Who's your type moon waifu?

p.s. if your waifu isn't one of these 4 then you have mongrel tastes picking clones and cukkqueens

I'm a femanon in love with Kiritsugu.

Ryougi Shiki
all the other girls in that aren't that great, Aoko is better than the other two


Did someone mention clones? Clones is part of the appeal of Touko Aozaki.


At least kiri is the MC of F/Z even though nasu did't write that.

exactly why you have shit taste

I'll stick with my clone.

I love Nero! I don't care what you think!

great taste

Me too! I love my emperor!

Don't mind me, just posting best girl TM has made and will ever make.

This cutie,My favorite in these four is Shiki btw.

>type moon waifu
Are you sure you understand what waifu means?

The one and only.
Does it make me a cuck?

>he doesn't know polygamy

>mfw i still need to read mahoyo ch6

I've been madly in love with Akiha for a long time now, I need her...


i love medea
