Ask a Mexican anything
que cenaste?
How does it feel being the offspring of iberian people?
Doesn’t your madre make tasty frijoles?
why half of you run off to america if ur so great w
Do you think the wall should be ten feet higher?
Would you spite America if we nuke the cartel?
Have you tried three Tamarind soda? Do you like it?
Why are you angry all the time? What's your problem?
The new stripper chick is hotter.
Exactly how "white" is your people?
¿Cuantos penes tragas al día?
how many times have you been beheaded
Why do people in a landlocked nation use "ahoy" as a greeting?
When are you going to finally fix that shit truck and get it out of your front yard?
Deja de mierdapostear
Recordad bien, un hilo murió por esta mierdapostea
Ojalá que dios viole a tu vieja
when will you unfuck your country?
we have rivers and many lakes sven
Hawt Mexican chicks... nom nom nom
good, spain is a western and white country
half? we are 120 M and theres only 9 M there
jajajaajaaj el australiaANO
no and no
No thank you
Not OP but fuck it
feels pretty nice
my madre makes very tasty frijoles a la charra
the wall can be as high as you wish but you pay for your own bullshit, also you cant nuke a cartel
tamarind is not to meant to be a fucking soda, whoever invented that shit has a special place in hell reserved for him/her
well, have you seen how most people live in here? even me who lives pretty comfortable find myself annoyed most of the time
we are mestizos, there is few white people on this country
2 this week
whenever I want pendejo
next election
Tecate, is it good, bad or Budweiser cousin fucker?
Does she make a soffits before or what? Black beans, red beans, pinto beans?
It pays on its own for deporting mexishits and illegals
So, it's cool if we just nuke Mexico entirely
tecate sucks
Where can we watch donkey show
red tecate is ok.
in tijuana
Favourite food?
Tecate is known as the beer of "albañiles y obreros"
dont know what you mean with soffits, but use pinto beans
literally "donkey show" is a meme that I have your heard from you gringos
is meh, not ok
How high can you jump?
how do i get a mexican gf
burguers, pizza, chinese food, steaks and mexican
not watching anime
of course tacos, but there is a large broad of types of tacos anyway, whenever I travell inside my country I make sure to taste the tacos from each city I go, is a different taste and style in many regions
no wall can beat me
this and act like a macho man
Do mexicans bitch that their ancestors were raped and colonized by whitey like our niggers do?
>ask a Mexican anything
I could simply go outside and do this, sage
I've always wanted to try authentic mexican tacos, everything here is shit.
What are the best spices to use in tacos?
no, not all spanish raped indians, other just were settlers
How hard is it to get through Mexican borders?
If USA goes to the shitter, I would hope to go to Argentina to see white people again
why dont you come here like all canadians in our beaches?
only a lot of grease.
argentina used to be white , now is a brown shithole
Why do you consider being a half-aztec rapebaby to be a good thing?
Who teaches taco bending?
sadly yes, commies at the beggining of XX century started a historical myth in which indios were suppossed to be magical and civilized and the bad spaniards came to destroy our culture, however this myth is more rooted on the center and south of the country
well, all you have to do is to come here, but remember, in each region tacos are made differently with different ingredients, even the tortilla is made different in every region, it is truly a fucking voyage of taste
by spices you mean to make a salsa for the taco?
if you are american you just have to go to an office and ask for a determined number of days to be here and they will grant it to you, literally thats it
that would be Master Tacolgando
im white
because we are a white mexican family, niggers dont work
my abuelita
But do they generally hate whites? The whole "Fuck Christopher Colombus" attitude. It's like how our indians who now have lost their ancestry, partly because of the majority of them being so mixed, the fact that all of them are a very small minority are angered that the settlers took their "history" away from them but instead of living on a renovation or somewhere innawoods to simulate the way they would have lived before contact with the settlers (dancing around fire while offering your daughter to the opposing tribe leader as a gift), they deny the fact that the country they live in now is far superior than their shitty culture could have ever been.
Like a my latino coworker has a "fuck whites attitude" and yet she is Catholic and apparently she doesn't get the fact that her religion was brought over from the old world to the new and if it didn't she would be worshipping something ridiculous like tree spirits or some shit.
:( Where are you hiding you white men?
brown mexicans hates all white mexicans and white americans.
>if you are american you just have to go to an office and ask for a determined number of days to be here and they will grant it to you, literally thats it
SHIEEET, I thought you inprisoned people for years, shoot foreigners on site, and make people disappear for wanting to cross
your post summs up the attitude of the average mexican towards the conquista, I could make an explanation from where this idea comes from and how it was rooted into our modern society, but to make it short lets say is all product of marxism and socialism after we had our revolution in the last century
not at all, I live in a border city and have many friends that are U.S. citizens and they come here any day they wish, many of them even have houses and business in this side of the river
You're late with the money you owe us for the wall. Don't make me come down there.
come here and take your money puta.
Ok what about the other side of the border for South America. I heard all that applied to that region of Mexico
Was actually thinking about having my next vacation in Cancun.
Also, exactly how bad is Mexico corrupt by the cartels and government and do you ever forsee your country fixing this problem.
I'm blue pilled on this subject, if you could suggest a book or documentary or something I'd appreciate it.
Sorry if I ask too many questions amigo :/
What's your secret family queso recipe?
Why are you such litterbugs? You care absolutely nothing for the environment. Trash everywhere. Why?
Paisas are lower than blacks, chupa mi pito subhuman spic
Fuck mexicans
All Mexicans must go back
fuck paisas
Why do you retards fuck monkeys?
Do we look fucking brazilians to you?
Explain to me Jebs wife? I might believe she is a mexican but at times I think she's from Sesame Street and was Oscars x-wife.
AI masquerading as a Mexican. stop feeding the AI.
>Mexico mutts literally a mixture of shitskin and human
user, please.
Where the fuck is Jesus Campos
if you go there dont just stay in the resort part, go and travell south to Playa del Carmen and other little towns, if pretty safe down there
No documentaries ring my bell at the moment, but cartels are incrustated in zones of our territory, not in the whole country per se, also the corruption inside of our government comes mainly from 3 major parties: PAN, PRI and PRD.
The population had enough of our politicans, but we dont seek a violent resource of action to remove them from goverment, what Mexico needs is a peaceful cleansing of our government and also make it smaller, our goverment is too big
sadly, quesos are not made at home anymore, but you can still get pretty good ones from local retailers, also the recipe of the queso would be different in every region
I want to know why too, people in here is india-tier dirty
jebs wife is literally how we picture the average "señora de las tortillas"
ask your government
put your tinfoil hat on
This thread is proof why Mexicans take lazy American jobs... Mexican dude starts thread says he’ll answer questions.... Mexican dude answers questions...
Why is mexico so corrupt?
Ever explored some aztec mayan inca ruins or places?
Is young Salma Hayek the hottest woman of all time?
Answering the questions Americans won't answer.
Fuck off.
Cool, That's what I'd do if I could visit Mexico. Their culture facinates me.
the mayan is better
You got cancelled 3 weeks ago, ese.
ikr stupid mods.