this is your date for the night. try to be nice to her Sup Forums
This is your date for the night. try to be nice to her Sup Forums
Shit date.
I want another one.
>man that date was shit
>can we do another one
Kneesocks at least smiled on the date
can i meet her sister ?
You want the easy mode?
>implying stocking isn't easy mode too
all i need is a cake and she'll do whatever i say
>tfw you could be fat slob and still woo her.
Finally, a girl for me.
>not being /fit/
she's not fucking real
Could you at least try to fit in, you fucking nerd?
>not jerking off to fictional cartoon characters
lol fucking pleb
i prefer the blonde one
What's Pantys breast size? A cup?
Hey sorry, I forgot to buy sugar at the store.
C cup probably
>liking ultra sluts more than regular sluts
That's a bit big, no?
No, more like B max.
Panty only bangs hot guys, Stocking will legit marry a slob who treats her like trash. I think we know who is the easier mode for the denizens of Sup Forums to achieve.
>Not treating her like the slut doll that she is
Its like you want the date to go horribly wrong.
I'm handsome and lift, user.
this is your totally not suspicious waitress
be sure to tip her well
i have to wonder
does stocking snort sugar like cocaine ?
Seems legit.
I'll have the hambaga.
This, the things she'd do for candy man
So? Gtfo normie
>Gtfo normie
Are typing like a retard on purpose?
are you being retarded on purpose ?
Great I have a green pasture she can graze on out back. She will fit in with the other herd of cows.
sorry but you making hamgagas are against the ruuuuuls
What an incredibly sexy and sweating waiter.
W-what do I do?
give her chocolate ?
I'd rather have a date with this waitress desu
>trigger announces that they bought the rights to panty and stocking
>along with this they also announce that they're making another season
what happens ?
>Probably the same thing that would happen if HL3 ever got released. Expectations would be far too high to be met.
That wasn't supposed to be implied at all
well how high can your expectations get with an anime whose concept came about with some drunk westaboos telling dirty jokes to each other
>you walk into a club and this demon slices your gf into 666 pieces
what do ?
Is she a semen demon?
Tie her up and make her my bitch, then eat her sweets in front of her.
give myself a pat on the back because i have a gf
>who are you quoting
>all i need is a cake and she'll do whatever i say
Put frosting on your dick she'll go wild
ask her why she tried so hard to hit a mosquito that doesn't exist ;_;