Time Capsule Red Pills!

For the sake of humanity and given the very likely chance that the Jews will censor the Internet and anons will cut all the fiber. We can't have another Alexandria incident.

I implore anons to gather all the physical red pill content they can, print outs, memes, etc and bury them in time capsules to ensure that future generations will be Red Pilled about the Jews.

Use archival quality paper and good airtight/watertight containers that may last for hundreds of years under ground.

If you really have the time, write your own religious text and make yourself a God.

Other urls found in this thread:


You do what you want to man but this is honestly quite autistic.

>be 2025
>find time capsule
>bunch of frogs in nazi uniforms
>I'm supposed to make something of this?
>go back to normal life

Use anmo cans as they have good seals.

Kill yourself nigger. Good niggers kill themselves. Be a good one for once.

>Kill yourself nigger
Never gets old

It’s funny because I was talking with my kids about doing exactly this the other day
watch them accidentally dig up their dead cat in twenty years tho

play lego with the bones. i found a rat skelly when i was little and had a good time with it

fucking usb drives dip shit

This is actually a great idea.

I would NEVER tell you to kill yourself or call you a nigger. I hope one day we can be friends.