sticking out of her head. It makes her look like she just woke up and haven't had time to brush it all out.
I'm her daddy, and you're right, I love my daughteru, she's the most precious thing in the universe.
Stop shilling your own release, it's just as shit as daisuki's, even worse since as a 'fansubber' you're supposed to fix their shit.
I want to watch her art gently
wew lad
Oedipus Complex > Electra Complex
Why is it okay for a little girl to want to fucking old men but not the other way around? Why the fuck is this allowed?
>Why is it okay for a little girl to want to fucking old men
It's not ok.
Her cuteness saved it for me
I want to pick this up. What's wrong with the subs?
If it had been me, I'd have re-posted links. I don't think "HellaStella" would have turned up anything.
If I wanted to make a real effort to get people to use them, I'd mux them, put up torrents and start a thread.
>it's just as shit as daisuki's
It's hella cute.
How are the Kawaii subs? Do they have their own translation or is it just Daisuki?
It's hella kawaii.
Forced handholding with a shota doesn't make her a whore. The kid is too young to have sexual thoughts about her.
The 5 or so minutes of her contemplating shit was pretty good, felt dream-like.
Daisuki with some work on typesetting
I think they have karaoke but that's about it.
Full ED when?
Which kakkoi ojisan is your favourite?
Would you shell out if they had a kikestarter?
Too much VN to my liking.
I want more SRPG with non-mobile tier gameplay
Only if they mad an SFM game. An ero-SFM.
I also want to make games with user-chans!
I think you mean FMV because that doesn't make a lick of sense.
What is wrong with Tama-chan and Shiina?
The beauty of game development.
where can I find this hellastella?
It not on nyaa
They spent the entire night with me.
Spent the whole night drawing and programming sexy old men.
Is this reverse /ss/?
It's like a fucking xration doujin in the making.
>looks like JS
>got mistaken for JC
>is actually JK
Is this meta commentary on the current state of the industry?
It's so fucking jarring watching Takkyuu and then this to cool down. They're fucking middle schoolers in that show and then suddenly I'm watching god damn highschoolers that look like elementary school children.
It's not. It's fucking disgusting.
In this very thread.
Look for the mediafire links.
Old man lovers are the best.
Why does Tama-chan keep looking at the camera to talk to us?
>yfw daughteru thread
And on that day. The shota got a fetish for legal lolis.
The name is Haruma.
Given a daughter like Tama. How do you cure her obsession for you?
Encourage her to have a girl friend.
Give her Golgo 13 to read and maybe make her realise the harsh life of hard boiled man.
Is it really needed to have a Fujo in the development team?
They keep hyping her as the token fujo but she's also in the illustration club and helps Tama out with drawing. She's also thrown in story ideas as well.
If you are making a yaoi game then yes.
The author probably thought it is fun to add the character. Don't think too hard about entertainment, mate
They look the same age.
She's not a member of the SNS Club and does no real work for them on games.
Yes, if you don't want to fade into obscurity.
Fujo is the new hot thing.