The plot thickens:
This shit is getting worse
Other urls found in this thread:
He should kick her in the belly and hope she poops out the bastard.
He should consider suicide.
yes he should, imagine admitting this shit online.
Just fucking get out. Sure you already know you are a cuck, but do you want to be the My wifes son tier cuck?
More tweets of his
He's lying. You don't need birth control if you're pregnant.
The worst part about all of this is that his gf is 18 and the boy she drove to see is 15
Isn't it too late lol
He's already a cuck no matter what he does
any pics of the girl? i want to fuck her too
He's not lying, he misworded it. He corrected it in a follow up tweet.
Little late for birth control if shes already got a baby bump
>this isn't an answer
I warned my girlfriend, if she ever breaks any of my dishes I'm recreating this scene. A man needs to show a woman who's boss
>bitch you cheated on me
>pack your shit and get the fuck out cunt
problem solved
By birth control does he mean abortion, because I am pretty sure they are not the same thing.
no way this is real. No way.
Brian Moffatt is a bitch too
>be me
>seeing girl for a month
>making her dinner
>turn around
>catch her texting some guy on her phone
>ask her to leave
these bitches are seriously fucking out of control
the """gf""" and """friend"""
Who is he?
They are to Democrats and women.
this desu, stupid amerimutts and their 4th world education
>I'm not sure about that. I'm conflicted because I brought this upon myself.
This. When you meet the right girl you'll know. Most girls conceal their version of a power-level as well, and when they feel safe they'll speak against most all degeneracy. My wife thinks welfare should require sterilization, pretty red pilled for a chick.
Jesus, how fucking stupid has Sup Forums become that this is not immediately recognized as obvious bait?
If it's legit (major doubts) this guy has no fucking idea what he's talking about.
>How would birth control help AFTER she's become pregnant?
Unless this happened very recently, he means Plan B/the morning after pill, but otherwise he's straight up talking about paying for an abortion...and abortion is not even remotely in the same ballpark as contraception.
>A little serious but kinda idgaf
lol. wat.
>girlfriend being knocked up by some dude she cheated on you with
How the FUCK would you be on the hook for this in ANY way? This is a no-brainer. Leave. Let her figure it out her fucking self and/or put it on the dude that knocked her up. There is zero legal precedent, even in our modern clown world, for you to be held responsible for the actions of two other people that made their own decisions without your involvement. Even they were married I don't think there's a damn thing that could be brought against him here. But this is legitimately terrible fake bait so who even cares.
gr8 b8 m8
This isn't bait, retard. We talked about this shit on another thread. You're missing context
You'd beat your pregnant hormonal girlfriend for having a tantrum?
fucking this so much
why isnt telling her to fuck off and deal with her own damn problems and never speak to me again and option on his little list
Not pregnant because I don't want to hurt the baby, but otherwise yeah there's nothing wrong with beating your wife. I hit my girlfriend all the time when we were kids
There's no way this is real. This is a Sup Forums account. However, he really should just report her for statutory rape. 15 is not legal anywhere in the US.
Shit like this is why I'm glad my wife and I met in hs. took each others virginity and have been faithful for over a decade.
Everyone of my friends who gives me shit for having only been with one woman are either alone or in multiple child support to different mom's mode.
Holy fuck, where did society go so wrong? When will this ride end?
Nobody would tweet "i'm a fucking cuck".
This is probably bait.
he's got a point there
He's a walking cuck meme
This is what happens when you stop going to church, forget about Jesus and God and start trying to live your life as you want to, because the (((media))) tells you.
Every day some of us stray further away from God and then wonder why are our lives so shitty and why do we make so many mistakes. Not saying that being Christian, praying to God and JC and going to church will eliminate all the hardship and mistakes in your life but it will definitely reduce them and whatever hardships you do go through will only make you a stronger and better person in the end.
For what it's worth, if all this happened to me I'd end the relationship, period, full stop.
>he's only 15
what fucking niggers are giving you a hard time for being devoted to one partner? cut that cancer out of your life, user
Can you die from having a testosterone deficiency?
I think you mean best part. See if you can’t get the bitch tried for statutory rape.
She is already pregnant. What is birth control going to do now?
this shit is so fake
They're not happy doing what they're doing, they're lying. I know a guy just like you described. I asked him if we would be happier in a traditional life and he claims the answer is no yet he's out looking for a nice lady to settle down with. He's fucking miserable, he just doesn't want to admit that he fucked up. His life is utter shit.
I think this is the final piece.
