Now you realize that there will never be more noir old school anime with hq animation, gore, uncensored sex scenes (or sex scenes at all), and mature plot regarding crime and gangsters instead of some sensible school kids.
Anime died in 90's
Now you realize that there will never be more noir old school anime with hq animation, gore, uncensored sex scenes (or sex scenes at all), and mature plot regarding crime and gangsters instead of some sensible school kids.
Anime died in 90's
Other urls found in this thread:
What is 91 days
Pic not related.
What I realise is that no matter the time period, pathetic nostalgiafaggots like you will never die out.
this is a bad realization.
>anime = noir
I want fringe faggots to understand their place.
Beside the animation quality
this anime was shit
Yasuomi Umetsu is a shit storyteller and director in general,
he should stay animator, he is a good animator.
91 days literally one season ago.
That said, why would you ask anime for things that western television can most of the time do better?
>thinly veiled recommendation thread
Thanks famalama doing gods work
>western television
>doing ANYTHING better than anime
Are you for fucking real?
This is whst anime fandom on this boarx has come to.
People who watch Sword Art Online, Love Live and High School DxD calling people with taste and an appreciation for the golden age of the medium "nostalgiafags".
Your parents should have died in 90's, nostalgiafaggot.
you are mistaken. Normal fags who watch dxd and sword art are on reddit, 9gag and facebook. This board is filled with otakus obsessed with moe pandering. Obsessed is an understatement actually.
Western TV handles crime/gangster themes a lot better.
the only thing that i could miss is the Mafia setting.
man, 91 days was so good TT_TT
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
its bait plus a free bump.
take a (You) as well
>back in my day was good, now it's all money-grabbing pandering shit, is dead
Said noone ever. Very original OP.
>this is an enescapable reality of creative mediums where people can't fling huge wads of cash at something cool
Doesn't mean I have to like it.
The inescapable reality of creative mediums is that in every medium, the thing someone was into during their formative years is the best thing ever, and everything before and after that is shit.
Are you fucking serious? All anime is good for is moeshit pandering to loser virgin otaku
It cant compare to high budget tv shows
Go watch OZ, The Sopranos or The Wire, and name a single anime that does the crime setting better.
You can't be serious
There were sex scenes in this anime? In what context?
mezzo forte is an ova ya dingus, stop comparing it to TV shit
Do you remember all those silly US movies in 80/90? Anime was trying so hard to look "mature" by adding gore and violence. Good times to be honest
>mature plot
>Anime girls shooting people
They made an animu specifically for wankers like you just recently.
It was called Under the Dog, and it was fucking terrible.
>They made an animu
They "tried"
I think OP wanted some hentai recommendations
They were cool you faggots, They were good, They had an actual story with a REAL plot to catch on to.
Instead the bullshit you get now:
This is the retardation of the anime industry and you faggots eat it up like popcorn during a movie. The industry got so retarded they don't even have to make plots, just cute girls, this is why I can't take shit like this seriously Unlike I can Disney. Hate this shit fuck.
You're aware that's an OVA right?
Like if you wanted to make an accurate comparison, you should have used Mezzo TV, which sucks
You shouldn't overreacting like this, Sup Forums.
And more important no one buy those "mature" stories anymore. It has nothing to do with industry, autist. Unless it's anime made by big stars like Yuasa. Do you understand? Aoi Bungaku was adaptation of classic literature. It's supposed to sell like cakes, but not. "Normal" people except artist didn't give a fuck about Aoi Bungaku. No big names = no sucsess. Miracles are rare
>real plots
Please cite additional examples to Mezzo Forte, I want to laugh at you more.
real plot: girls shoot people and its real sick brah
not real plot: girls do cute things and its real cute senpai
and more important
>Mezzo Forte
>Yasuomi Umetsu
Let's face it: anime as a rule is stupid.
Why would he let facts get in the way of shitposting?
oh look its another "hurr anime not good since decade" fag. sage.
