Dragon Ball Super

Fusion edition

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I find it weird that Male - Female fusion hasn't come up yet

there are no girls that fight
Get pan in the ring, she's probably stronger than yamcha at least

>Fb meme
Seriously kill yourself

Man those 2 Mai doujins are really good.


What did he mean by this?



>I write an outline of the entire plot, then the script writers break it up into episodes, expanding on things, changing things around, or adding in new bits as need be.

>Even I haven’t checked the final script yet.
>Let’s enjoy this together (laughs)!!


>I had put Dragon Ball behind me, but seeing how much that live-action film ticked me off, and how I revised that script for the anime movie and complained about the quality of the TV anime, I suppose somewhere along the line it’s become a series I like too much to ever leave alone.



>Speaking of the manga, I want to ask you two about how you put the manga together. I hear Toriyama-sensei checks the storyboards for each chapter.
>Toriyama: That’s right.

>Back when Toriyama-sensei was drawing the manga, the animators would use his manga panels as reference, imitating the composition and things like that. And now it seems that the animators are likewise using Toyotaro-sensei‘s manga as reference.
>Toriyama: Oh, that’s good! That should keep them on track!


>Every month, I'll create a storyboard for him to review, and then he'll give me input and suggest changes. When I'm working with Toriyama, there are many portions he gives me props for coming up with, but he is very particular about other things and always points them out for me to correct. And when he corrects me, I think “Wow, I guess I don't completely understand the way he looks at things,” so his corrections and feedback are incredibly accurate and helpful. It's a lot of fun to be able to get closer to his way of thinking

This scene reminded me of this




>I’m really grateful to you. I never thought an artist like you would come along to draw the continuation of my story!

Canonical powerranks
Roshi- moon buster
Vegeta (sayian arc)- planet buster
Super perfect cell- solar system buster
Beerus- universe+ buster
Zeno :existence buster

Old Kai.

He means it's suffering for him being sealed by ningens.

Damn, it all makes sense now. The reason why Mai's eyes are black at one point and blue at another point. Once she fused with SSJ Trunks, her eyes became blue.


>there are no girls that fight
Android 18 is stronger than everyone except Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo and Buu.
I wonder what a 17 and 18 Fusion would be like.

Zeno has never actually demonstrated that power. That's pure hearsay.

>knowing that it's a Facebook meme
GTFO normie. How did you know that's a Facebook meme.

I know zeno destroyed 6 universes but existence buster really? Are dbfags this autistic that they bring up headcanons.

Probably like this.


Then how did those 6 other universes die?

> normie
Learn Sup Forums vocabulary newfag or purge yourself

>yfw you can't have fun in these threads because you like both manga and anime

They're never going to come out and say which is the true canon so imo, it's the Chapter 1 manga > Episode 2 > Battle of Gods > Episodes 15-17 filler > Resurrection F > Anime tournament > Manga Trunks arc

Though i know not to confuse my head canon with anime/manga canon


Do you have evidence that they ever existed? All the universes have twins, they all add up to 13. If there were six more universes this would be broken. You've been tricked, user.

after ruining bardock toriyama should stfu and die

Also in the latest episode Black tore a gaping wound on the fabric of reality.

You forgot broly being galaxy buster.

>the continuation of my story!

I'm not sure why people keep posting this, to prove its more canon? Toriyama isn't writing it, he's basically handed story duties over to Toyotaro at this point. The plot outline he provides must be really small. I think at one point Toriyama even said he wouldn't mind stories taking place before EoZ as examples of what "may have" or could have happened.

Toyotaro will also probably have to leap ridiculously far through he Black arc if he wants to finish it and be ahead of the anime by December or January.

lol but the manga is not canon, user XD

anime is the real canon now XD

buu could do that too

Anime is more cannoner than manga because manga is not by author but author rights anime.

Broly will never be canon

>All the universes have twins, they all add up to 13.

user. I think you need to check your head.

>this world
Use this image it's more clear.


Less dragon ball, more english, faggot

Zeno is a genocidal monster, like Majin Buu only worse, just accept it

Fuck off kid.

mfw c18 is real

So will ZAMATWO have significant ki drain since he fused while SSR?


I dont give a fuck about our canon shit at least mention broly being able to destroy a galaxy.

No. SSGSS is about complete ki control.

How big is your dick?

Buu could only open a portal, it wasn't something that would cause damage.

Don't listen to the stupid Brolyfags.
Canon shit only

Wait, shouldn't the Mafuba had killed Trunks?

Tien used the Mafuba in DB and didn't die.

