I'm writing an essay on 9/11 and need all redpils you have on that subject

I'm writing an essay on 9/11 and need all redpils you have on that subject.

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The Jews did it.

it really happened on 9/12

It was terrorism.
>inb4 fpbp

Saudis did it, jews knew, some cashed in on it

Nothing happened. It was a dream. Go back to sleep.

Building 7 nigger. And theres footage of the missile hitting the pentagon. We live in a false reality run by secret societies. Have fun with it!

>I'm writing an essay on 9/11 and need all redpils you have on that subject.
WTC7 free fall - 'Pull it'
Hijacker passport found on ground intact
Marbled granite in the basement
No footage of Pentagon hit
The planes were remotely controlled.
George Bush brother or cousin or something was in control of security at Logan where "terrorists" flew out of.
The list goes on user..

He legit should be hanged for his crimes. Its a travesty that he is politely received anywhere. What did all those soldiers die for? Why did he destroy Irak? How does he sleep at night

Well then you're fucked because November 9th was Thursday

Wrong. Mossad did it, sa paid for it, bush knew.

Dancing Israelis
Israeli "artists" had full access to towers for months.
Biuilding 7 falls with nothing hitting it.

A3 Skywarrior struck the Pentagon, two Boeing droned replacements hit the TTs, all perfectly executting difficult maneuvers to strule their targets. The actual "hijacked" flights were flown out over W386A airspace and detonated via SMACSONIC insulation. Flight 93 never made it to its target due to a delay in the flight and was subsequently shot down because the mission had to be aborted.

Some dude also bought insurance on the towers a month before so he got a shit load of money

try to tell them how it was programmed in the media for many years before this. I'll bet you a fool or a madman.But everyone knows the truth

watch all Corbett Report videos on it..theyre great

Everything you need to know is here

start with this playlist


this one is good, need more sources on this

9/11 never happened. Just like the Holocaust. It's just propaganda to justify the War on Terror, Zionism and the military industrial complex.

Disregard everything, watch this. That is all.


all this is covered in the vids I linked I'm telling you I gave you the only source you need

Muslims did it
No one knew it was gonna happen, not even bush
Okay maybe the jews knew about it but they didn't have anything to do with it, they just let it happen
WTC7 collapsed because of a fire
There's literally no reason for the government to destroy WTC7 destroying the towers was enough to rile people up for war

Explosives on bridge
Osama family evacced
End goal of Osama (CIA traned) was financial ruin and police state/theatre in USA.

>some dude
Mr.Silverstien also wasn’t in the building due to a dentist appointment. Nor were his children. Really joggins the noggins...

That dude was a kike
His kids worked in the tower and we're sick that day

The Rothschild's owned one floor and sold it the month before breaking a 100 year lease

>88899 confirms

Does that video mention the ark of the covenant? The Philadelphia project? Christopher Bollyn? The dancing Israelis? If not then it doesn't mean much. The Illuminati used the tech from the ark of the covenant, tech they that hey have had since Atlantis than can turn steel to powder and make stones levitate etc. The Nazis used in Die Glocke, I gave the WHOLE STORY, from the beginning, this goes far deeper than just just the events on 9/11

google WTC 7 collapse nigga

Israeli commandos hijacked the planes
Mossad controlled Logan at the time
Planes were modified previously and remotely controlled
Atta was killed on the ground

Your fucik stupid or liar?Its you Donald&

who was that one black guy that had something to do with it? there was a good video aobut 9/11. short and concise.someone post dat shit man

do you know where you are Sabbatean? Why are you wasting your time?

seems to check out


Here is a missle impact in the pentagon

>I'm writing an essay on 9/11

If you fill your paper with conspiracy nonsense from Sup Forums you'll get an F.

Stick with a bland, normal paper from respectable sources and get an A

Change the world after you graduate high school.

>Stick with a bland, normal paper from respectable sources and get an A


How about you write the truth using factual evidence to back it up you fucking massive faggot? Cowards like you make me fucking sick fuck you motherfrucker go back to cowering in the corner waiting them to come get your ass for the FEMA while you beg no saying I kept my mouth shut!

post infographics please

it's actually on english course at my university, so as long as my english is at good condition i can put in it whatever i want

Not a single shot was fired at the incoming 'plane' to the Pentagon.

Not. A. Single. Shot.

(((They))) let it happen (at the very least).

What a convenient way to allow trillions of dollars simply disappear.

The pentagon is meant to be one of the most secure places on Earth with defensive systems that can detect the difference between friend and foe and retaliate if required. Not a single defensive action was taken.

WTC7 wasn't struck by a plane and was the 3rd skyscraper in all of history to fall at free fall speeds due to a fire. The other two are WTC1 and WTC2 which fell on the same day.

All the gold, with some estimates of it being more than fort knox has, was removed from the world trade center basements just before the attacks.

After the attacks all the debris was removed before scientific testing could be done in a controlled manner at the scene and then recycled so later testing couldn't be done either.

