Why don't japanese girls shave?
Why don't japanese girls shave?
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only sluts that are constantly showing her cunt to everybody shave.
>shaving godly japanese silky pubes
do you hate perfection user?
>american girl
>is blonde and has big tits
i dislike hairy bushes but complete shaving often hurts the skin too i believe. most of the time it should be trimmed, with some shaving for special occasions. and then full shaving for very special situations imo.
Isn't she slavshit? Serb or Russian.
It's not more hygienic.
In fact the hair fulfills a real purpose. I read it in some shitty blog. Forgot most of it though.
>Why don't japanese girls shave?
they don't shave their armpits either. It's pretty gross.
Yeah armpit hair on women is fucking disgusting
>It's not more hygienic.
>In fact the hair fulfills a real purpose
think of pubes as a wall, and microbes, virus n shit as mexicans
pubes are an "extension" of the skin, and skin main function is protection
Because culture
They dont tattoo either which is a huge bonus, jap girls win overall.
Then why do only adults have it?
Because children are not fully developed yet?
Because shaving something requires you to know it exists. And Japanese men are so ridiculously insecure that they want their women so completely clueless about sex, that they don't even realize they have hair down there.
Shaving/trimming hairy cunts and making them look so clean, pretty and presentable is a major fetish of mine.
a little bit of stubble is the best tbqh
70's bush >>>> all
i-is there a set?
Which is honestly a stupid mentality.
>You don't have to properly manage or maintain the appearance of something not used constantly.
500Million BC bush >>>> all
>exhentai doesn't have a shaving tag
Most pubic hairs contain urine and traces of feces and hold onto smells far more than a clean shaven vagina
>roastie spotted
I believe it's part of tradition, that a woman (obviously most traditions end at a certain age and this one probably has too like a lot of American traditions) would shave only after she has become married, it was a sign of purity.
I think for girls, it is recommended to keep their pubic hair because unlike males, female pubic hair serves the function of keeping away bad things from the vagina?
Like the hair serves as a barrier or something.
>the hair fulfills a real purpose
No one is disputing that. But so is fingernails, your head hair, ear wax, sweat, facial oil, and also your callouses
Useful as they are, there are times when they must be controlled. Otherwise it would be very unhygienic
Sauce pls? google tells me to btfo
So it's there a good reason to shave or not?
And how do you do it considering that area is sensitive.
You shouldn't remove ear wax
nigger you just played yourself
Sup Forums - Female Hygiene
>Being the bush
That's too farm man
Why not? I clogs the ear tunnel othrewise.
Here's a free pussy, you horny fucktards.
Can't let this thread die before somebody finds the doujin
And a shaven gash doesn't? The amount is negligible and unless you're a bloodhound or the bitch doesn't take care of her bits you can't tell the difference.
It's aesthetic mostly women who don't shave tend to have higher rates of UTI's since they don't have that extra protection, the women who shave tend to only do it for special occasion since it's fucking uncomfortable as hell(try shaving your nethers and you'll see).
Personally I prefer a nicely kept bush since I'm not into the little girl look.
>Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.
Shaving has nothing to do with hygiene unless you live in the fucking trenches or something.
Isn't it some anti-friction thing?
The hair protects the vagina from bacteria, particles, friction etc; Women who shave regularly tend to lose their sensitivity to outside stimuli(read that somewhere).
This is nice and all but do pubes work the same on men as they do on women?
Yes, but feminist bloggers don't talk about them as much.
Are you fucking retarded? Do you not know how your own body works? Let me guess you went to an american school?
its a real shame since finding them can be difficult
because those who showed originally were prostitutes
but thats why theyre there in the first place
they fullfil almost the same function as eyelashes, being a physical barrier to trap whatever triest to enter the vagoo
what's with this upscaled size and color
Hairy beavers are more erotic and the smell arouses men. Only shotahunters shave, because they're more interested in boys than men.
The upscale can be credited to that guy being a phonefag.
>mfw shaved pussy fags will never know about erotic trimming/shaving
>mfw they'll never know the feeling of styling a pussy
>mfw they'll never get to fuck the fruit of their labor
>mfw you'll never shave funny designs into their pubic hair
>mfw you'll never have her gym friends giggle when they look at you
How do you guys live?
