Popuko & Pipimi will save anime.
Popuko & Pipimi will save anime
Was the inevitable adaptation announced yet?
Thank you poptepipic.
there will ever make one?
constant references to copyrighted shit is no joke in nipland
Gintama makes lots of references, doesn't it?
Who will voice them?
I know for sure one of them will be voiced by Satomi Arai.
I really don't get this manga.
I don't find it funny and neither do I like it, but I keep reading it.
I want to see this movie.
Aoi Yuuki
I want Haruka Tomatsu and Marina Inoue. They need to talk like sukeban.
What should I study to get the jokes?
Pop culture
Also Pip culture
Finnegans Wake
I've read 4 of Bkub's works and the only good one is Charm. I don't even like Touhou that much but Charm's gags are clever and well thought out most of the time, whereas most his other stuff is just randumb reactions and pop culture references.
then this means you like Charm for the cute drawings, because most of the jokes there are references to 2hou lore
I never said I didn't know Touhou lore. And honestly only about half of the gags require any kind of Touhou knowledge.
You are Mother Fucker?
Pic related is a comedic work of art.
Its because its pretty absurdist. That style is like crack
You are Mother Fucker?