>7.3 magnitude earthquake in Iran and Iraq, over 100 confirmed dead
>7.0 magnitude earthquake in Costa Rica
>6.1 magnitude earthquake near Japan
>7.3 magnitude earthquake in Iran and Iraq, over 100 confirmed dead
>7.0 magnitude earthquake in Costa Rica
>6.1 magnitude earthquake near Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
God pls save japan
I dont care about iran and iraq
Tfw no fault lines in Europe. Minus Italy, but they're not white.
Nobody gives a fuck about Iran and Iraq. But sad for the people of Costa Rica and Japan
The Dragon is coming.
Literal signs of the times
Matthew 24:7 KJV
[7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
[ ] nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom
[ ] famines
[x] pestilences
[x] earthquakes
duh fug is habbening? cern, haarp, nirbu?
The End Times HABBENIN!
yup. Don't take the mark. Stay safe, user
faggots, its because of this:
Fucking Sam Hyde.
nothing of value was lost
venus jupiter conjunction
Gg Chan you really showed them.
let me say it again. its because the sun recently had a lot of activty (3 days ago) and it was aimed exactly at the earth. thats why there are earthquakes now.
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."
>Nations always go against each other
>Famines happen all the time
>People always get sick
>Earthquakes happen
Vague doomsday prophecies are the worst part of religion. How about you build a bunker and wait in it for salvation.
Doesn't it specify a quarter of the world's population will die from various things within a short time span.
>[ ] nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom
>[X] famines
>[x] pestilences
>[x] earthquakes
>what is Venezuela
There are other signs that are more pertinent that we should be watching. These things listed happen all the time.
The Church is the bellwether. It is has been going through a period of chastisement for 50 years. The anti-church is being prepared; it is hollowing out the divine content of the Church in favor of an ecumenical sect without dogma.
They want the brotherhood of man without the fatherhood of God; a humanist sect.
"Mercy" without truth.
That is what is currently being prepared which will result in a schism greater than that of Father Luther's.
jews did muslim 911
Jews using HAARP against their enemies?
Fuck costs Rica you nonwhites fuck
Oy vey greata isreal isn't gonna make itself ya know.