have you ever called a black person nigger to their face?
Have you ever called a black person nigger to their face?
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yes but i'm black
no. Everyone is a nigger on the internet.
yeah but he was a based aussie and not a triggered little faggot like your blackies
>Implying I would ever talk to a nigger
it really doesn't bother me
I call my gf a nigger cunt all the time
Yes, he then punched me. So I beat his ass and threw "his" bike into the river.
Yes, repeatedly
Yes but it was an accident
Every American has said or thought that about Jesse Jackson at some point
My mother did after I got attacked by one when I was a kid.
Yes, couple of times.
Yep. It was awesome
>got beat up
>still feel like I 'won'
>"You're so big and skrong but sensitive enough to fly off the hinges bc of mean words"
I'm a manlet so I can't really fight but I have a sharp tongue.
I can't do it lol
yes. Fists were thrown. I got suspended for like a month. almost didnt graduate because a nigger behind me wouldnt shut his fucking mouth in history class when i wanted to learn shit.
Met an abo at the pub (good guy does a lot for the community) and over a beer asked him what he thought about the Chris Rock NIGGERSvs BLACK MAN dichotomy, his response:
black americans are NIGGERS, black Australians are BLACKFELLA's.
Can't argue with that.
Jesse Jackson thinks that every time he looks in the mirror
Mom brought me to apologize to him in front of his mom. In our same apartment building. Maybe 1st grade.
Nigger nigga nigging nags.
No but I call all my white friends niggers. I didn't talk to blacks.
Yes, I was 4 and put under the bell at preschool .
Yeah, to my friend as banter. He called me his cracker, I called him my nigger. It was a good laugh.
That would require balls.
Just your moms boyfriend.
He got mad.
He's half black and half honduran if that counts.
Our nigs don't really nig up here in canada.
I've never had the opportunity to speak to a person of African heritage
one of my closest friends and roommate in college was black
I called him nigger but he always called me autistic.
Havent seen any black man in months
Yes. There comes a time when you have to shit or get off the pot. When you call a nigger out, the either have to fight or fuck off.
yeah but then my car was faster than his bicycle
no cuz im not rude
Niggers > Jews
Nope, just a faggot leaf.
Yes. Got into a fight because of it. Surprised I didn't get jumped by the other blacks there.
Rex Kramer, danger seeker:
>be me
>club in South Beach
>nigger security guard calls me a cracker at the front door
>in retaliation, I call him a nigger
>get surrounded by huge nigger security force
>they lift me up and throw me on the sidewalk
>my gf calls them filthy subhuman niggers to their face
>married her one year later
>mfw when I realized she was the one
Had an open conversation with a Close black friend about the word nigger. I told him that I hate it when white people say “the N word” that it’s just a cop out. He agrees that if you’re going to say it then say the word nigger. He also hates when other blacks call eachother nigga
Pretty spot on.
Did you then ask him about whether there was the whole blackfella vs coon thing happening in the abo community?
Also, is it just me, or does is piss anyone else off when a white cunt is all like “yeah I’m an abo hurr durr muh blackfullas are muh life!” bullshit, when the cunt is whiter than a fucking albino?
Nah, I called him a 'negro' though, keep in mind that I was a 12 year old kid at camp. Still got pegged for calling the faggot a nigger. Not one of the camp councillors believed me, they believed the piece of shit nigger and I got sent home, early because of him. I've had beef with plenty of niggers in my life, but I've met some decent ones, too.
No, but I told a black woman that she was so full of shit that her skin was turning brown.
Why the fuck are you here?
honestly, why are you?
I’m also black. We just come to laugh at cumskins
The other day actually. I was screaming at a negress pharmacist who didn't have the anti-biotics I needed after they'd been sent in and could not be resent, and called her a negress who only got her job bc of AA.
I should probably add, I'm a fairly scary, gym rat motherfucker who regularly takes anadrol pills and primo/para shots. The negroes who have tired fighting me haven't fared well, including one who pulled a gun on me trying to rob on train from ny to newark airport. 80% of the game with negroes, since they are animals, thy can sense fear. If you simply have no fear of the negro, take your time, pick your punches, and then grapple, pin, and choke, you don't need to be a great fighter.
No but one day back in 1992 my black friend was riding with me down ne 23rd near MLK blvd and we saw some obvious crips looming around a car in one of the parking lots. He yelled out the window, hey you stupid niggers, with a strong southern twang and then proceeded to duck down. They didn't see him and assumed I said it so they literally shot at us, as I sped off. That fucker nearly pissed himself but not because we got shot at. He thought it was hilarious.
how "cumskins" manage to enslave your nigger asses for so many years since you beez kangz? and not only Whites, arabs, jews (who ran the slave trade to the US) and now chinks. The truth is, you aren't good fighters and rely on the fear the Jews try to put into others of your nigger asses. Without that, you fall down like a sack of shit.
Yes, several times
I used to call all the islander kids at my colleger (highschool) niggers, some of them were easily over 6ft 6 and 90+ kg
they didnt really do anything, Im pretty sure its only the american and european niggers who actually get their feelings hurt about being called niggers, no other niggers really care
also they used to get in a group of like 100 and LARP Naruto/Bleach/DBZ fights at lunch time
>mfw the whole time
I like to tell jokes or stories that involve the word "nigger" when I'm around black people to test their reactions. Nobody has ever called me on it.