No he didn't. The pot broke in the manga so he tried fighting Piccolo instead.

i think if it fails you get to live

The way Black did it was far more impressive. Buu had to assume the shitting position while Black only had to wave his stick around. Not to mention that Black was able to make some clones from the reality rips. Black's version is actually useful in a fight.

Broly is infinite buster you bitch.

Old Kai and Toriyama said that the gender depends on who is dominant, though if both are pretty dominant, then the result would be a new-half. So it would look like a women, but have a penis.

Wow you guys are so autistic you make the xenoverse thread on /vg/ look like heaven.

I'm out.

and this

So why does Bulma look most attractive after 30 years and having a kid?

It can lead to death, that doesn't mean that the person necessarily will die.
Kami-sama tried to use the mafuba against Piccolo in the original dragonball, but Piccolo trapped him instead, and he didnt die.

She's 38, right? Hard to believe she still has another kid coming up.

Actually by Resurrection F she's 46

How long before we get SSG and SSB Broly?

So are we just ignoring Trunks learned how to successfully use the Mafuba by watching a video and it took Goku all day to learn?

Patience brother.
He will be above existence buster.

Even if he couldn't power down, it doesn't matter since Zamasu is immortal. The whole thing about Ki is it's stamina based. Your Ki doesn't get used up, you just have trouble tapping into your power when your stamina goes down. That's why Goku says to Vegeta in the Buu saga to just give him some time to rest and power up and then he could beat Buu.

It's also why Freeza was getting weaker, he has piss poor stamina when trying to use 100% of his power and was starting to get really weak.

Being Immortal means INFINITE stamina. Zamasu doesn't get tired at all, he doesn't need to sleep, he doesn't have a limited life span and the energy doesn't strain his body at all.

Even if he was weaker then either Goku or Vegeta, eventually they wouldn't be able to stop him because his power will always be at Max.

DBS Goku is borderline retarded tier, I'm surprised that it didn't take him more time to learn it.

Anyone have that webm of ssj4 broly being btfo by champa?


Remember when Goku learned the Kamehameha in like 3 minutes?

Trunks is good at puzzles
His mom is a genius
Tien learned it faster than Goku
Your mother's a whore

why do you keep posting this same shit every thread?

>1 and 12
>2 and 11
>6 and 7

Literally perfection

That's not how people on Sup Forums think, though. They still won't recognize the fact that xXx...Beerus...xXx is a bad guy because "it's his job".

Zeno buster right there.


Bulma must be one of those women that can still have babies at 50.

Hey ningen,

My name is Zamasu, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are weak, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day beating each other up. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever even looked in the mirror and admired yourselves? I mean, I guess it’s fun hitting people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I'm a prodigy in Universe 10, and I'm pretty much a Kaioshin. What sports do you play, other than “beat eachother with clubs"? I also make tea, and have a banging hot girlfriend (I just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

Are you... Are you an idiot?

Yeah. I accept the "it's his job" excuse for guys like Galactus, but Beerus clearly takes a lot of sadistic pleasure in being a petty asshole that lords his power over others.

Not canon whatever.

What? What's wrong?

its how autistic people work user, he thinks that by posting the same thing repeatedly it means he is settling an argument. Normal people would wait for an argument to show up before trying to prove it wrong but autistic people will try to "ORGANIZE" possible arguments before they start.
Just ignore him, eventually there will be a train or something nearby and he'll run out to see the trains.

And then broly got so angry he busted the whole db verse and your moms pussy.

Beerus is bad at his job. If he was good at his job, Frieza would be dead, Buu would be dead, and the Saiyans would be dead.

holy shit you're retarded.

do you like get grants from the government or did you manage to find a job somewhere? I never thought I would see an adult that cant do sums.

Neither is Broly.

About as canon as Broly

Frieza worked for him.
Frieza moves? Death ball, Death beam. etc? All of them were red and black ki, exactly like beerus.

Beerus told Frieza to kill the sayans.

Even Zeno told off Beerus for being bad at his job. Then again, it seems that Zeno's problem was that he wasn't destroying enough planets, even though a few episodes earlier the Kais were complaining that he was destroying too many.

>Beerus's job is being a hero of justice
No dumbass

Explain how a 35 year old created character is the best waifu the past 10 years.

Shame that Piccolo being a top dog always goes nowhere.

Pretty sure stopping people from getting too strong and stopping people who fuck with the universe is Beerus' job.


Would Zamasu prefer to have his dick sucked or ass fucked

She isnt annoying- chichi
She isnt a whore-bulma
She actually helps and fights along the z fighters- 18

Wasn't it stated that Freeza was next in line to be the U7 God of destruction?

Zeno is pretty sociopathic given how casual he was about wiping people out of existence for simply being concerned for him.