Mall of America Suspect Identified

Suspect in Mall of America stabbing identified as 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman

>Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman
imagine my shock

>be Minnesota
>get enriched

I was at the mall a few hours before. I'm a bit bummed that I missed the fun.

it couldn't be a musl....
and its muslims again

Quintessentially American

I hope it keeps happening. I haven't gone to the MoA in several years.

Refugees welcome forever, hope no one died.

Fucking liberals, all this blood is on THEIR hands.
All those whiny feminists talking about rape culture, all those comedy talk show hosts, all those democrats "resisting" Trump, all the media unmaking Democracy...

This is all their fault.

>get stabbed by muslim niggers

imagine my shock



I'm sure we won't find out his motivation for another year

praying for kek to appear and enrich more dumb liberals

You've got to be a Mahadman to go on a stabbing spree with that much security around.

>Quintessentially minnesotan

> Carlos

then sue them for racism. how dare they profile you for being a muslim in a mall stabbing with a bloody knife. this racism needs to end

>Been monitoring twitter since I saw it here
>"It's trending but no major threads about it, I wonder why?"
>Checks back into Sup Forums
>"Ah, why am i not surprised."

I'm reading it was over a shoplifting confrontation, which yields extra luls

>Motives currently unknown
>Neighbors describe him as "Quiet nice kid"
>Parents are from Somalia but that shouldn't be an issue

They're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.

They're gonna stab your wife, your kids.

They're gonna stab you with a butcher knife.

Then the police chief is gonna say..






Time to photoshop him white with a MAGA hat.


This is painfully true.


Another Democrat murderer? Do they have an assembly line churning them out

As i said, fucking lutherans.

I miss PJW posting

Stop being racist. His ethnicity has nothing to do with it. It's just a disturbed individual, a lone wolf mentally ill man radicalized by far right propaganda. Nothing more. Nothing to see here. Go back to watching the new Rick and Morty on Adult Swim.

It has been a weird fucking late 2017. It's like white dudes and islamic extremists are in competition on who can kill the most people.

I just hate how all his tweets end with
>...let that sink in

Yet both are loosing to chicago niggers

Nice flag Mr Minnesota. W
Maybe u were involved...insallah

CNN has a composite sketch


MN here, live west of the metro area in a nice 99% white wealthy suburb. I was just in the cities yesterday for the first time in a few years. Its bad. There are head scarfs everywhere. Some neighborhoods are entirely arab/Somali. There are stores openly advertising the fact that they sell kratom because there are so many junkies. Its just a fucking mess. Worst of all there are faggots who have these "everyone welcome here" signs planted in their front yards.
The whole city is full of suicidal white shitlibs and their future replacements. Minneapolis will eventually become Detroit 2.0.


Because you can't judge. You can't judge.

The worst part about all of this is that the libs will still not see why bringing in these people is a bad thing
You would literally need to have a society that never had a single criminal in order for that to get through their thick skulls and even then I'm not convinced they would get it

I just checked and there is no new Rick and Morty so jokes on you buck

Just a few months back there was another mall stabbing. A muslim dressed as mall security then took out a big knife and stabbed 8 people. Only reason why it stopped is an off duty cop shot him.
These people are brainwashed beyond help. They're welcoming death at this point.

calm down everyone dont draw any conclusions, we dont even know the motivations yet!

You mad, Mahad?

The only problem with that is their death is closely related to our death

To be known as "A Minneapolis man..." in the news.

I sure am sleepy.... *yawn* *smacks lips*

We should all just go to sleep and worry about the evil white man who forced this young innocent 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman to lash out some other day.

We're just lucky none of the Somali cops who responded shot any of the witnesses.



The muslim population in Minnesota is shockingly high, so technically they are right.

Don't you guys have experience with Somalis? or is that just Sweden?

>Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman
Is there a more sandniggerish name? Good fuck.

We still dont know what the motive was for this attack.

Antwan Kumiya. Nevar forget.

oh yeah we got over 15 thousand

It is honestly fucking insane how many muslim attacks there are compared to their population size. How can leftists fucking ignore the statistical abnormality?