Fucking Under The Dog.
>hey guys remember 80s/90s anime WE'RE BRINGING IT BACK
>1 Kickstarter later
>here's the Attack on Titan with assault rifles you ordered also we put a nipple in it
Maybe you just grew too old to actually find the good, alternative anime and have resigned yourself to slobbering up whatever's posted on MAL, whining about it all the while.
Try out golfing or crossword puzzles, they're more oriented towards your age group, grandpa.
Persona 5.
Check and mate.
First thing, Stop with this Mature Strawman. I never said anything about it being Mature, because Mature can be subjective. Don't confuse me with the other user Word stuffer.
Now, why can't anime have fun/serious plots anymore? Black Lagoon came out like 7-8 years ago by now and I haven't seen anything from today that stands out as that fun. Like right now would you expect The Industry to make something as good as Mad Max: Fury Road?! That's my problem. "Cuteness" sells way too much in this already fucked market I don't know why they don't just start making Anime into a porn industry all together.
Now, do you get my point?
>shit colors
>Things weren't always this exciting for high school student
>snarky/ apathetic protag high school student takes his seat next to the window and is immediately drawn into an ever-increasing love polygon that is inexplicably tied in to the main plot: A threat looms over japan and despite government agencies, departments, groups, squads, of highly-trained professionals, masters at the peak of their craft and skill and training, the future of japan (and thus the world, though it's never explored why some miniscule island nation has such global relevance) rests on the shoulders of a high schooler.
>the story is about two molecular biologists, Koshigaya and Komada who take on humans with strange viruses that make them less human and more demonic.
..............picked the fuck up.
>stop pandering to these faggots with the money, pander to me instead
>why can't anime have fun/serious plots anymore? Black Lagoon came out like 7-8 years ago by now and I haven't seen anything from today that stands out as that fun.
It can. Watch more anime. Anime is more diverse than ever.
People who complain about not being pandered to usually only watch what's trending on whatever shitty site they're frequenting.
>Now, do you get my point?
Yes, you're a newfag and you should shut the fuck up.
Man I used to like Black Lagoon but it has become such a poster child for the MANIME DURR crowd I don't want to admit it any more.
>Mature Strawman
The fuck are you talkin about, Sup Forumstard? Did yo ueven see anime BD sells? Jesus Fuckin christ. Black Lagoon is adaptation of manga. And Black Lagoon DVD/BD sells like trash
>Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a newfag
Some really mature discussion going on right here guys. Loli fags get so fucking defensive I swear.
Name me 5 good anime from Today that could fit my criteria bitch
Well this one had prostitution, drugs, gang violence, kidnapping, deadbeat dads, and a transgender.
Name 5 anime from October 1996 that could fit your criteria.
It's not that you disagree with me. It's that you have no idea what you are talking about.
>Loli fags
I bet you are who thinks everyone who tells you to fuck off loves Sword Art Online, Love Live and High School DxD.
I just told you, anime got more diverse.
Do your own research. Or ask . This is not about us disagreeing. This is about you being an ignorant fuck.
attack on titan
gits arise
91 days
in b4
Rewatching the show really made me realize that the only redeemable part about it is the adventure aspect.
The characters are fanfic-tier garbage.
The OVA of Mezzo did.
Not the anime.
>Sup Forumstard
It's getting pretty clear to me anyone that uses this Board superiority complex on Sup Forums always have shitty invalidated opinions.
>Sold like shit so it's not popular
Japs having shit taste is not an argument, it's basic by now man. And I was right.
Yeah that's the problem with Black Lagoon, it really only appeals to dudes like the OP who think that shit blowing up and people getting shot are "real plots".
Not to mention that it turned into Hiroe's own Badass Maid Kills The Bad Mens fetish fanfic eventually.
>Dragonball Z
>Case Closed
>After War Gundam X
>Sailer Moon
Wow that literally wasn't hard.
oh fuck off, the hot one didnt even get dicked
>Black Lagoon was bad
Neo-Fucking-Sup Forums everyone.
