This manga is tanking so fucking bad

This manga is tanking so fucking bad.

How did it go from being so great to absolute shit? Will the current shitty arc ever end?

Lack of ideas + becoming bored of the manga.
The author did get tired of it but it still gives him money so he keeps doing it

Hiramoto overestimated his writing skills
he thought overstretching for 3++ chapter the equivalent of pre-namek chapter plot was a good idea
before entering this eternal limbo, every single chapter ended in a great cliffhanger that makes you want for more, now cliffhangers barely have any impact or makes you craving for next chapter

also art took a huge nose drive

blame Akuma Blues

Are they still not done with the competition arc? Is the vice pres still fucking retarded?

V-prez is back for real this time but theyre still in namek

its just the focus on andre and VP that is just meh.
The pace has always been slow but its even slower in this shit arc... can't even be bothered to read it anymore just skim it.

3 Fucking Volumes ONLY on the cavalry battle so far.

And it dragged before that too.

I like this pose. I hope the manga speeds up again.

Does anyone still remember how Mari fucked over poor Kate.

>And it dragged before that too.
but in the Hana-Kiyoshi piss kiss mini-arc you could feel the tension and was great

Stopped reading around when they kept trying to get Vprez back to normal and you're saying it's basically still at that arc? L o fucking L

That stopped with 177.

Cavalry Battle started at 203.
We are now at 233.

I especially like how Hana and Kiyoshi hold onto each other.

actually was 178, but otherwise youre right; I completely forgot about the pre-cavalry shit being that long

>mfw the manga went to shit almost at the same time anime got announced
>mfw PS threads turned to absolute waifuwar crap around this time too
>mfw we've been stuck in this gimmick of arc for almost a year and a half
>mfw cavalry arc now take almost 1/4 the total of chapter published currently

I like how we suggested possible plot-developments the Author probably did not think about, even though he hinted at it.

58 chapters are currently a fourth.

But you are forgetting the pant-swittching thing.

That was fun.

Maybe you could go and read something else in the meanwhile instead of doomcrying.

>I like how we suggested possible plot-developments the Author probably did not think about, even though he hinted at it.
that was the best part of the treads pre-anime, along with reaction faces
then anime started, secondaries came and started their pointless waifuwars ruining threads forever

It's not the arc itself but the pacing that sucks balls, half the times it goes at 300% speed then slows to 10%, there is zero flow.

Add it to the long list of "this was great for 5-10 volumes but then it got really popular and gets extended to 20-30 volumes until the sales start dropping".

who would have thought that the real prison was a bunch of girls bitching

Will the artist ever go into implied scat territory like how they teased Hana pissing on him for fucking ever?

I need this artist to draw the VP farting on the MC's faces as punishment.

please leave immediately


But what of the Assman?

This series will never have scat. Ever.

I have a feeling that the reason why the competition arc is taking so long is the author doesn't really know what to do next since the series can't be called Prison School unless someone is in the prison,

I can only imagine three outcomes after the arc ends

1) One of the groups winds up back in the prison and the author basically repeats the first arc again
2) More male characters enter the school and windup in the prison just as or even faster then the main five guys
3) The series ends

It kept going after the first half of the story where the guys were in Prison. It shouldn't have gone any longer than that.

>inb4 wake up from coma
>i-is the cavalry arc still going on?

if anything should end with their current scholar year coming to an end, Mari, Meiko and Hana will graduate from high school
but at this point I doubt Hiramoto can come up with something engaging for the next arc

I think this is the point where Kate gives Hana a choice, make the USC fail or Kate shows everyone the pictures with Kiyoshi

Kiyoshi's boxers must come into play soon too, previous chapter showed Hana unable to run because of them, current one shows her grabing them as if her life depend on it

>I'm so sorry. We thought we could make the world a better place, but we failed.

literally all the author had to do was continue to put kiyoshi into 1 on 1 steamy hot situations with the prison girls

While I agree the current arc has dragged on for way too long, given the way the last few chapters have gone, it will end soon. VP is back, Mari and Kate are on their last legs, and something's gotta give.

We have.

>mfw PS threads turned to absolute waifuwar crap around this time too

no they've been like that forever, that quarter number is fucking depressing though

Looks like she literally doubled in size, like up to 8ft tall compared to the others.

before that wasnt even waifuwars
>Chiyo was universally panned as offscreen chan and chiyofags were bullied to death
>being hanafag was barely a thing
>Mari was a manhating dyke and only that
>Meiko was there just for fanservice
not listing the ASC because theyre not worth

The series isn't exactly one for proportional consistency.

How can someone fall so low?

Lack of punishment can do that to a man

>being hanafag was barely a thing

I just think you're misremembering the timing on when this happened

thats the crude life of a masochist for you

all the waifufags were too concentrated on Meiko's boobs to even considerate Hana

Do nips bitch about this as much as we do?

If it's already 3 volumes on the calvary arc, the sales must mean that the nips must be loving this, right?

The initial plot of the manga was resolved too early and thus had nowhere to go from there.

if you can read nip go and read the amazon reviews for the last 3-4 Vols

The writer very obviously lost interest/got stuck. It's actually not the first time this happens, you can see it a little earlier on that it happens as well, but he uses situational humor/fanservice as a stall in those cases.

The current arc was a sink, and has been stretched beyond ending fatigue, but he has nowhere to go with it. So instead of resolving it, he keeps trying to throw more situational absurdity as a stall.

Which might work on short term, but when you've literally had 30 issues of "look, isn't THIS situation so ZANY?!?" while making absolutely 0% plot mobility it's going to turn people away.

all it needs is for someone to fall. thats all.


The lack of ships and fanservice killed it.. Also the boys (Shingo, Gakuto, Joe) along with Chiyo and Hana feel like complete fodder now...


Because Hiramoto is bored of this shit, he's only doing it for the money.

His best work is Akuma blues and he's working on it, the past 2 devil blues chapters were great.

>reading last chapter
>Kate and Mari almost agreed to a draw and to settle it later

Thank fucking god VP shot that idea down. I was about to lose my mind if it happened.