Would you watch anime that sets in WW1?

Would you watch anime that sets in WW1?

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Not if it has roaches in it

Didn't those guys had Elite Kebab troops?

Watching allies get curbstomped in Gallipoli would be fun though.

>inb4 Ottoman Witch takes down whole entire Allied fleet

Yes. There's a dearth of good historical anime.

sure, we all could do with a new slant on The Great War.

Do we see their trenchfoot?

I want my Strike Witches spinoff with eccentric WWI ace pilot lolis.

trenchfoot is just the part of it
possibilities are kinda endless

more than enough aces made then to make for more than a couple of JFW units






what about alt-history anime where Germans actually won the WW1?

Retard Willy didn't deserve the victory.
I'd accept it if he got replaced by some semi-competent nobleman or loli in the middle of the war.

well he had daughter
so yeah, there you go

My homeland used to be so big. Now it's just a little speck that everyone mistakes for Australia.

No thanks, it would turn into "Nippon stronk" wankery where the nips think they actually did something in WW1.

So,,,Pumpkin Scissors?

Kaiserreich is an overrated mod.

What? Everyone standing in a trench slowly dying from disease and exposure; or if lucky, by shelling, and if not, by gas; then told to go over the top only to be mowed down by machine gun fire? Sure would make a great one episode anime. Or I guess they can make it episodic from the viewpoint of different characters- like a sniper/counter sniper team, a pilot, common infantryman, an officer, and family back home.

That was heavy as fuck.

Make it a black humor show, and you're golden.

They did some stuff.

Anime depicting the life of young Hitler fucking when?

No, real life wars bore me and only remind me of this shitty society I have to exist alongside of.

Using real anecdotes from actual soldiers would make it a damn solid show.
But really, if it's anime it'll be set in highschool during WW1
"Trench school where Japanese students learn how to trench warfare on the front"

>no Youjo Senki
Are you serious?

Why does that chick have a glock if its ww1?

Why not WW2?

But that's set in not-Europe though.

You fucking faggot.
Don't you see, some director can easily take something from real life, and make it fucking great. Imagine like a handsome man, and his imouto that fights together, which would probably end with sweet incest

Because it would cause butthurt the second they mentioned Japan.

And you know the MC would be an exchange student from Japan

WW2 is overdone.

Depends is it

>Actual serious toned show in the middle of WWI being a German, Russain, Jap, ect.
If it is I'd watch the fuck out of it

Or is it

>WWI Everyone is a Loli playing in Tanks
Automatic Drop, anything that fucks history is an Automatic DROP.

Unless it's
>Tank Loli blows 30 loli's arms and limbs off
Then I'd watch it.

As long if it has Cute girls and isn't a harem, otherwise no.

A good plot is a plus

Your frst option will never happen

Implying you wouldn't want a anime about japs that slaughter the chinese, until their big brother Russia came and saved them

cute girls doing cute war things? sure

just imagine the threads when user's waifu dies by getting her head bashed in with a trench shovel

Moe Princip desu

Only if the girls are working while their husbands are doing the fighting.

Dunno, I'd say those are the guys who managed to lose against fucking Italy. The morons.

Yes we need more Serbian waifus.

You made this because you're playing BF1 right now didn't you

Italians betrayed them
they were allied originally.
Also, digging through the mountains was pretty much entirely luck-based.

>MC from Japan who is having vacation in the Ottoman Empire, knows bit turkish
>Suddenly hostilities breaks out
>Japanese on Entente side while Ottomans allied themselves with Central Powers
>Officials ask his ethnicity
>Afraid of something will happen to him, he says he is Tatar
>Sometime later he gets conscripted in Ottoman army and gets sent into Gallipoli front
>Arrives at Gallipoli then goes Rambo on British because of Tennoheouko Ottomano Banzai!

That would require moon rabbits to pander to the German alt right audience which is well known for their disdain of paying for digital entertainment.
So not possible.

Without the defeat, but the emperor losing power anyway, Germany may well have ended up left-wing rather than right-wing.
Back than even the SPD was actually sort of a labor party.

It's easy to make the anime in a way that would disgust alt-righters.

Now that you mention it, I'd love to watch an anime about Italian futurists in a cycling regiment.

Well, Bosniaks got acknowledged enough to have their own march

Depends on the studio and the plot.
But obviously very unrealistic considering there is little market for such a thing and the Jap audience in general are more interested in either futuristic fantasy, modern or isekai fantasy.

Which they can fantasize, self relate to or empathize with the core characters more easily.

Who is the best girl?


The point is unless Germans suddenly demonstrate themselves to be large purchasers of anime from moon country, moon rabbits aren't going to care what Germans want.

As usual, the only German insertion into their fiction will be blond German girls lusting after the Japanese protagonist and his almighty Yamato Banzai dick.

Blackadder Goes Forth did this quite well.
Also soldiers didn't go over the top en masse every day, there was scouting, sabotoge, tunnel digging, raids on trenches at night, etc.
Hell, it could be about a group of combat engineers or about a squad on one second of the front where sides had a defacto truce outside of higher ups ordering offensives (in certain sections patrols knew to ignore each other, artilery would miss, etc). It could be about the point leading up to the french mutinies against their superior officers, or any number of interesting things that aren't "guy sits in trench all day and then dies".
Saying a story about WWI can only be about going over the top and dying in 3 seconds is like saying any story about jews in Nazi Germany is just them getting shipped to the gas chambers and dying the end.

Enver Pasha

Did someone say Pasha?

Ex WWI pilot