You wake up in Germany.
You wake up in Germany
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Ficki ficki desu~
That's not Germany though.
Sh, let OP have his Sup Forums thread.
>tfw jewish
am I gonna die?
It all looks alike anyway.
Am i a syrian rapist?
I'm optimistic enough to hope that I have woken up in the HRE or the early days of the Second Reich as anything after that is going really down hill fast.
Yes, for over 20 years already.
Daijoubu user-kun, the Holocaust didn't even happen
>mfw when racemixing brings me one step closer to delicious brown lolis
I, for one, welcome our new multikulti overlords.
I'd rather not.
Arbeit macht frei.
dumb frogposter.
I do this almost every day.
It's ok i guess
>you look outside the window
Does Willy still emperor and there is no synide in sight?
Oh but it is my froggy friend.
Colmar is rightful German clay.