A mother lists all of the reasons she hates being a mother in the current year
>Even if your kid dies (and I fantasise about this often)
>You are pitied, you are expected to be in perpetual mourning.
I would also like to say that this selfish whore, who is more concerned with her sex life than the life of her child, got over 1200 upboats and (((gold))) on plebbit's /r/childfree.
What can man do against such reckless thottery?
Well maybe she shouldn't have allowed semen to penetrate her cervix if this was too much for her to handle.
She's just listing why she is jewpilled
i agree with her, on every point, she practically explains why it's fucking hell to have a child. so happy im never having one, can't wait to live a nice stress free life (besides work stress)
Put her on a watch list. I guarantee this lady is going to drown her kid in the bathtub.
Sounds like a single mom who hates her son. Never change humans.
Sounds like from the first image she is over barring on him and not letting him just go by the fathers example at this particular age as she's still complaining but who knows maybe the kid is already in his teens. I think this woman's nihilism really stems from a lack of rigor in her desire to raise a person because all it sounds like she does is enable life for the kid probably too frustrated and forgets to let him learn
She's a good mother. Unlike you.
>tons of spelling errors
>no link to the reddit shitpost
>obvious baiting
It's a troll m8 alot of the threads on r/relationships or whatever are troll posts
Why do they all inevitably tall about how much they love to travel? As if going to new countries to try exotic new dicks was the great mission in life.
>Caring more about your fleeting cummies than your progeny
Fuck this cult of (((individualism))). It's life by the lowest, common denominator. No sense of responsibility, no sense of the sacred, no sense of life beyond your addiction for instant gratification.
This woman is a mental and spiritual child who's entirely unfit to be raising a child of her own.
Growing up sux ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you on of those muh footprint sort of pseudointellectuals or just shaken to your core at the advent of arrival in your bed every morning
mankind has regressed beneath a level where the argument can be made that we're better off existing
aka why single mothers are garbage and raising a child alone is not something to be celebrated
The rest of us are overjoyed you are not procreating. We've spent a considerable amount of money getting that message into your head.
That's becsuse you're an autistic virgin and its best that you don't pass on your genes.
Wait is she a single mother? I don’t see that stated anywhere
Give links to the plebbit thread
It's almost as if raising children was... wait for it... A TWO PERSON FUCKING JOB
>Childless Jewess pretends she is a white single mother for Reddit gold.
News at Eleven.
how old is the kid if he keeps crying and whining in the middle of night
It's about exhibition of being a successful female. It's value projection. I'm cultured, rich (enough to travel to exotic locations), I'm worldly. To post this standard vacation shots to other women on social media to assert her alpha female status.
On thot central aka tinder I can't count how girls had the exact same shot of standing in front of Machu Pichu. I was suspecting many were shopped.
Females need validation like food or water.
These people just don't get it. We have one role and that is to breed.
If we don't do it, we all go extinct.
>wah wah wah
>me me me
I get raising a kid can be hard, but wtf, it's about the child not the dumb fucking cunt mother.
If you don't want to deal with the responsibility of having a child then stop spreading your legs or get on birth control.
Also the woman complaining in OPs pic sounds like my sister except its 3 kids and not 1.
Now my 70 year old mother looks after them. They brought them into the world and then her and her husband bitched and complained about how they couldn't travel and have a social life 24/7. So now they are my mothers job to raise and she is a fucking pensioner.
Gen X not even once.
>tinder machu pichu
This, holy shit
She sounds like a bitch. I'm sure she will never be happy and probably pass her bitterness on to her poor child.
Women love to "travel" because they think it makes them seem important. They love to take pictures they can post online and tell everyone how great it was. They're basically just petty children who want to feel superior to other women and make them jealous. My wife sometimes bitches that we don't travel enough. I told her I would take her anywhere in the world on the condition that she can't post anything about it online. She got upset and refused the offer.
Anal slut who now has hemorrhoids.
Count the I's and Me's.
>single mother
>wondering why it's so hard to take care of a kid
Feminism and the idea of women independence is cancer. They take the idea of being single as if it were something to be proud of.
>like my sister except its 3 kids and not 1.
Why didn't she stop after the first? Stupid bitch.
>having a 56% child
>nigger babby daddy disappears by default
>crying that the little hellspawn can't go two seconds without being a useless faggot that ruins everything
Women are stupid cunts. Fuck the bitches.