There was no plane that hit the pentagon asshole it was missile I have the footage from the guard station

Tell them that it's not just about money and the destruction of the Pentagon archives. And the invasion of Iraq for cheap oil. This is a great magical trick. It's a chain of events that is unstoppable. A large sacrifice that allowed even more blood to spill in the east so that today niggas fled to Europe and there killed the whites. The butterflies on the other end of the ocean. The magic of numbers and the biggest lie of America after landing on the moon probably lol YES there in the middle of you just fucked up guys and sorcerers.A gate of hell on earth

just write about something generic you retard, youre wasting your time

PNAC "new pearl harbor"

new axis of evil Iraq Afghanistan Syria Egypt Iran Libya

Sad but true.
-t. JFK "buff"

this negro knows, as I said it goes way deeper than this though you should sub to my YT channel

You know why they use the monarch butterfly?

If you want to know how deep this shit goes I am telling you now, this rabbit hole leads deep don't pursue it if you enjoy living in the matrix you can never go back


i had to choose between 9/11 and Norman Davies

How do i watch webm’s on an ipod?

The shit goes back to pre-Atlantis the Aryan race the ture history they are hiding


The movie the matrix was based on a true story, yours

No one is telling you to keep your mouth shut.
Clearly, writing a paper for school is not the place to go full on Sup Forums if you want a good grade.

Very optimistic assume you teacher is open minded, but if they're not you run the risk of biasing them against you for the rest of the course.

Papers are judged on the quality of the research - if you think Sup Forums is a good way to start you're a fool.

Any Sup Forumslock can post anything - how will our student know what's a reputable source and what's not?

Good luck Sup Forumsstudent.

Remember that controlled demo is just an Alex Jonesian smokescreen

No but we have to raise awareness everywhere we can, the time for silence is over. You have to plant seeds everywhere to get people to open their eyes .
>Papers are judged on the quality of the research - if you think Sup Forums is a good way to start you're a fool.

I didn't say use Sup Forums moron I gave 100% authentic resources that can be proven beyond doubt that includes scientific reports and expert opinions. Doing good research means at the very least telling the truth you fucking half wit

Just start with this when it peaks your interest then watch the whole playlist

I am giving you the whole bottle of red pills, from the very beginning the whole truth, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, find the answers or live a lie up to you nogs, you know where the answers are


Can confirm that there were no airplane parts in the pentagon. Was stationed in DC and did an operation where we went in and shoveled debris into bobcats, who would then take the debris to a chute

if a body was found, the fbi came over and tagged it (or usually got as many body parts into a bag) II carried one body bag it was chilling...

I was at the Pentagon for 2 weeks, i have a million stories from my time there and you guys can AMA, but the point of the post is to confirm that there were NO airplane parts

Oh ok. I learned how. Also. WTF!?

I give you permission to plagiarize the following OC if you actually have the balls to do so

>The al-Qaeda aeromujahideen who faithfully landed those planes on the sides of the World Trade Center were aesthetic and architectural heroes.

>The WTC and the (International Style in general) are symbols of the erosion of Western dignity and spirit. Base prisms of the cheapest materials, beehive office spaces dealing in financial abstractions, money-making from sale of intangibles. No craft or good was traded in these stark obelisques. They were the Twin Towers of Babel within which a continuous sorcery was cast. Ceaseless worship of ever-sparser scintillating illusions of worth, captivating mirages though they are, producing an impenetrable bubble of value simulation which separates mankind from himself.

>(Don't take this as another anti-capitalist diatribe. Market economies have brought us much good and bad. On the latter, regretably, there certainly has been much in the way of built-to-break-so-buy-a-new-one planned obsolescence.)

>This is the Age of Plastic, and the WTC was poured in the Age of Concrete and Steel upon the mould of the 20th Century. The al-Qaeda aeromujahid visionaries knew our untenable impasse well. They injected aluminum fuselage and kerosene propellant into a mould of concrete pillar and steel beam, manufacturing the 21st century; they enacted an explosive, controlled demolition of the status quo, opening our eyes and obliterating what came before.

>The spell was not broken, however. Our would-be memetic saviours cleared a path and we were presented a new fork in history. Two roads diverged in that cloud of smoke and we chose to carry on as ever, to avoid the path through the rubble and to subject ourselves to the same magic from which we might have been freed. The guilt is ours, the West's, to bear alone for this mistake.

jet fuel cant melt steel beams bush did 9/11

Listening to anons is a good way to get kicked out of school and get 5150'ed.

Aryans are descended from Atlantis that's why the kikes hate us and want us gone this is what Black Sun knows the true history of makind, you can't start in the middle of a movie plot and understand it, you have to start at the beginning all this can be proven conclusively

Apparently WTC7 collapsed due to fire.


My first thought was, how could the country with the world's largest defense budget be laid open like a book that morning? The 9-11 Commission Report said that they had never drilled for such a scenario before, and were forced to improvise. Others dismissed my ideas as victim blaming.
I found it odd that no one stepped up to claim the attacks. Indeed, New York was a classic act of terror - first a happening to get media and first responders and spectators on the scene, and then a haymaker act, mass casualties, flying debris etc. Better if it is caught on film and even better if it is shown repeatedly across mass media. It's all about that frozen moment you realise it's not an accident, it's an act of terrorism.
Unlike other acts, no one took responsibility for it. Shortly after there were the so-called Anthrax Attacks, and no one claimed them either.

