Today I learned that Shapiro charges college groups who don't know any better, $20,000 for a 1 hour speech. I have a bigger problem with this than I do with Hillary Clinton charging $400,000
Shapiro charges $20k to shill
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>Plane Ticket
That shits not cheap. Plus he needs a reason to go. That is better for him than what he usually does.
fuck off
>$3k in expenses justifies charging college kids $20k to shill for Israel.
how much does richard spencer charge?
>Being paid to work
NOOO!!! The state of things in this world!
Conservative activists are assholes in it for only the money, and Trump voters are trashy racist idiots with tiny dicks that are easy to con cash out of. Imagine my shock!
He charges what people are willing to pay? Do you not understand how prices work? Go read a book.
>travel time
>covering for lost income elsewhere
While he's travelling to omaha to make a speech he could be making money elsewhere
>muh free markets
Really going to relish hanging all you pay pigs and free market apologists when the time comes.
K, keep larping you ancom child
This faggot has a point, what now Sup Forums?
Not the only group that hangs capitalists and Jewish golems friendo.
We had a motivational speaker come to work to speak.
He cost the company $10,000
He was an ex NFL player
jews are gonna jew.
good goy
give me 20k to tell you about the benefits of submitting to israel
He charges schmucks what they are willing to pay.
I genuinely hate this guy, but isn't this basically a security fee?
i bet the republican college clubs are all ran by jewish kids too. one big ponzi scheme
why would you think he wouldn't follow his nature
Yeah, you are. If you're against something as basic as price theory, you're against civilization itself. You can say you're not an ancom, but the result is the same, you both send humanity back into caves, cringing, naked, and broken.
Well sure, but people in general are schmucks. Just look at the newest apple product sales. I don't know what they are, but I know they prove my point.
Maybe you should have a communist flag instead.
It's called capitalism. He can charge whatever the fuck he wants and nobody has to pay it if they don't think it's worth it.
Faggots like you think you can change the world by complaining but it doesn't work like that.
You do realize Ben is a "never Trumper", right? Fucking moron.
pssh, Snooki got like 30k for a speech about being a drunk whore
The gofundme says $3,000 are for transportation, security, lodging and that is already taken care of.
$20k is for just him it seems like
get on his level pleb
The rabbi in your pic doesn't say anything about genetics though.
He's just telling everyone who isn't following Judaism to fuck off.
It's mostly all going to the school. Ever since the Milo antifa stuff they have been charging conservative speakers out the ass because the colleges have to hire security now. Sometimes too much.
and he still hasnt apologized for shilling for proven liar michelle fields. Not letting that go.
Could we pool together 20k to see that jewssy?
>I do not understand how money works, like, at all: the post
hahaha the absolute state of white nationalism in the us
Security, among other things. I have thought I heard he doesn't actually make much or really anything off of these or at least relative to most comedians, celeb guest speakers etc. Can't remember where I read or heard this though.
how else does a professional political opiner make money?
Plenty of Jews are secular atheists, and they are allowed to live in Israel.
He's not obligated to speak before college students. Does he not have sovereignty over his own being? He can charge whatever he wants.
Don't wast your breath. Opertunity cost is a concept that communists literally cannot understand.
lol who the fuck would even pay the sub fee for his shitty podcast? The guy is an annoying little shithead. I cant imagine living with him or being his freind. He seems like he would be whiny and cranky baby especially if things are not his way. He pretty much believes Moore's accusers and says Moore is guilty without due process. Thought this jew was a lawyer?
>Largest growing conservative podcast in the world
Value is subjective, thus Marxism is retarded.
>boo hoo, how other people spend their money upsets me
Sort your life out and grow the fuck up.
>$580 in 20 hours
Everything is cheap in Omaha. No way that stuff is over 1.5k total for a night or two. Including the round trip plane ticket. He's just being a greedy Jew.
Filled with shills in no time... You really are afraid he will be the next president. Wtf.
SNL and other well-known comedians are 30-50k, everyone else is 5-10k
I've never found Shapiro that interesting. You'd have to pay me to listen to him for an hour
when he came and spoke in Toronto, he charged 10k. That included the flight, his stay for the weekend, his food, transport, everything. Honestly, he probably made about 3-4k for the speech which i think is fair. Especially given his popularity. It's a capitalist society, he's out to make money. I would do the same thing in his shoes (without shilling for Israel and the likes)
How much would his sister make doing videos?
yeah times that $3000 x 4-7, he travels with a group including security for obvious reasons.
its called free market capitalism
people can choose to raise money if they want to see him
who the fuck are you to judge those people?
elitest nigger bullshit
if people will paY 20G
then hes worth 20 g
fuckin poor people are so jaded
stfu u have a grade school level understanding of geopolitics and economics.
also he still does his show for daily wire even when he's traveling and brings all equipment and sets up wherever he's at.
Take off the memeflag leaf
>5k for housing/food/transportation
>15k for the Jew tax
Seems reasonable
how much to get his sister instead?