>tfw jew
>tfw agree with the alt-right
>tfw they wanna shoah me anyway
>tfw they wanna nuke the only other country i could go to if they kick me out of theirs
Tfw jew
how do you feel about the influence of jews in the media/hollywood/financial system? and their outsize role in the civil rights movement and degradation of traditional values?
all terrible and true
just get a nosejob
I think you know the way out here OP.
It's the same for all of us.
Then stop being a Jew you fucker.
Convert to some variant of Christianity. Old school Europe stuff like Catholicism or Lutheranism. None of that evangelical showbiz shit.
Stop identifying as a Jew. Deny being a Jew if anyone asserts that you are.
Jews are basically just 99.9999% Europeans who belong to a cult. Leave the cult, and if you ever get married leave your Jew name behind too. You'll be de-Juden'd in a generation.
Honorary Aryans exist
Many Jews fought along side Hitler
Altright is alright
If you a jew
They care less about me
Than they do about you.
considered this but right wingers think we're all a race anyway
I think we need to make a distinction between the Elders of Zion and the common Jew, if you read Henry Ford's writings he is careful to do this. That was probably Hitler's biggest mistake with regards to the Jewish question, he rounded up common Jews but let the one Rothschild in custody go.
>he rounded up common Jews but let the one Rothschild in custody go
Jesus that's like the opposite of what you're supposed to do.
this. i wish the alt right would just kill the trouble makers like soros and rothschild. i hate them as much as everybody else
Good thing you're a European of Khazar lineage and NOT a Jew then, right? You're only a Jew if you practice the religion of Judaism. You can be "Jewish" by acting like a Jew but anyone can, and there is a word for a non-Jew who behaves like a Jew: Zionist. That's not you.
protip: The "Alt-Right" didn't tell you this. Sup Forums did. The Alt-Right is a CIAnigger front working with the MOSSAD. The propaganda arm of the Alt-Right is TRS - yet another alphabet agency. Try not to let them group, label, or lead you.
i thought the consensus was jews couldn't be white?
"White" is slang for Europeans of non-Khazar stock. They may be Europeans like us but not "white." It's just a separated because our genes are still contrary to one another's, being the "white Jews" are mostly inbred, and inbreeding causes a host of diseases in children. So yeah they're not white.
Well technically you are. You fuckers did selective breeding within the group at the behest of your child molesting rabbis. But you know that's fine, just stop letting your Jewish ancestry define you. You know search for salvation with the Lord, he will forgive you for your sins and your people's sins. Next be aware of your natural Jew lizard brain and go against it. You know when it says "oy vey I'd love a Bagel with some LOX" or "give me your shekels goyim" deny the temptation to use your vile Jew tricks.
Basically what I'm trying to say is try to find spiritual salvation. Maybe Jesus will grant your vile heeb body a soul and you'll finally grow a conscious. Or you know you could just infiltrate the upper levels of the Cabal and be our inside man to help topple (((them))).
Stop bitching. I really doubt that you have JEW tattooed on your face. Deny being a Jew, and no one who doesn't know you personally could even call you one.
When people complain about Jews, don't say 'but I'm a good Jew'. Stop identifying as a Jew. What people say about them or how they feel about Jews doesn't matter, because you will no longer be one.
If someone says 'Jews are an ethnic group', then just shrug and agree. It's not like people can follow the One Drop Rule about it. Just acknowledge that at some point 1,000 years ago you had an ancestor that came from Judea, married a European, and had children that continued to interbreed with Europeans. That doesn't make you a Jew anymore than having an ancestor who got BLACKED 500 years ago would make you a nigger.
Stop identifying yourself as a Jew, stop allowing other people to identify you as one, and you will cease to be one. Don't be concerned with anti-Judaism, because that's about Jews, and you're not a Jew anymore.
This race theory shit is useless. The International Jew begins and ends with the Rothschilds and maybe a few other luminaries. There is no Israel without the Rothschilds (Fun fact, the road running through the center of Israel's government district is called Rothschild Road). There is no funding for international subversion without the Rothschilds. No feminism, no black lives splatter, NOTHING. Focus on them, focus on the head of the snake, not on the scales.
unfuck israel and kike culture and get them to stop attacking us or fuck off
I thought we were supposed to get rid of them all...