Single mother projecting her hatred of men onto her son. Guarantee she would be nowhere near as resentful if she had a daughter. She'd probably look forward to living out her own personal little Gilmore Girls story. But since she went and had a dumb boy she has to put up with all his dumb boy stuff just for him to grow up into another stupid man.
Feel bad for that kid.
I feel very sorry for that child. Parents I know do that shit for their kid because they love them. It's not a burden at all because they want to do what's best for their kid. Imagine being so self absorbed, so self centered and selfish that you begrudge your own son because you need to stay home and take care of him instead of going out getting drunk and partying.
Actually I think the really sad thing is her sentiment isn't rare at all nowdays. People want to spend their entire life indulging in mindless hedonism. The gratification of bringing up a child, instilling them with your values and watching them become a success gives way to sitting at home watching Netflix every night. This is why western civilization is fucked. It's literally the mouse paradise experiment writ large.
>I love to travel
The most basic of bitches.
>not having a husband to split duties wit
>not having loving parents who you can babysit the kids for a weekend if you absolutely need a break
>not establishing lifetime friendships with your childs friends parents, ensuring a backup to the previous point as well as giving you meaningful relationships
>not involving your child in actual extracurriculars that involve weekend field trips, summer camps ect (boy scouts, sea cadets, competitive soccer ect)
>not knowing all of this before taking a penis
Its like women don't want to be held responsible for their actions or something.
"Traveling" is a thing people constantly talk about but never actually do. It represents the fantasy of an unfulfilled life. She blames "never being able to travel the world and go on adventures" on her child but, in reality, her own fat lazy ass would have probably never done such a thing anyway.
Taking bets on the child being a bastard half breed.
It translates to "I love riding cocks all over the world".
Reminder r/childfree kills Aryan children
why hasn't anything been done about this place yet?
Somebody should seriously shoot her.
>conservative are god-fearing, family loving patriots
Thats why when twenty children get slaughter in their classroom, that's just G*d's divine plan and they can be replaced with less effort than reforming the law.
The ever-noble conservative.
Here is the link. What a complete cunt.
Wow who knew that having a proper family was important to raise children? She's a sociopath but one who has been brainwashed by contemporary society to believe that she's "liberated". Then the truth comes home to roost and she can't handle it.
What a whore, having a child is beautiful, funny and rewarding, having a nice family is better than riding the cock carrousel like a hoe, but I guess they don't know what they want or if they even want something at all.
>Tfw no cute husband to take care off
>Tfw he will never compliment your good cooking
>Tfw your sons will never give you a smile after you have told them that you lovrle them
>Tfw you will never cuddle with your husband at night so he goes to work with energy
Why women like to lose opportunities so big like those?
Can tell that none of you losers have children, if so you would feel sympathetic towards this mother instead of insulting her.
As a father I can see where she is coming from, raising a child is very hard(especially alone), and children are very ungrateful. You basically get nothing in return(except genetic legacy) for draining all of your life energy, ambitions, money and goals.
The losers in this thread attacking her are pathetic, let's see how you do raising a child on your own.
Just imagine the following:
-Constant deafening crying for no reason
-Puking on you
-Peeing, shitting everywhere possible(you take the diaper off, guess what? Pee right into your face.)
-Constantly need attention 24/7
-Need to tell them everything 24/7
-No sleep
-Have to deal with other disgustingly annoying children at your house all the time
-No free time
etc. etc. etc.
I love my son and my wife but it's hard. Very hard.
I get mad sometimes and take time for myself sitting on my computer. I crave time alone.
So yeah, get off your high horses you fucking losers. I feel bad for this woman, she clearly loves her child and wants to vent about basically a parasite that sucks all the life out of her for it's own benefit.
> My sex life is over. My body has been hurt and damaged in such a way that an important sexual act that I like is now jarringly painful
> I am incontinent
Somehow I have a feeling this level of skank is not related to her kid.
Found another gem from this thot's plebbit account, what a psyhopath
I have kids, and I say burn this fucking witch. Fuck you kraut
she seems like a bitch. For once, Jamal made a good decision by disappearing
Don't mothers make up like 90% of all infant and child murders committed by a parent?
>the world doesn't revolve around me any more
>I actually have to work at life.
Really, all she's saying here is that prior to becoming a mother she was a spoiled, narcissistic cunt.
But I suppose all women are these days.
>Where is the father in this situation?
What did she think was going to happen when having a kid? That the kid could just do everything by themselves while she goes out and lives her own life?
Even if she were single she'd probably be bitching about how everyone says she should have a family.
