I really, really liked Chivalry of a Failed Knight. Is there any chance that we're gonna see more of it animated? I don't want to read the light novels and I don't think they're even translated
Does Chivalry of a Failed Knight have a shot at a second season?
Asterisk War was literally the same anime except ever so slightly better imo, and future setting over modern fantasy setting, go watch that instead, it actually got a second season
like its the same anime, its uncanny, you might freak out a little inside
Stella a shit.
forgot image
>second season
Just watch Asterisk. It's basically the same thing but better.
>wanting more of this garbage anime
Reconsider your life.
I already know, but Asterisk War's MC is a shit and the pink haired flame sword girl isn't even good
Am I missing out on some kind of inside joke here?
>MC is """""""weak"""""", and just wants to bee the best and make papa impressed
>MC is actually the best, although severely inhibited, and has a clear concise goal, to find his sister, who disappeared mysteriously after losing an underground death match and apparently not dying
you tell me
>Thinks Rakudai is better
End yourself.
>they unironically think Asterisk is better
What the fuck?
>>unironically think Rakudai is better or even good
Nice try, Digifag.
Ayato > Ikki
Julis > Stella
Asterisk > Rakudai
What does it mean?
The main impression I got from Rakudai is that people are so desperate to see a relationship that just gets on with it already that they're willing to eat a shit sandwich to get it.
>playing dumb
S2 wont happen
Stella is just a neo Sup Forums tsunpure shitheap
>Chivalry MC Weak, Asterisk MC "accually best boy"
Yeah well since this isn't One Punch Man I prefer to see the MC actually struggle, and Ikki is by no means "weak" just limited
Well there's a weeb named Digibro on youtube who did a several episode rant on why he didn't like Asterisk and he brought in Chivalry for comparison, I'd already seen it before I saw his vid though
I have no idea what "digifag" means, and Google isn't helping.
>watching Digibro
part of the problem
Jesus christ you guys are fucking prudes, I'm just gonna head on back to /m/
Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
What did you expect, Sup Forums is becoming like Sup Forums in that they hate their hobby.
>back to /m/
Good riddance.
Rakudai was better than Asterisk at everything.
Stop shitposting just to go against some Youtube retard
How can you love low tier generic battle harem shit like Rakudai? Are you new to anime or something? Meh battles except for one, boring plot that barely moves, shitty romance that makes Twilight's movies romance look good, gary stu MC, main girl who's shallow and a retarded tsundere, the list goes on.
Fuck off, Rakudai fanboy.
If you haven't noticed there's lots of people ITT that watched a certain other battle harem shit and found it "good"
>knows enough about Twilight to even bring it up in a comparison
You're a far bigger problem than he is.
What's the point of making your "premise" that the main character is the weakest if ten minutes into the show you just reveal that he's actually incredibly broken and clearly the strongest and just has some arbitrary reason why he's technically supposedly the weakest?
Devil's advocate. Even if it could be better by a little bit, Rakudai is still shit.
Because it's about fighting the ~SYSTEM~, MAAAAAAAAAN
>t. retard asteshit fanboys
Yes, both Asterisk and Rakudai are generic LN garbage. But Asterisk is the biggest shit of the two
Let us hope so.
This is what Digicuck actually wants people to believe.
Well one MC wins by just being powerful for some reason and the other wins by actually thinking while he fights
I'd say that makes a good case for "better"
>OP is mad and triggered as fuck.
That's actually not me and I didn't actually go back to /m/ yet
>not studying your enemies so you can detect and shit on them
>muh youtube shitter has x opinion so I have to go against said opinion
Fuck off. I don't care about Digitard. Haven't watched a single one of that faggot's videos
I won't stop thinking Asterisk is a bigger piece of garbage than Rakudai just because of a retarded guy from Jewtube
Not OP, but whatever you think.
>14 year old girls circlejerking about vampires are his enemy
It means you watches Digimon.
I don't need to study you to know you're from Sup Forums. Go back.
>still here trying to white knight
>claiming not OP when you literally are OP
well in his defense I actually do watch Digibro occasionally even though he can be a bigger prude than you guys sometimes, so no he's not me
The movies to see what the fuss and negative hype is about, retard.
Nigga please. Go back to /m/.
You seem to be mistaken that you think your opinion actually matters. Granted, that applies to every single poster in this thread. post cute 2D girls
>I actually do watch Digibro occasionally
Why are you still alive?
>Nigga please. Go back to /m/.
Why does everyone assume I'm samefagging, I don't even go to Sup Forums
I only see two people in here praising Rakudai and defending it to be better than Asterisk. The fag from /m/ and you, OP.
His studying must've really paid off to assume you were me huh.
go back to /m/
I'm OP and I'm the one from /m/, not the other guy(s)
Man the way you guys get all worked up about this they should really have those unique IDs from Sup Forums put in here
Just go back to /m/. Your taste is NG.
Uhm... no. Aste was inferior is literally everything: setting, main character, female charatcers, etc. The MC of Aste is basically a super-special snowflake born with humoungous powers and zero personality.
OP here, don't waste your time on these Sup Forumsfricans
Post discarded.
Asterisk has at least 4 lolis
Rakudai has only 1 loli.
Asterisk > Rakudai
Both MCs are equally bad, but there's no way you can argue Stella is better than Julis. More autistic fanboys like Stellafag has tried and failed before.
>This flawless argument
It's over. Everyone go home.
>second season
Please no. We don't need more copy and paste shit anime that produces cancer-ridden fanbase.
Well aren't you a super-special snowflake for making sweeping generalizations and spewing buzzwords. You must really suit each other if that's truly the case.
Nice to know that moderation on Sup Forums is completely nonexistent as usual. I can't believe I'm actually responding semi seriously to an ellipses using retard.
Christ I'm still getting replies on this
After seeing the response from Sup Forums to something that wasn't even a bait thread I think I'll actually have to agree with you there user
>super-special snowflake born with humoungous powers and zero personality.
Sounds exactly like Ikki.
Hell no, Ikki was at worst bearable. And outside Sup Forums Stella was more liked back when it aired (now show is mostly forgotten)
There is no such thing