Watamote season 2
will it ever come out?
Watamote season 2
Everyone working on the show cringed to death RIP
That is not a proper answer.
Because, it hit too close to home with the Japanese faggots.They cant handle satirical humor.
PEOPLE in Japan now like Watamote .
This just a joke .
Watadog smelling to take a Watashit
I hate japs
> Watamote season 2
will it ever come out?
Yes if manga becomes really popular like back in 2012.
how do we make it happen?
Dick pics and 2 Chan.
No one tell me how they buy so many copy of the manga.
It a lot Japanese fan of Watamote on twitter.
REMEMBER Tuesday we are doing a thread.
I hope soon.
Let me redpill you on Tomoko.
She's actually not popular at all. No, I'm not talking in-universe. I'm talking about her popularity here on Sup Forums.
Tomoko fans are actually a massive minority here. Don't you believe me? Just go to archives and look at post/poster ratio in Tomoko threads. You will see a huge disproportion compared to other threads.
Why? Because this so called Tomoko "fanbase" is literally just a group of friends who use Sup Forums like their own private chatroom. But because they're autistic enough to keep posting 24/7, threads always reach bump limit and give the illusion that Tomoko is popular.
Guess what? She's not. She's a terrible character. The only people who like her are neckbeards because "HURR DURR, I'M A SHUT-IN TOO LMAO"
Fuck Tomoko and fuck Watamote.
S2 never ever because nobody bought it.
Second, LMAO for givnig Twitter as source.
Shitposter go back to you're thread.
>being this new
I'm trying take a break to Tuesday but this shitposter make it really hard for me.
If you buy more merch.
You know I'm telling the truth.
Let me redpill you on Umaru.
She's actually not popular at all. No, I'm not talking in-universe. I'm talking about her popularity here on Sup Forums.
Umaru fans are actually a massive minority here. Don't you believe me? Just go to archives and look at post/poster ratio in Umaru threads. You will see a huge disproportion compared to other threads.
Why? Because this so called Umaru "fanbase" is literally just a group of friends who use Sup Forums like their own private chatroom. But because they're autistic enough to keep posting 24/7, threads always reach bump limit and give the illusion that Umaru is popular.
Guess what? She's not. She's a terrible character. The only people who like her are neckbeards because "HURR DURR, I'M A SHUT-IN TOO LMAO"
Fuck Umaru and fuck Himouto .
S2 never ever because nobody bought it.
Thank for telling the truth about Himouto stupid Umarufag.
You're talking about Umaru with out evening know it.
Unlike you I suppose my manga I'm at vol 4 right now vol 5 and 6 be at my house Friday.
I don't see any Umaru thread.
I'll be back Tuesday.
I read TomoMote yesterday and it was fantastic.
None of the banners we submitted made it.
That's disappointing.
It hits me closer to home than burning my home down ever could but I love it.
Whatever manga Tomoko is better anyways.
I want Tomoko to suffer more.
She's been too happy the past few chapters.
I want her to fall in with the wrong crowd so she can be sold at a loss to the yakuza for the personal use of old men
It probably might come to that.
Maybe the author is building up to it.
No. It didnt sell well at all.
Ok I wouldn't go that far but I don't know some bullying would be nice.
Maybe that wouldn't fit the tone of the rest of the series though.
I want Yankii girl to corner tomoko in the bathroom and extort her for sexual favors!
Probably not. But the manga is better than ever and has active threads every month. Can't say that about every ongoing series...
Now, Write Sisters season 1
will it ever come out?
>will it ever come out?
yes, just wait, I get one lottery ticket each month and when I get the big prize the first thing I'll do is a new watamote season
>active threads every month
Tomoko Tuesdays, every tuesday and sometimes mondays and thursdays
I want Tomoko to get so bullied that she'll latch onto anyone for attention and sells her body!
Yeah but I was thinking about the chapter dump threads, my favorites. Never late, no matter how short the chapters could be, and scanlated around same day of release, gotta love that.
>and scanlated around same day of release, gotta love that.
the fact it doesn't need to be scanned helps a lot.
Tomoko is dying!
Sounds like a fun plot for a romantic comedy.
Directed by the Farrely Brothers.
I want animated Yoshida so bad
It would be weird seeing Emoji in animation...
There would be a lot of animated emoji jokes at her expense.
>they'll never be together
>you'll never watch as she deflowers Tomoko
Just read the manga Phaggot
fucking copy pasta...
>Why? Because this so called Tomoko "fanbase" is literally just a group of friends who use Sup Forums like their own private chatroom
Oh how wrong you are
I love Tomoko!
Take that Umarufag.
REMEMBER vol 9 in English come out on 11/22.
Anyone doing anything for halloween?
eating icecream and watching a shitty horror movie alone
Doing this thread.
Did tomoko watch a horror movie before in one chapter?
Yeah it's when she went to the mall before the class trip.
Can someone post that chapter.
Japanese people are socially retarded, anyone with half a brain can see that and/or if you lived there you can see it with your own eyes
great place to visit, would not like to settle down tho
I hate Umaru and umafags, but always when someone posts this pic I feel bad for her
Japanese peopl start to like watamote now it took 3 Year do it .
umafags are one's did to her plus they piss off the translator really bad.
> They still censor porn in 2016
Like seriously? no wonder why in South Korea there is people who pays for you to put a micro-camera in your shoe and peek on girls shirts, they are so uptight about sex they just make their population even more horny and retarded by doing so
Also, why is Korea still divided in 2? can't they learn from germany that being a united country is better?
Anyways, we can learn some stuff from out asians brothers, but they seriously need to learn from us ''how to not be social retards on modern society''
I don't know what here saying to .
what is this?
Write Sisters Nico TANIGAWA new manga.
You should check it out it really good.
I forget what chapter manga at right now.
I can't Wat for chapter 106 and Friday when I get vol 5 and 6 in the mail.
I can't wait next her episode.
>being this new
Will this manga end with tomoko's graduation or will it go on past that into her adult life?
I think it will end with her getting a boyfriend, whenever that may be.
> will it go on past that into her adult life?
Yes and mangaka want to do this really bad.
We not gonna see her for 20 or 30 chapter from now.
>tfw Watamote's mangaka has seen my penis
The author said it would get a S2 if Yuu broke up with her boyfriend and a few chapters ago she did that and mutilated her hair.