How come anime cats and dogs are so much better than 3DPD ones?
How come anime cats and dogs are so much better than 3DPD ones?
Does it matter?
This is Sup Forums, where we discuss the 2D variant exclusively.
For questions regarding the 3D variant, ask .
Well behaved 3D cats are awesome you turd
Parrots are the best anime animal and real animal at the same time.
No, when it comes to cats, nothing beats the real thing, nyan~
>how come anime loli are so much better than 3DPD ones?
>how come anime traps are so much better than 3DPD ones?
Please continue.
>t. someone who never owned a parrot
theyre cute
Everything is better in 2d you ass
No one's said it yet so I will.
Cats are abject shit pets. They're complete garbage. Cat people are inherently different peoples and I will never be able to look one in the eye as equals.
Because they are way more human
Dogtard detected.
>apparent catfag
>posts weird-looking manjuu tanuki pig hybrid
>Why is idealized fiction is better than reality?
Neck yourself retard.
Why would I want to look you in the eyes as an equal, scum
>Sup Forums
>expecting a cat to let go of cruise control
>Sup Forums
3D > 2DPD cats objectively