>and the smell arouses men
el em aou
But I can do anything I want with 2D.
Fuck off, 3D-fucker.
quicker to just screenshot then find the file
Have fun never being able to touch your waifu faggots.
Guess what I'm fucking your orgasming imaginary waifu's right now while you're tied and gagged on the floor.
Because children are not supposed to have sex and therefore they should not be at risk of friction and infection. The hymen does the job until the hair grows.
Kindred spirit right here.
One of the reasons pubic hair exists is that it increases the surface area of pheromones
I find the musk incredibly arousing especially from asian girls I don't know if it's their diet or genetics but their scent is different somehow, especially Korean girls.
Why do Americans always try to justify their arbitrary cultural practices by claiming that it's for "health"? It's just a made up cultural thing with no basis on anything but mindless devotion to fads, get over it.
>this user isn't American
It's based on the need to sell razors so they convinced women to shave is better.
It's not Americans, it's advertisement.
Just like fat-reduced foods suddenly became hugely popular because morons thought they were healthier.
Everything in the US comes down to money, that's true.
Jokes on you lad I'm fucking you while you're waifu fondles my ballsack.
>thinly veiled 3D discussion thread
I'd contribute but there's always that one faggot that reports my posts and gets me banned while the thread stays up for hours after that.
So why don't men shave more commonly?
their brains are beyond washed by the jews
were the jew lobby who started shilling circuncidation for "health purposes" just to be able to guise themselves among the rest of the population, yet theres no indication of such high rate of urinal infections among the rest of the entire fucking world where choping off dick skin isnt a common practice
Good sauce. Reputable.
Now we're talking, tell me, are you giving me a reach around? What is the ball gag situation? Are you gonna cum on my chest or back?
Cause men don't give a shit
Because they don't care?
I mean most men i know either don't care or like having hair in more parts than their head.
The world, user.
You don't get dick cheese if you cut off that useless part.
Earwax naturally exits your ears when you perform normal body movements such as chewing and swallowing. Sticking things into your ears can impact the wax, clogging them. If you really have a problem with clogged ears try saline spray
What is dick cheese?
>it's for hygiene
>so I don't have to wash
>you know, for hygiene
you dont get dick cheese if you wash yourself properly everyday user
Are you actually jewish or did your parents fell for the meme?
shut up and post more anime girls who shave
I'm glad mine did, bitches prefer cut guys.
On a side note my brother was uncut and he had multiple problems growing up UTI, rashes an abcess once and he's a pretty hygienic guy he got cut 5 years ago and the problems stopped.
>bitches prefer cut guys.
thats actually the oposite in the rest of the world, first thing a girl thinks when they see a chopped dick is you were a phimotic faggot and had to get cut off
Yea, sure nice delusion there phimodick.
I'm so sorry yours can never be fixed
I'm truly sorry user
No thank you.
Adults aren't at risk of those things either unless they're slobs.
>I'm glad mine did, bitches prefer cut guys.
Actually, most can't tell the difference between cut and uncut.
And those who cant don't care about it.
Now the better question is, why then vast majority of 2D porn has girls cleanly shaved or at least with properly trimmed hair?
It's not about whether they can tell or not girls find flacid cut guys more appealing there's a shit ton of videos and studies backing my claim, I'm not saying ones better than the other.
>there's a shit ton of videos and studies backing my claim
sure, most of those are sponsored by schlomo healthy industries
if said studies were true then the rest of the world would either became extinct because girls dont want uncut dicks or dead from urinal infections; which is not the case
accept it, american culture is beyond cucked by the jew thinktank
On men too, desu
Because insecure virgin otakus get turned off and throw a hissy fit when an anime girl has "undesirable hair". Anime is a market and the objective is to please the crowd so they'll buy the merchandise and hopefully make money off it. If you make an undesirable main character, say a female slut, and the overall audience doesn't like that, then your series isn't going to be popular and you won't be making much money.
>tfw hair everywhere but head
They really should shave. Finding some hair in your mouth is the worst.
or that you're a jew, which is just as bad.