Europeans will defend this

And they call us "cucked"

Whoever takes this bait is a retard. Try harder.

It may be hard to see but you can see the merchants stopped it too

t. amerimongrel


Somebody doesn't have 5000 hours in MSPaint...


You'd have a point if but the terrible meme detracts from it.

Euromongrels nigger aren't remotely near the stage they are in America. Americans seem predisposed to race mix with inferiors and have multiple offspring. Here in Europe most races stick to themselves. The whites have one or two children; or none is increasingly common. Meanwhile our nigger and Arab imports have 7 or 8 sprogs. We're being replaced in numbers rather than genetically like in America.

That's a pretty badass ameriga bear

Something tells me you've never been to America


Sup Forums
>Don Jr meets with Russians to get dirt on hrc
Heeesa gud boy dindu nuffin rang

>hrc campaign funds dossier started by republican superpac

How is that even relevant

I go to the US at least once per year for the ski season. My family have a holiday home in Vermont. (Which used to be overwhelmingly white until the last five years or so. Very common to see white women with Somali refugees.)

Even with that aside, a work colleague of mine has been living in Ireland for 20 years without ever returning to the US until this year for her father's funeral. She went back to Georgia and her sister and many of her childhood friends were in mixed race relationship. To the extent that they spoke of it like a status symbol being with a black man.

Americans by and large are civic nationalists. They aren't unpatriotic faggots like Euros but it's ingrained in contemporary American culture that race mixing is completely fine

You are a terrible troll

>I go to the US at least once per year for the ski season
Literally why
Wouldn't it be cheaper to stay in Europe


You realise we wouldn't have this debate if you'd just let us kill the last batch of peaceful Semitic migrants your Democrats forced onto Germany? Choke on shit, remember you can get it at McDonald's.

I will tell you a secret: actually you are getting trolled because you are primitive bigot degenerates not because you aren't white enough, bubba.

He's full of shit user. Notice the Somali with white women. He doesn't realize America doesn't really have a Somali problem (yet).

>it's your fault

Germans are the buggest dindus on the PLANET. Yeah, nah. All Merkel had to do was not open the floodgates

It would be cheaper but for the fact we have a condo in Killington. I just booked my flights to Boston for February for €400 return, then it's probably another few hundred to rent the car for ten days and drive up.

Also I just like the snow in America more than Europe. It's a lot more powdery and suits my holiday plans better. In February in Switzerland or Italy for example the snow is wetter and less consistent. I went to Verbier just this weekend and the snow was nicer than it would ever be in February.

Lastly I just like stocking up on the things you can get in America that are either banned or have no market here. I bring a second suitcase to fill with food.

Vermont does. It's taken in a disproportionate number of Somali and Syrian refugees in comparison to the state population.

Why the hell would I lie? I'm not shit posting about Americans being mongrels. I'm just saying that America has a cultural problem to resolve with race mixing. We've a terrible problem in Europe with allowing in hordes of people who'll replace us because we don't have enough children. Both sides of the Atlantic have grim prospects.

You know who flooded us in the first place, do you mongrellus?
You know who rather contain himself than the chinese?

That is your problem. No joke. It is the most liberal state in America, people there have more of a Scandinavian outlook

I hate to tell you this, but the Nazis declared war on America after Japan declared war on us. We were defending ourselves.

I live in Utah and the Mormon's out breed niggetrs and spics. Amish do Anglos job as well.But Europe doesn't have millions of illegal spics to deal with. they have a birthrate problem though.

Merkel flooded you. Do you think all the refugees are Syrian?

A good job to

If you'd fought harder against the Russians you wouldn't have this problem. And it was Merkel's decision to destroy Germany this time around, not that of anyone else.

i hate to tell YOU this but the US is kind of an expert in provoking war without declaring it.
what exactly did you think would happen when you send millions of tons of war material to nazi germany's enemies, you are effectively already taking sides in the war

Blame America for everything and never take responsibility for wars Europe started and all of the colonization.


This except except seriously.


Without America Europe is doomed? Europe's farted longer than your country's existed


Hitler declared war to help the Japanese, it had nothing to do with materials

You seem quite angry, are you ok?

Euro farts smell like Islam cock

Calm down mom. Not even you could contain all this FREEDOM.



Yet we rose to power and toppled over you fools

>using the american mongrel meme for europeans

Ugh, so the other side of the D&C raid comes out. Saged

Why can't Amerimutts meme?

why is that amerimutt face on a euro body?

the sinking of the lusitania is what caused america to join the first world war.
Germany issued a no ship zone in the UK.
The USA said fuck that.
Loaded a passanger boat full of gun powder and fire arms and munitions.
Germans blew it up.

"Damn, Germany is so fucked up following through with their warnings and shieeeet even tho they were right about us sneaking weapons to the brits. Welp time to declare war."

this is the funniest one ive seen yet lmao