Jews play all sides. This thread is a classic Jew trick. You cannot trust a Jew, ever. They will always side with their fellow Jews. If given the chance and opportunity the Jew will betray you. Always. I don't hate you for this, just as I don't hate the roach. It is as God made it. But that doesn't mean I won't crush the shit out of the roach and I won't gladly help gas the kike.
they also have selective breeding for liars, rapists and neurotic genociders
Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies.
What am I supposed to do with the the Rothschilds?
if every jew went to Israe right now and left other countries alone, nobody would care. We know that will never happen.
have you tried not being a jew?
kikes are bred to be backstabbers. its the only ay you can survive in the middle east and muslim societies
they evolved to hide behind legal codes and parasite muslims
This is what i mean. who am i supposed to side with if i'm just assumed to be a traitor no matter what?
jews are not white, they are semites.
I think you know the answer to that question.
you've been given your fucking response. unfuck your culture and get other kikes to stop trying to genocide us. this is mutually assured destruction and kikes have their finger on the genocide button. there are NO civilians
if you cant accept that fuck off
considered this too but i thought alt right stance was nuke israel. i'll support the right no matter what cause leftism is cancer, i just hope it doesn't end in a shoah
>You cannot trust a Jew, ever.
Nigger your political ideology was literally invented by a Jew.
illumen-yetti confirmed
>tfw only half non white
>tfw day gets better that at least I’m not a god damn kike who believes in the alt right
>caring about what Sup Forums thinks
As long as you aren't a leftist/commie/sjw you are fine by my standards
Israel deserves to be nuked because they cannot stop themselves from meddling. How hard is that to understand, fuck off to your own country, and stay out of every other’s business.
why is one of the jews i know blue-eyed then? isn't that strictly a white/nordic trait desu?
Be the noble Jew
obviously i accept that but there's not much i can do from down here. im a pleb jew and im atheist so i don't do go to synagogue and meet with other jews ever. if i ever reach a position of power i plan to give money to amren and other right wing organizations but im powerless rn
muh greatest ally
what would happen if some country like Iran lobbed a nuke at israel?
israel would send a nuke at EVERY capital city in Europe
piss off kike
thanks argiebro
This Become like Father Nathaniel
a lot of modern kikes are 1/9th or less. kikes try to marry rich gentiles. the reason their inteligence is high is they marry rich christians and become less kike over tme.
actual full kikes are not very smart
that's the most retarded thing I've read today. Israel wouldn't let themselves be nuked. they're the reason Iranians were making almost no progress because sabotage
Ask your own kike scientists that states that jews are a different race. Blue eyes does not mean white idiot, there are asians with naturally blue eyes.
DNA Test time faggot. Pray to the Nuremburg race laws.
those "scientists" are just propagandists. i look white and have always felt white. not sure if that means anything
>that pic
I was under the impression the blue eye mutation resulted from a signle european ancestor
They're not a race
Start talking about it, then, Start calling it out. You are in a far better position than any of us to call it out, because you can always pull the "Its okay I'm Jewish card." If any Jews are saved when the inevitable shoah happens, you'd better bet it would only be people who called (((them))) out before it became a last-ditch effort to save their skin
just make it clear you are on our side with regards to race realism, white genocide, the JQ, etc and you will be fine
besides the jews try to distance themselves ethnically from whites now because they want to avoid being caught in the cleansing of our race that they started
im actually blue eyes too. slav genes i think
And you can feel like a tranny elephant for all i care. Get that sjw shit out of here.
I don’t sympathize with you even slightly. Wanna do something be the next David cole. Or else fuck off.
fair enough.
but yo need to either get a position of influence in gentile organisations and fight the kikes as a kike (gentiles get accused of being natsoc) bc you can say things that the rest of us cannot, or you need to infiltrate kike orgs
implement open borders for israel
you can immediately get set up in israel as a full cit. and job if you go the heritage tour
open borders for israel.
if you don't, both of us are dead. no one is going to let only themselves die.
make your choice
Or do this (or both)
Convert to Christianity, leave your Jewish heritage, and call (((them))) out. I'll vouch for you and people like you when the time comes
Can you stop already to make the same stupid thread over and over?
