Can we all agree that Hillary completely out-shines Drumpf's fugly wife?
Who wears it better, faggots?
not even a chance.
praise kek
Are you blind?
I think the answer is obvious
When in China....
Hillary is a total babe.
Hillary is wearing a rug. I swear to god, I've seen that rug at a Target.
God that was such a strange day when they shoved her double out to the cameras
op is a faggot
Hillary is autistic. She is a goof.
There was no double. That was, and still is, so embarrassing that so many were actually making that claim.
>so embarassing
for it to even come into question is too much. LITERALLY when has anything like this ever happened before? not to mention that chelsea's 'apartment' was last known as a private hospital before she became the sole residential tenant.
thats not hillary though thats her body double
shills argue like girls
this shit doesnt work on an ANONYMOUS image board, where as it works on anywhere theres upboats hmm
>chelsea lives in a cia blacksite
I want mommy Melania to step on my dick
embarrassing for your candidate maybe
Hillary's damn outfit looks like a Mao-suit.
Melania has appalling taste in shoes. So fucking ugly, painful-looking and cliched, plus they never change. It's always the same unfashionable foot torture device in different colors. Can't she get some Louboutins at least, or something?
However, her taste in all the rest of her outfits is superb. Strange...
Anyway, even comparing Hilldawg and Melania is cruel. Hillary is pretty homely and always was.
I don't think there was a double. I think she'd have preferred we think that. What we saw was a chronically unhealthy 70 year old woman who hadn't bothered to fucking shampoo her hair in at least a week, and had actually lost weight for once--by being sick though, not through healthy diet and exercise. She gained it right back.
bullshit. I bet the double could have done better in the election if they just let her go full time and kept hillary locked in a tiger cage (bottom lip full of sewage)
>rev up ur engines!!
im glad someone else remembers this. work orders for the place were dug up that showed the entire interior was demolished and rebuilt, and a standalone generator in the basement provided 3 phase power to a floor that construction workers were barred from entering, complete with a cargo elevator (presumably to accommodate a stretcher and medical team)
Wasn't it just?
It wasn't a double but it definitely looked like they splashed a bucket of water on her face and had to redo her hair.
Then explain where her SS detail was.
Hillary wears it like a man
Melania wears it like a women.
But none of that matters because it's two different outfits.
Rubber mask.
> downs
I suppose that also turned her usually straight nose downward?
>saging with picture
dont forget, all this was after we saw her fucking faint, and almsot failed to be caught..and she lost her fucking shoe TIPTOPKEK
What board is this from?
Are you a fucking homo or something?
Considering one is a dress and the other is a rug with buttons on it, I'd say Melania wins hands down.
>critizing the taste of a millionaire model that snagged a billionaire
When your ass hole is good enough to snag a fag worth half as much come back with your opinion.
Terrible bait. Sage.
It sorta looks like Hillary was drunk, sleeping on floor, woke up and just said "fuck it I'll wrap the rug around me". Wound up going out like that.