>Two roads diverged in that cloud of smoke and we chose to carry on as ever, to avoid the path through the rubble and to subject ourselves to the same magic from which we might have been freed

again this user is woke sub to this YT channel

>Better if it is caught on film and even better if it is shown repeatedly across mass media.
trauma based mind control MKULTRA

It was a plot by Gore. Mr Global Warming himself.

Israel did it. Demolition was thermonuclear. Planes were computer-generated.
Short version: youtube.com/watch?v=LFgxqYI28Wc
Long version: youtube.com/watch?v=cUnjbCxhXh4

Demolition was not thermo nuclear they used magnetic/sonic resonance that vaporized the steel, aka the Hutchison effect

Flight 93 was shot down by a North Dakota Air National Guard "Happy Hooligans" F-16 that was stationed at Langley AFB Virginia. The official story that passengers overtook the hijackers and crashed the plane are fabricated. The plane was shot down. The F-16 returned to base minus 1 air-to-air missile.


And the plane in PA never existed

its the only conspirancy with the kennedy ones that i beleive,yes the jew dit it







The Hutchison effect is also how they built the ancient monoliths like the pyramids, the Nazis used in Die Glocke ufos Ed Leeskanlin used on coral castle, the gov used on the Philadelphia experiment, this is tech the Free masons/ Jews have had for 1000's of years they got from the Atlanteans, zero point energy anti-gravity tech

nope. there were craters under the (former) buildings, 1000s died of radiation-related cancers.
Ground Zero. Manhattan Project. fucking think about it

1967 Mag


w/e you say bud, have fun trying to explain this then

Here is the truth poland.

Bush did not do it.


He had info it was going to happen,and he did not take precautions so..........

As a Leader of the Greatest country that has ever been on this worthless fucking planet.

He shoulders it all.

My biggest prob with Man is he should have kept his fucking mouth shut and Vanished.

TL:DR He Has a good heart but is ignorant as fuck.

There is only one way to turn steel to dust, the Hutchison effect. full stop case closed

if you don't have the balls to make every word of this paper a direct statement that the jews planned, coordinated, paid for, and executed 9/11, you should not have come here for an answer.
if this is a pretend time thread to generate (yous) and slide meaningful threads (((it is))) please stick to more interesting bait like moon stuff and the antarctica question.

I got that from Sup Forums, so take it with a grain of salt.
There is a school of thought that posits that no planes actually hit the WTC, that they were edited in to the footage. The technology exists, and existed on 9-11. In one clip on that morning, an eyewitness on the street was on the phone to the TV station as the second plane hit. Eyewitness did not see a plane, just an explosion, TV people were like, no it was a plane, we saw it on the monitors.
Check Youtube. there are always a few no plane things, although they tend not to stay up for long.
Not saying I believe it, but .. it's out there.

The other day I came across an old paper I wrote first semester in college. It was a little "2-3 page essay" for political science and I chose to bitch about the electoral system. The date at the top
>September 10, 2001
I felt a rush of nostalgia and wonder, as I remembered typing that out in the computer lab, on that VERY LAST day of that old world we grew up in. The last day of Empire. The last day of the America of rock music, picket fences, and the New York Yankees. Movie theaters, burgers and fries, and cable TV. Enter the new world of Orwellian neoliberal globalism, mass communication, surveillance, isolation, and deceit.

>the antarctica question.


damn good video. she's right there were no planes. and the buildings were designed and constructed like chimneys, with their thermonuclear demolition in mind.

>Alex Jonesian stupid cia ass hole

Their network of agents manages the whole world. They also direct the branches of the events of multireality. Where all possible variations of events are possible. But they narrow these variations and the events of 911 are the trigger of their chain of events and it's difficult to get out of this potassium. On the media, everything is controlled by the bite apple on the mark phone fingerprints face scanner lol is a serious shit. If you take into account the real history of civilization that they are hiding.You have a fucking thing there as fun. Besides in cartoons and films they tell the truth themselves and give signs of a hint that it's like hungry e game or exeperimental with reality
And all this global shit started with the creation of your state
Maybe among them there are good guys and we do not see the picture as a whole

But it looks ominous

are you still pushing the judy wood psyop nonsense? she's got some great pics, I'll admit - and it got me thinking what on earth could have turned those buildings to dust. Israel nuked NYC on 9/11.

Ground Zero.

Manhattan Project.

speak english faggot you are saying important shit lol, this nog knows

Even Rumsfeld said: 93 was shot down.

derp full stop case closed derp
Orrrrrrrr a very well known, 70 year old technology that actually exists - that is, thermonuclear. come on, this ones easy

why don't people like you fuck off and do some research on your own instead of given stuff?!


>irrefutable evidence
nigger you are retard

7/11 is a part time job