ITT: Artistic Evolutions
ITT: Artistic Evolutions
Digital is cancer
and after
SO Dio is tan Fugo with blonde hair
>comparing Movie to shitty tv show
Fairy Service in a nutshell.
As bad as super's quality comparing a zoomed in fraction of a shot to a not zoomed in shot is pretty retarded just like using DBS as an example of what digital tools can achieve in animation.
Does anyone have that picture of how Jolyne becomes more manly as time goes by?
Except neither of the images in OP's pic are digital, retarded memer.
It would've been funnier if you compared Kira and Kira. Although comparing same generations is kinda fun.
Artist clearly has the thiccness sickness.
Jesus; those proportions. I sometimes get the idea that some titmen don't care about anything other than big tits.
This was an improvement though.
Looks better in 1999
Too bad his writing never improved.
His drawings still look like something a 13 y/o would draw.
Show me a 13 year old's drawings that look half as good as ONE's. You definitely overestimate what a 13 year old is capable of.
Even if his art is low effort and ugly and has generally poor draftsmanship, it still displays a decent enough understand of anatomy and framing. It looks like shit compared to his peers, other mangaka, whereas a 13 year old's drawings just look like shit.
>went backwards
I don't read fairy tale. Why is she naked and chained up in the second to last drawing?
she looked like a boy in the before
she was best in middle, current version is so shitty
This is more having extra time to add more detail but it is still an evolution
......different teams, but still
she was hotter, now she's cuter
That's my point. Moefication isn't always bad.
Did Raita go nuts?
same with assmen a.k.a thiccmen
"Cute" definitely suits her character more.
Because she was caught, chained and tortured by enemies
There was nothing wrong with writing in first place
Someone post Kyosuke Fujishima's evolution. Reading the first Ah My Goddess and the last, it kinda blows you away.
c-could I get a sauce? :>
It's hilarious how much his art reverted back to shit.
Someone needs to update these with the recent Part 8 art style.
Looks like we are in the middle of the shift in art style for Part 8.
>more blushing
Checkmate, Atheists
Thriller Bark was the peak in my opinion.
Just once I would like to see Nagano draw a Jojo character.
It's pretty appalling how hard he tried to mimic the art style of One piece in the early chapters. At least he went back to the art style he had at the end of Rave around chapter 200.
He still does a good one here and there but Rustle was at his best a few years ago.
search for Raita on your chinese cartoon porn site of choice
>There was nothing wrong with writing in first place
It's not offensively bad but it's not interesting either.
They look like they're about to snap off.
It's interesting enough. Just what expectations do you have from this manga?
From Hokuto no Ken knockoff to gay fetish pandering.
What about devolution?
Prison school and Claymore.
He beat you to it. Looks like it would fit right in with Vento Aureo too.
The late part of Battle Tendency and early part of Steel Ball Run are by far the best for me.
I don't even know how to respond to that
You're a retard
The character are currently becoming much more emotional, very early Part 7-ish which was the best art-style for me.
kek but I did like his hokuto no ken knock off artstyle back then.
Is Fairy Tail worth it for something dumb and fanservicy?
this fucking timeline, I swear to god.
That's about all it's good for.
It takes itself a little too seriously to label it dumb fun though, like you know it's dumb, it knows it's dumb, but it isn't a full fledge parody.
is that mac demarco?
No it's because the more miserable the plot got the more he made the art gritty. Now that Thorfinn has calmed down were on the other side of the hill and we got something in between.
>idolmaster not even once
it's like crack cocaine!
Oh sure, but now it's a talented 13 year old.
Eh, might give manga a shot. Hope it actually taking itself seriously won't be too much of a buzzkill
how can you fuck up anatomy so hard during a period of 10y?
Really makes you think.
Enies Lobby
source on this?
Vinland Saga
in his defense, he is getting blind.
To entertain or intrigue me with more than its art and fanservice.
it's a drawing and japanese don't care about anatomy or realism
I thought that when Fukomoto started using an assistant for backgrounds in Kaiji it was fairly noticeable.
but harmony in construction and detail give a better impression to their readers.
But I guess he just likes boobs. That's not bad, but he should check his anatomy.
They say part 4 had the biggest change but keep in mind everyone's head was a quadrilateral in early pt 1.
Yup, part 4+ is Kaiji at its best looking, outside of the anime
Makes me think that series is for fags.
But that's genuinely a pretty big improvement from a technical standpoint.
Doesn't help that you're posting a fan coloring.
Japanese artists understand anatomy better than western artists. They learn the basics in school whereas the hipster losers that make American cartoons pass off their shitty lolsounique scribbles as art.
>Japanese artists understand anatomy better
It's still my all time favorite manga.