Studios you wish to see go bankrupt

Studios you wish to see go bankrupt.

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I hope trump doesn't win

Why? He's going to make anime real again.

Weird thing is, Shaft actually animated a Donald Trump commercial in which trump reveals his true plan to the world.

How petty do you have to be?

The only anime he should make real is gunslinger girl, when he's assassinated by a grade schooler

I agree.
The few talents SHAFT have would be put to much better use in other studios.

They need to finish what they started, first.

>tfw shaft will die in your lifetime

Queen Bee.


They're on the way there already. Kizu and Zaregoto already flopping and 3Gatsu getting shitty viewership. DED studio.

Fucking hell this, How are they even in business.

They single handedly ruined hentai.

That's Madhouse senpai

My sides.

didnt araragi die in koyomimonogatari?

There's a new series coming in 2017, and even then there are still series to make, LNs to adapt. And Isin is still writing. They better adapt it all.

im waiting

Where's that from?
I don't remember them ever interacting.

this is so cringey, this is literally "le japan is weird xd"



Seconded. I have enough watching people gobbling up their powerpoint presentation like it's KyoAni-tier animation.

I want them to get just above bankruptcy so they have to resort back to their true nature.

Shaft > shit > Kyoani

>my taste your taste

Nah. You can argue about the story but shaft literally has nothing on Kyoani in terms of animation. Hell, even studios for that matter

How do you know its coming in 2017? There is no news about them animating Owari Pt.3, the latest we know about is Kizu Pt.3 in early 2016

I like most of Shafts works, but the people who praise their animation over other studios are just dumb.

I just realized I thought it was 2015 for a second, ignore this.

He died in koyomi which was before he graduated.
He is alive in hana though which is after he graduated

I saw it on anilist

this, kyoani can even give characters the ability to slide

I honestly enjoy shaft's works more than most other studios, it's no trigger but at least it's not putting out garbage like ufotable is.

That and I'm a Isin fan so I guess I'm pretty biased.

he didn't die when he was killed?!

he's a vampire, of course not. He also got to see hachikuji which was great





- Well, I guess us Shaftfags and Kyoanifags will have to learn to live with each other, like Nintendo and Sega.
- Sega's gone, Shaftfag. Lonnnnnng gone. (beat) You're Sega.

Did she become meguca? Does she have ice skating or brass band-related powers or both?

What will her witch form look like?


>makers of convenience store Madoka and two convenience store K-On's

Good riddance. Aren't they actually on the verge of death right now?

They've not put out anything good for a long time

Wasted talent: the studio.

Plus K-On helped inspire the cancerous idolshit trend (Honk is an obvious Yui expy).