this happened.
This happened
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That's unfortunate.
>a fucking cat
Shit could be worse, imagine if they took a moose or a giraffe
>It's stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that. But we can diminish the effects of it.
Anima came before 3.0.
Anno is no Lucas.
Lucas did not listen to any outside ideas, firing anyone who opposed him.
Anno is the direct opposite, he's at his best at collaborating with multiple outside opinions and lacks on filtering out anything.
Also Wolfpac is Massive, that silhouetted Eva unit is for scale.
we don't talk about anima
What the fuck is happening in anima
I stopped at End of Evangelion.
In 2000 something when the zx rips came out.
I never regretted that decision.
And I keep getting informed by Sup Forums how right I was to stop watching this train-wreck.
Damn, where to begin?
The story takes in an alternative world, where instrumentality didn't happen after just barley defeating the Mass produced evas. (unit 2 basically had to be remade)
with the bulk of the light novel taking place 3 years later. Misato is in-charge Tokyo nerv's forces, fighting against, Germany's Selee controlled nerv. lillith disapeared with Gendo and Ritsuko via a "leliel" tunnel.
Crazy shit later on, Shinji remerging unit-1's core; coming back without a heart after Yiu sacrifices herself (Unit 1 now has a heart beat)
Rei and her multiple clones have individual personalities, they do their own thing, sometimes when called for, they can telepathy link minds, ect.
Did 3.33 happen in animaverse?
Who knows?
Probably not, Anno is the type of director to "pool" ideas from multiple sources.
Also Nadia,
The bottom image is a giant Adan, the first human made by Aliens.
the end of evangelion
should mean the end of evangelion
why this is happening?
Anime anime when? It's pure $$$
>Anime anime when? It's pure $$$
You're underselling it. They have individual personalities because one of them wanted to hatefuck Shinji so much that she spontaneously activated and overwhelmed Seele's clone plant. 01 becomes his real body because she killed the shit out of him, she still masturbates to the memory after they're friends.
The creator of Anima made Iconic field.
Its probably the closest we will see, The material from Anima are better suited for a new ip.
this is kinda fascinating
I want to get into Anima, Where did you read it?
It is.
Also Asuka.
O boy................................................Where to start.
The guy loves his cowtits, doesn't he.
At the beginning
> dat Cleavage.
Yes he does.
Mari is a animal/human clone created after a "never in the Novel" original died in an explosion?? (pilots the wolfpac)
Is there anywhere i can read this?
this happened
however unlike rebuild it was fucking great
Everyday this fucking cat
EVAzilla was great.
I cant believe that I'm only just realizing this now.
Does Anno even care? Does anyone care about what eva used to be? I can't even be mad about this, it's just fucking baffling that this exists
That accounts for brown, glasses, and spy, but she didn't get meowing, coy, or bloodlust from Mayumi or Mana.
>ANIMA translations never
No, giraffe would have been awesome.
Well Khara did threaten Evageeks with possible legal action if they did.
his first original idea in years. Good for him
> original
see this
The end of Shippuden should've meant the end of Naruto.
The end of DBZ should've meant the end of Dragon Ball.
Popular animes get dragged around for sellling merch. What's new?
I don't see what's so wrong with a dog angel.
I bet if Ramiel was released in the Rebuilds you'd all shout Anno down or being an uncreative hack who drew a literal polygon as an enemy.
None of the angels really resembled anything though, same for the evas obviously. This is just a cat. Like, literally this is a giant cat. At least Ramiel fits in with the whole mysterious / otherworldly vibe.