>Lived in murderapolis mn during the 90s
You had to or they think you were weak and then you be a forever target
Yes, it was his nickname where i worked
No, and I have never had a black person say anything about me being white to my face.
Of course it could happen...but I try to avoid situations where that could arise.
White people do that all the time, it's annoying, fucking pussies.
I've never talked to one.
>call nigger girl in school a "bitch" >bitch tells the teacher
>teacher Q: Did you call the student that bad word?
>me: Okay, yes I did.
>Teacher: Okay, I'm writing you up.
>At detention: "So, you are here because you called that student a "NIGGER"
>What the hell? Dirty bitch lied and said I called her nigger, teacher said "that word" and I confessed like an idiot.
Yep. Called every race something to their face. Kikes, chinks/nips, potato niggers
Kinda? I did it from behind a locked door.
But I'm black so...
"SHUT UP NIGGER". Must have been epic.
Lol no. Thats retarded. Very few people act like Sup Forums irl.
your fired. meme is trash.
>whiter than a fuckin albino
haha, even mulattos here in america do that. i know a half-nig who has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, only think black is his frizzy hair, guy talks about black lives matter, hotep shit
Yeah, and this is what happened. I'm slightly less retarded now.
no, this would lead to my impeachment.
>MAGA…were not worthy.
The Mongrel Mob call the black power niggers all the time.
yes, on numerous occasions
I also have called jews/arabs and chinks racial slurs as well
have been in numerous fights over it
lots of fun
i dont give a fuck
It was right after getting caught in the middle of a gang fight in Harlem. Fucker attacked me with no provocation through a tellegraphed haymaker. Ducked it and scooped his ass up and dropped him on the concrete right on his fucking head. Took his boys to stab me three times to stops me from killing them.
(fresh oc coming through)
yup. only friends tho
All the time and when they get triggered and become violent is when I watch them being hauled off by our dear Police Force :) :) :)
Why'd you fucking let him get you going you dumb nog
his last great performance.....
No or very few blacks live around me, so I've never had the opportunity.
i dont know whats worse
selling your own people to foreigners OR having your entire race being slowly eradicated by slaves
My friend tim called five black people on the football team niggers to their face, but he's big as fuck and knows martial arts. They dindu nuffin. Just sat there and ate their lunch. No eye contact. Not a word of backtalk.
It was the first time I'd ever seen it. We made him our leader and worshipped him from then on.
fuck all of you peace of shit americans
True that mate, it's fuckin annoying.
Gotta love it how apparently white privilege exists, black people are unjustly discriminated against, yet people CHOOSE to identify as black/minority instead of white. Especially when they're clearly a white dude as well, like not even 50/50.
I'm about 20% Aboriginal, which qualifies me for free university in many places, lets me fill quotas for ethnic diversity (easier hiring process/more likely to be employed) but i'm fucking WHITE. I could easily get benefits and advantages just by spouting my ethnic status all day but I don't. I fucking knuckle down and work. I grew up poor as fuck too.
All these cunts think they can't make a difference in their own life because the 'whitefulla's holding them back'. Nah. Fucking lazy bastards.
Hardly even relevant lol, just pisses me off.
found the nigger!
oooh me stronk white man oogi boogi
Yeah - my black wife.
And she loves me calling her it.
No. Blacks attack in gangs, have nothing to lose from being failures, and no impulse control. That said, I'll say it in private or online all I like, which is basically only for memes. Racial slurs in general I see the same as profanity. There are more creative ways to disparage degenerate animals without risking so much social capital.
Yeah, some faggot nigger called me a honky when I was still in high school, so I said “at least I’m not a dirty fat-lipped yellow eyed pube headed NIGGER” and the nigger ran away, cried, and told the fucking principal. I was adamant when called into the office that I simply responded in kind and got off with a warning while the nigger was suspended.
This was many years ago, when I became an adult I moved to a completely nigger free area. It’s comfy.
Yeah. In Manhattan to one of those obvious con artist niggas that approach you to ultimately swindle some money off you.
Needless to say he was not impressed but we were in a very busy area so a chimpout wasn't gonna happen.
I'll never forget his face and stare afterwards
I remember him muttering "Maaan tha white man just cant stop puttin the black man down"
I'm happy I lived to tell the tale.
I did just a few weeks ago. The guy immediately started to talk about how he was getting pussy. I couldn't understand it. It was only later upon consideration that I decided he felt like his credibility had been destroyed, so he was trying to reestablish it by asserting his success with women. I think if I ever experience that again I'll immediately start calling him a faggot instead. Perhaps say something like "I know you had to start sucking dicks because your father left you, but it's okay that you sick dicks now because you like the taste.
Niggers are like 5x as likely to be faggots as well, also most are sexually abused in childhood especially if from a gibs background, make sure to work something about that in there too.
Nice try
black kid called me one in grade school, I said I couldn't be one because I'm not black
he told the principal who was supervising the yard, she was black. said I never said the word, she didn't seem to care. black kid threatened to beat me for months until they kicked him out for something else
I always call black people niggers here in Greece.