>not adding the o to buck for bucko
Are all strayans this mad?

it can only be cleansed with fire brother

it's terrorism you piece of shit

I predict the Mall of America will become the deadliest mall in the US because of the high concentration of Somaliniggers. It's going to be the #1 terrorist destination because it's such an obvious target. Surround the biggest mall in America with Muslim. Hahahaha. What do you expect to happen?

The first thing that came to my mind. all true.

is it terrorism when hes just practicing his religion


Apparently Minnesota is the same population as Finland and has ~25000 Somalis. Crazy how much havoc they wreak in such small numbers.

MN is basically the center for supporting ISIS in the US. No other state has had as many people leave to go overseas and fight for ISIS, send money to ISIS, or send money to another Islamic terror organization.
None of these Muslims even try to fit in. They'll stare at you with utter contempt on the street and curse at you. Even the Lake Calhoun area has had increased muggings at the hands of Somali gangs. Its not safe to be in the area if you're alone in the evening.

good to see that the newcomers are assimilating into the culture

Very few real people get caught in the crossfire in Chiraq, actually, which we should be thankful for.

this is future face of america and it's beautiful

his motivation? the media has already forgotten

MN has so many piece of shit Somalis this probably isn't even terrorism but some drug deal beef or domestic dispute.

oops wrong pic

>Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman
Wasn't this the name of the ship that Morpheus flew around in?

Who owns Mall of America?
Who owns Triple 5 Group?
What does the Ghermezian Family also have their hands in?
Who are their Clients?

The left can't into statistics, they just think the ones given to them by their college professors are holy dogma. Doesn't matter if their sample sizes were ridiculous, their methodologies were psychotic, or if the abstract they're quoting is actually contradicted by the actual data. They're sacred doctrine that can't be questioned.

Real statistics baffle the left. They have a vague idea they're some type of hate speech, but they really haven't worked out the taxonomy yet.

Why don't you kick the shit/shoot them?
t. Texas

>"Look around you. This is Minnesota," Dayton [Governor of Minnesota] said. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. … This is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state."
>Dayton said he was aware of some of the racial issues happening in the St. Cloud area and urged participants to take a stand against what he described as "unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral" behavior.
>"If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington," Dayton said.
>"Our economy cannot expand based on white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don’t have enough," Dayton said.
>My question for you is, 'What are you doing in St. Cloud, Central Minnesota to become a more inclusive society?'
Fuck you, B+ white Minnesota. Minnesota doesn't need you anymore. A+ Somali Muslims like this fine gentleman are our future.

>They relaxed around Mahmoud

>mfw I was at Ikea

Holy fuck.

Sounds like Twin Cities are a little slice of Europe in our own backyard. I guess now that they've got UK-style random knifings, Paris-style concert attacks and trucks of peace can't be too far off in the future.

motive still unknown

Its suicidal hubris of the modern white leftist meets overt malice towards whites from those in power. There is no support for pushing back against this.

Kind of like how Texas is now at least 40% spics, plus uncounted illegals, and mixed race "whites" and is soon to be a blue state. Its such an uphill battle its almost impossible to conceive winning it.

Give it time. We'll have some large scale mass casualty event sooner or later. It'll stay in the news cycle just long enough for people to tweet about it before its forgotten.

Wew lads.

His mental illness, Islam

i just read that like "mohabadabadibiabdabadzadaba" like my brain cant and wont even try anymore kek

Yet another one of my brothers executes jihad on the american bastard devil.

This is just the beginning



Eh, imagine if something happened in the parking where you parked. I've see news where police mad the are a crime crime for two or three days, so a few dozen people couldn't take their cars.

>3-6 wounded
>possibly 1 dead

Earlier people were claiming 1-2 wounded and mental illness.

Thanks, m8. Needed your flag.

>Putting meme flags in his collection.


Enjoy your incomplete collection, fagboy.

Thanks for your flag too. Thought I already had ya.

Let me help senpai.

Cool beans.

Got a few flags that are quite uncommon. Guess I just tend to ignore all the super common memeflags.

You know you can put these flags you're selv right?
That's why they have no value, and are meme flags.

I know but can't be bothered. Figured I'll grab em as I see em.

yeah, we even had two trying to become politicians and both prosecuted for fraud

Why didn't Gecko45 stop this


>Its such an uphill battle its almost impossible to conceive winning it.

Mass deportations