Who is creating such memes? I have never seen a meme spreading so fast. Who is behind this memefactory
Who is creating such memes? I have never seen a meme spreading so fast. Who is behind this memefactory
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Jew Nigger Glow in the Dark faggots from space.
It it genuinely funny- but it kills otherwise informative threads so damn quickly. And the most insidious part is none of us Americans can criticise it without looking like a soft bitch.
Guess we just gotta wait it out.
antiamericanism at it's finest
a certain 8pol faction that operates on telegram
idea is to make white americans absolutely hate non whites, and make anyone who isn't white feel ashamed and turn to the left as this movement will be extremely hostile to them
It's a Soros op.
its funny. We memed maple niggers into suicide, so its our turn.
>soft bitch
Russian hackers
CIA and Soros.
You'll note that all the ones posting it use meme flags, and when you call them out they refuse to un-flag themselves.
Also, when the mods move a thread to /bant/, the meme flags get turned off. There was one earlier where all the anti-america posts were flagged america, because it moved
Fuck you. At least we're not racist, sexist, islamaphobic and homophobic like you amerimutts.
Exactly, it's super disruptive on this board this week- but it's a funny meme that will stick around forever in bantz. I just wish it didn't kill some of the cooler threads.
cia niigas
Hive mind eleventh dimension gay frogs from Jonestown.
>we just gotta wait it out
This meme won't die
>terrible meme
>glow in the dark niggers
It's stupid and it'll blow over eventually. As always ANIME is the chemo that cures cancer.
This meme isn't even CLOSE to as annoying as past memes were.
It is leftypol d/c. They realized that Americans are cocky and disliked by Euros because they are not suffering from the migrant crisis the same way.
The goal is to cut Americans from Europeans. Notice how Asian and South American posters besides Shitexico ignore it.
>>terrible meme
Not really, it's rather accurate representation of Amerimutts
seems kinda offensive if you ask me.
This Aryan is right.
What past memes? Can you give me a quick rundown?
Not die, just not be shilled to kill threads. "It's okay to be white" made national news for fucks sake. Right when it just started getting interesting, bam, le amerimutt derails everything.
IDGAF if you call me a mutt, we're all just Russian bots anyways, but this week almost all interesting threads have been killed with this meme.
why tf would i be islamophobic or homophobic. neither sand niggers nor faggots scare me because im smarter than them and have better guns
The only problem, heeb, is that the meme is directly related to you.
The left can't meme. This is CIA-tier meme warfare.
this has been posted for months and has only recently started gaining real traction due to us anons being insanely butthurt about it
Now they have taken to using VPNs to show that "its not just US anons that hate it"
its a joke and the only reason it is successful is because snowflakes are getting triggered by it
The leaf breaks character shows it real agenda.
Every week interesting threads are killed. It's way to often Burgers derailing those threads with your usual bullshit. It's no surprise this meme was born.
Literally don't even know what country you're from to shit on you. But you are on a US site posting in English instead of Sanskrit or whatever your native language is, so...
Yet nobody gets triggered by merchant threads and memes.
Talk about how things skinned and self conscious amerifats really are.
t. slavshit making fun of based americans
Thin skinned*
Pic related, my Aryan friend.
desuspam, lanced jack and taiga, boxxy, girugamesh, lurk more newfag.
shut the fuck up JIDF. It's literally Hasbara JIDF.
See. This shit is literally a Hasbara operation.
You gotta wait to go thru the fridge, just met you.
ok, now
>based americans
Behind this outbreak is the american mongrel brain not being able to cope with banter and getting it's own hypocrisy exposed, proxymongrellus.
Sure, we are all rabbis, mongrellus.
need ................. white ............. dna
please. ......... help ...............me
I haven't found any connection to leftypol honestly. If you pointed fingers at CTR or some unknown soros group I would believe it.
I have seen copy/paste threads promoting it and the first 5 posts are all within 30 seconds posting images of it. It's very obvious that it is foreign and is meant to break Sup Forums unity, and it is probably the best attempt they have made so far.
is that avicii?
>t. Globalist Woman President
ok m*hammed
>It's ok if we laugh at everyone else
The small brains and balls of the Ameri-mutt.
You don't fix spelling mistakes here faggot. You kikes stopped using the words "us" and "we" though. I guess some progress was made.
That's rich coming from a citizen of New Somalia
donal dump heself
This. It's an organised effort to keep pseudo-casuals off Sup Forums. Trying to slow recruitment I guess...
