Pick your cumdumpster

Pick your cumdumpster.

Too loyal to my waifu.


filename says it all. Even if she was in only three to four episodes.

Are the novels actually translated or are you guys just reading summaries off animesuki?

I just fap to the girls.

Utaha no contest.


the one that rhymes with meme

Top right. I f I had to order them starting from top right and going counter clockwise. Also isn't the one missing from the picture the only loyal one?

The flat one.

Let me fix that.

Also, I pick Eriri.

>Saekano girls
No one. They're all shit.

cousin's body is made to be a spunk trunk

Don't mind me, I'm just being a heretic around here.

Megumi a shit.

Utaha 24/7 365.


I'm not a retarded EOP.

This is the only correct answer, just look at those inner thighs.

Dem pantyhose though.

the cousin for that sweet, sweet incest

They have pretty much made Megumi that.

Physically, she's unquestionably the most lewd.

If for cum dumping really, all the girls fit the requrement to me.
Also, why did stop getting love? She's a perfect semen demon.

>short hair
>perfect semen demon

It fits tomboys.
Specially when they wrap their legs around you.

Where is Memegumi?