Shameful display
He’s only really a cuck if he raised or payed for the kid, at least according to the strictest definition of the word.
dat flag
vote "Yea, it's the right thing" you mongs
This is something else
>get 1 million likes to discuss having a baby
>discuss having a baby
>discuss baby
Faggot, you hold that bitch down to the bed and you discuss shit in the morning when all is said and down.
You guys are alright, you can have some more Jerusalem in exchange for the laugh I got.
He should kick her in the belly till she bleedsthe kid out of her asshole or dies, whichever comes first.
what the fuck is going on lmao
>placebo abortion
Must run in the family
I'm an electrician so being a tradesman everyone feels the need to be the biggest degenerate possible. When you don't want to chase the lunch truck lady your a faggit apparently
Honestly, I'd say be supportive, hold her hand all the to the clinic, pay for the abortion, get a receipt and then kick her ass to the curb. It's the only way to be absolutely sure you don't get stuck with paying for someone else's spawn.
Yes, you could just demand paternity tests but who knows what kind of crazy judge you'll get.
Call the cops on that rapist bitch.
big if true
I’d consider paying ONLY IF there is a chance it was mine.
And I’d not give her the money. I’d take her to the clinic and ensure it was actually done.
And who exactly is this absolute fucking permaloser cuck soyboy and why should i despise him?
this type of shit has been constant for all of history and pre-history. it's just animal-human shit. what has changed is radical upsurge in empathy and erasure of traditional class consciousness, plus the improved wide-open mass communications technology to let us be aware of all these cases of stupid animal-human bullshit in the first place.
IOW the crisis is really only in your own head because of the MK you were exposed to as a child which gave you a pointedly flawed view of human nature.
Alternatively, if it were mine I’d ensure she carried it to term and then sue to get full custody and terminate her parental rights since she’s a kiddy diddler. Total control of the offspring!
why? it's just another cuck of the millions in his country.
He should left her with that man and search for another girl, she is not woth the pain he is suffering
He's only really a cuck if he stays with her
We live in Minnesota. Karin (pregnant) told me it's legal because she's within three years of him and the age of consent is 16. Not sure what this means or if it's true
You should despise him regardless
>i cucked myself because guilt
>she is now pregnant
hes a cuck for even THINKING about posting this type of shit on social media
Dump her and change city afterwards so you won't be known as the cuck of the town.
That's what he said he's gonna do.
why the fuck is everyone having random sex with random people?
dont they care about std's?
sex is pretty important. it shouldnt be treated like that easy peasy willy nilly.
>I feel like it's my fault
...that she done fucked up? Fuck that. He needs to leave her and cut ties with the "friend" who did it.
I would never be in an open relationship like that but if I was Jesus Christ how can you let your gf get raw dogged by every kid on the playground? Kids are fucking earlier you can't expect to avoid STDs even though they're kids.
Anyways. Fake and gay situation no girl is that stupid about sex and birth control.
idk who this little faggot is and idc. this has nothing to do with politics you dumb shit. fuck off.
reminder: do not engage shit posting retards. sage, report and ignore.
Minnesota Statutes §609.344.
>A person who engages in sexual penetration with another person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree if any of the following circumstances exists:
>(b) the complainant is at least 13 but less than 16 years of age and the actor is more than 24 months older than the complainant. In any such case if the actor is no more than 120 months older than the complainant, it shall be an affirmative defense, which must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence, that the actor reasonably believes the complainant to be 16 years of age or older. In all other cases, mistake as to the complainant's age shall not be a defense. Consent by the complainant is not a defense;
If he was 15 and she was 18 she’s toast.
Sounds like a job for Sup Forums!
>Anyways. Fake and gay situation no girl is that stupid about sex and birth control.
user, I...
Who is this guy, why should we care, and how is the politics?
i dunno but it would be interesting if we help to cuck him
lets make him raise the child
The new feminist narrative being force-fed to us is that men have no right to 'own' women, meaning they can cheat whenever they want and we have no right to protest.
She's asking for him to pay for an abortion and he's pro life/doesn't wanna do it.
he has not even broke up with her
She's driving to his house right now and they're gonna settle this
You're only a cuck from the time yout gf cheats on you to the time you ditch her. So yeah, he's a cuck, but he could stop being one instantly by dumping her. True cuckery comes from being cheated on and not finding out or, even worse, by finding out and staying anyway.
Tell her to get fucked and fuck off. Problem solved.
is the guy really fucking 15?
honestly he is a kid i dont think hes at fault here