Sup Forums
g ........i...v....e........w......h....i....t.e.......d...n.a
jesus you cunts are something else
so butthurt that it turns into a conspiracy
you're like the original boomers that came here and got triggered by people sharing an anti US sentiment due to our culture of sharing real news and connecting the dots
get over yourselves cunts
its a big joke and you're making it worthwhile by jumping at delusions of grandeur
i dont even understand it
>let me tell you who's white
Lol. Fuck you guys are so dramatic. It's just some rabbis having fun obviously.
You. Or should I say, (you). If we didn't get so many replies the meme would not have grown so fast at all.
"Homophobic" is a funny word. I have no reason to be afraid of fags. Fags, however, have every reason to be afraid of me.
Rich coming from a country responsible for the immigration crisis in the first place.
You bigotry is being exposed with thise meme, that's why it works.
Nobody takes you congo-tiers serious no more, you are a failed state about to reach rock-bottom, bubba.
CIA niggas.
You think i am joking...
>be slovenia
>literally the lunapark for old Italians
your country is joke.
>posts fat woman as a joke image
>votes for fat woman to ruin his homeland
Fuuuuuuuuck I feel my White DNA being drained when I looked at that picture
>any other country gets bantered
>shrug it off/join in shitposting
>Amerimutts get bantered
>it's a globalist conspiracy
Europeans, Australians, Canadians.
Now Europe and Canada is tagging back at us for giving them such shit over immigration.
They didn't DO anything about it. Just threw salt back. Not unexpected.
Now Australia is doing it because they're fucking assholes. Not stupid. Not ignorant really. They're just assholes. It's a tradition.
No shareblue.
Any people who are capable of destroying their nations this quickly while doing next to nothing?
Yea they'd do this. Sure.
I believe it has to do with creating a divide between American posters and all other posters. user from all flags helped in the meme wars for Donald Trump. It inspired many, sadly Europe couldn't get Le Pen and Germany remains in the quicksand.
i think it is kind of funny, probably making fun of civic nationalism or some shit
wish ameribros would be able to take a joke rather than claiming this is JIDF or whatever. leafbros didn't do that, they were able to take the joke.
I hate this meme enforced by the european faggots. My American brethren deserve more respect.
>cia, shariablue, rabbis, mohammeds all woking together to attack the american uebermensch
this, these people need to be neutered.
I don't think you know what literally means Mr. 1/4683 German 2/832485 English 1/2 nogger
I C.A.N.....F...E....E..L...THE....WHI....TE.....P........OW.....ER
yeah it is kind of stupid for thinking the CIA is posting this shit, more likely euros, australians and canadians having a piss
>other countries have conversations
>you fuck a dog
honestly this meme is hilarious to me especially the black hole ones and the -100 percent one
W-what have I become...!?!??!?!
its all fun and games until the mongrelth harvests your white soul
There is a source to all memes, and they begin somewhere. Show me the source of the first amerimutt image. Any link with it. This stuff sprung out and there was tons of threads dedicated to posting the images. Everything starts somewhere.
This, Sup Forums needs more anime. My PC is borked but I'll have my reaction folder back soon.
Buttmad Europoors. I don't know if it's actually CIA/leftypol/bant/int/reddit coordinated (although I feel like it is) but all the fellow burgers get so pissed off by them that all it does is Streisand Effect the meme's popularity.
Fellow Americans, do NOT reply negatively to these memes. Yes, they are incredibly stupid and insulting, that's the point. Just ignore the bait and move on.
>based american
It's incredible mongrellus to even assume the cia or whatever could even afford these many individuals shitposting or that they would actually care.
Spinning this into a conspiracy further cements the mongrellus' standing in the world.
>Itz duh CIA
Anybody done a 56% awoogirl?
Jidf, forever booty blasted that their existence is so fucked that all it takes to trigger them is a 20 year old cartoon drawing of an average characterization of jewish traits, so retarded from their inbreeding that they don't realize no american looks like the amerimutt, yet most male jews look like the drawing.
They want to make an american version of the eternal jew for revenge.
It started with this face
>t. american intellectual
>no good way to banter america
>americans constantly bantering other nations
>other nations so butthurt they start a campaign about how americans are all mutts
>ignores the fact that all their countries are being blacked hardcore
Those fuckers at TIME have some nerve...