If you were honestly worried about it you would have simply took the infinite advices and stopped long ago.
Instead you keep kiking around the board with your fellow roaches.
I already see you and your fellows ratting each other out and crying like little bitches when the day will come.And fear not, it will soon.
You already know whites have an excellent jewdar. We just forgot we have one.
But they do conceive of themselves as one.
Learn your history and the reason why jews do what they do. If you're genuinely passionate about white countries not becoming "multicultural" shitholes then go ahead and be /ourjew/
i'm as opposed to Jewish power as it comes, and you sound alright to me.
Us goys are counter-semitic, and semitism is antigentile.
Man I love shit like this
Crack the books people there's no special conspiracy just a tradition of textual engagement lmao
yeah except the ADL and other kike faggot organizations play the no true Scotsman card and repudiate
A (((scientific))) guess that cannot be proven conclusively. How many times have (((scientists))) made claims again and have been proven wrong? Countless.
its not retarded. it's a fact
israel forced europe and the usa into supporting them by threatening to nuke europe and the us if they let iran develop nukes (thereby targeting israel)
fuck off kike
>but yo need to either get a position of influence in gentile organisations and fight the kikes as a kike (gentiles get accused of being natsoc)
that's kind of the plan. they can't accuse me of being a nazi if i'm a jew. still im just a neet for now. hopefully that changes if i get a degree
semites (jews and arabs) are a different race. period.
this is my first time making this thread but i have seen them here before. theres just a lot of jews on pol user
Israel should be the Jewish natural preserve.
Hitler had to build the camps because he had nowhere to ship the Jews.
Now there is a non lethal way of solving tge Jewish question.
>Seen this thread multiple times
>still not gonna feel bad for kikes
>beware Jewish tricks
Follow your own political branch.
Don't follow the radical just because it's popular.
Nothing makes me feel comfier than Kevin Macdonald
then go straight to israel and build open borders for israel
if europe is going to die by the hands of kikes, every kike is going to die.
there are people far more innocent than you.
they have a burden to bear and suffering they must endure and so do you.
make you choice, faggot. help or die
It's kind of similar being an intelligent masculine female that wants to be in politics. They will never trust us but we understand why.
lol yeah bro just do it
I'm not religious at all, mom is Christian and dad is Jewish so technically I'm not a jew since it wasn't on my mom's side.
Nigga jews are an ethnicity.
women can't be politicians
Had to order a new copy a few days ago when I lost my copy.
>lel he takes memes seriously
How difficult can it be to understand it?
Denounce the roaches, live honestly and put all your efforts in rebuilding an healthy society for the future.
A jew is defined as the denier of christ.
talmudic judaism teaches that jews must rule the goyim.
talmudic judaism teaches it's alright to rape 3 year old goyim children.
to take the liver of a goyim.
it is a book on how to cheat the 10 commandments.
if you're a jew then you don't agree with the alt right.
find christ.
know the truth about the satanic roots of talmudic judaism.
fight it.
find God.
That is asking a lot from an eternal juden.
Dude if you're serious just learn hebrew and make aliyah, stop moping around fucking up America for the rest of us. What exactly are you hoping to get out of this? Inner peace?
>Denounce the roaches, live honestly and put all your efforts in rebuilding an healthy society for the future.
this is all i strive for. i just want everyone to live in peace in a shitskin-free eugenic paradise
Recently found out out that I'm 1/32 ethnically Jewish
Killing myself tonight
Be like Benjamin H Freedman. Be the Jew that exposes the Jew. I just want you all to kike each other in one country so you stop kiking everyone else.
>fucking up America for the rest of us
how did i fuck up america?
Blue-eyed Jew here. Can confirm. But I don't practice or do any Jewish schemes and if anyone asserts I am a Jew I deny it vehemently.
Getting a tan here tho...maybe too tan. My sandnigger genes are starting to show