>this fuckin Sup Forumstard holy shit
91 days
Joker Game
Tiger Mask
Gundam Origin
Terra Formas
Subete ga F
>Japs having shit taste is not an argument,
Are you really braindead?
Ahahaha nigger are you fucking serious
>le depressed teen tragedy
>le beamspam and shouting
>le episodic shota detective
>mahou shoujo template
Now it's even more mystifying that you hate on today's shows because:
>My Hero Academia
>Sakurako's Bones
>Gundam IBO
>Flip Flappers
He's probably just baiting.
I'm not him. And more Strawmans. Great arguments bro. Really made me think.
New Anime fans need to fucking die. They will denie that there shows are worst than shit.
Other than the "le"s, good post.
It was entertaining. But it wasn't really "good" when you look at it more closely.
>Really made me think.
I hoped it would make you actually look up seasonal anime.
Please stop posting either way. You clearly don't belong here.
Well, pretending to be retarded and being clown is not harm. Just free entertainment for everyone
>It was fun but not good
Anime then: Gunslinger girls S1
Anime now: Gunslinger girls S2
Oh great, you'll summon the >all anime is shit muh west stronk faggots
shit bait
That whole half of your post Was more Neo-Sup Forums than anything. Fuck You honestly just proved some of my point.
>I tried reading the manga and I stopped by like chapter 13
>It's like Kil la Kil but just make it shit
Cross Ange was also fun but not good. Black Lagoon is action schlock on the level of a Michael Bay movie. There's a place for that, but "muh great anime, where did it go" isn't it.
>shit bait
So you're one of those faggots who crossboards from TV and hates anime? Fuck off, if you want the board where it's popular to hate it's hobby, go to Sup Forums.
Hello sir, I am from a certain government agency.
For years we have been working on creating a new generation of biological weapons, and the pure, unadulterated autism that must be the cause of such a post is just be the thing we have been looking for.
If you would be so kind as to slit your wrists and stuff your arms into the nearest mailbox we'll make sure the sample gets here.
Thanks in advance.
Remember when saying "neo-Sup Forums" rightfully got you directed to the proper board? There are too many newfags and people from that shit board now.
>>back in my day was good, now it's all money-grabbing pandering shit, is dead
>Said noone ever. Very original OP.
Wouldn't make the statement invalid, would it?
hey just gunna let you know that you're supposed to hate eva because it ruined manly mecha 4eva
no need to thank me
just try harder
>i only like old shows so you're wrong
it's not my fault that you can't even like it when someone TRIES to do an anime that could have aired 20 years ago.
>though it's never explored why some miniscule island nation has such global relevance
Well. If it could blockade a important trade route, ...
But LN writers are not into geopolitics.
Someone should write Geopolitics for dummies and translate that into Japanese.
I used to love the shit out of Pokeymans and Yu-Gi-Oh! when I was a kid, but I can look at them now and realise they aren't as good as I thought.
Maybe you should try taking off your nostalgia goggles once in a while.
>But LN writers are not into geopolitics.
They totally are, your mistake is assuming that these LN rightwingers are trying to write something realistic and not their dream scenario where japan is a strong independent nation that don't need no man.
>But LN writers are not into geopolitics.
19 years old anons from Sup Forums can
I don't get how people like you can be this pretentious and snobby over chinese cartoons.
Anime are serious business.
>I used to like Ice Cream when I was younger, but now that I'm older I eat it and realize it was shit, I don't like ice cream anymore
oi piece of shit
just for ya
Perhaps for people who have nothing else more important going for them in life, which is indicative of the writing style of those pretentious faggots.
Please learn some proper grammar before you call anything or anyone retarded.
Nah, it's just everybody else is oblivious to the real priorities in life.
>everyone who holds a different opinion must be my inferior
Not that user but stop this shit.