I hate our modern culture now making people so shallow and vapid and selfish. Or have we always been like this?
>father's example
it very much sounds like there is no father at home, user.
>single mother
End fucking welfare handouts. It's just comfortable enough for this cunt to make her kids life a living hell while she's wondering why she's not on a beach drinking Mai Tais.
damn im grateful my parents love me
Stay at home father here. I pity her because she doesn't value the satisfaction of a job well done. I suspect, kid or not she would always be dissatisfied with her place in life and do little to change it, but with temporary pleasurable diversions.
Check em
Mas shootings didn't happen before the 90s
(((really makes you think)))
Listen you absolute fucking shitstain kraut, there are everyday examples outside including instances like OP posted for you to witness before deciding to have a kid.
If you made an informed decision to have a child dont fucking complain because you wanted this life. Its hard yes, but no reason to resent your own children over it. YOU choose to forfeit everything in your life for the child. Not their fault. Its a fucking obligation.
t. father of 2
The list was made by a spoiled suburban whitegirl that got a creampie suprise
Poor kid, what a rough life is gonna get
> father here.
Me too. And I raise two by myself.
Because men have to raise the kids now.
Women are that fucking worthless.
And when women do it, they hate every minute of it.
I don't hate raising my kids. It's a ton of work but I love and adore them so it's easy.
Women have no hearts anymore.
Did you know there's a lot of ways to not get pregnant. There's even a way to get rid of your child after giving birth that isn't illegal.
Biblical levels of narcissism and selfishness.
>Why Germany is going extinct.
The post.
>Vacations are simply running after your children in a new environment
Confirmed for not actually fucking trying.
My mother took me to Australia when I was 6, we saw the Sydney Opera House, the outback, Ayers Rock, King's Canyon, went to Zoos, saw wildlife, went to the Great Barrier Reef, did the whole gauntlet, stayed with a lovely older English woman who made us meat pies. We went on an adventure, we saw tons, we did plenty, and it was great. We went back 7 years later, and it was one of my mom's highlights of her life.
We also went camping two or three times a year, to the mountains, to the desert, etc, and it was fun, it was easy, it was relaxing.
1444 reddit points and gold
What the fuck
Reddit and every Redditor deserves to be gassed including the_cuckold
>can't wait to live a nice stress free life (besides work stress)
>the entire point of my existence will have been to earn someone else money
At least a child is like a continuation of yourself. Work is just slavery with a veneer.
Actually looking at her history I think we have a poo who got shitted. Oh the irony, she shits in the streets and gets shitted between the sheets.
>the one love of my life is travel
If this isn't a larp, I feel so bad for that kiddo
Yup. Full of cancer. Read the top comment. She's apparently a single mom too, crying about her responsibilities.
Lucky for her she didn't live in the days when women had to shit in the outhouse, hand wash all the clothes, bake the bread, fetch the water, pick the vegetables, and pluck the chicken.
Indian girls are massive whores.
We have a lot of them where I'm from these days, and the ones born in America are prima donna sluts
This ^^^^^
It looks like it. A Dad would help with tons of stuff shes whining about.
The eternal single mom.
One day the child will read this post.
that's gold.
I'm a dad, I love my kids, it's hard but in a good way, it's rewarding. This bitch is one self-centered cunt.
What happened to just making the little fucker go outside and play with his faggot friends if you get tired of looking at him?
>oh that's right you made American not white so it's not safe anymore so now reap what you sow
Everything people accomplish, everything people work for, is futile unless a new generation of people is raised to benefit from it. Why don't mother's appreciate how important what they are doing is?
>draining all of your life energy, ambitions, money and goals
Yeah having a kid is why you're not successful....
Same here in NZ, it's like they're incapable of an individual thought process.
Nice try Sup Forumsack fags! Making assumptions are we?
No. She is married and has a husband.
There is actually a comment that got gold encouraging her to consider leaving the family and divorcing her husband. I wish I was making this shit up.
Hi there little bro, hope your mother got her shit together and found a nice husband.
It means she used to love anal and had perineal tearing during childbirth.
Sounds like paradise, larper.
Unfortunately you are probably correct, it's a common meme. If she were not a degenerate cunt and probably getting state subsidies to support her lazy parenting, she might be more focused on being a good mom and trying to find a semi decent mate. Unfortunately she is too far gone and most women do not
have the software for true self evaluation -and even if they do our society strongly discourages accepting responsibility which is ironically how she ended up in this situation in the first place.