ITT: We Larp as Americans
aber, ich bin ein Amerikaner
I am larping as an American
Take. The fucking. Meme flag off.
it's good that we don't got no health care, cause i like going broke when i'm sick
How are you taking to your new home Muhammad?
ingland iz full of moozlims
u cen tel by vizitng paris :DDDD
>implying his flag isn't the meme flag
Why are you referring to me in the third person you actual sperg
whider than yoo mohammed :DD
>thinks we don't know he's a cianigger
Enjoying the gunshot wound you just received, faggot?
ITT: We larp as pathetic Leafs who cower behind meme flags
t. Sharter
Let's not go offtopic my 28% friend.
NATO strong!
You're right, Americans are such niggers XD
fuck amerimutts
fuck off cianigger
>the only place these fucking Ameri-orc memes do not appear is in the CBTS spam threads because the same fucking people are behind both and are attempting to heard people to that other thread.
At least my country is whiter than yours, my 28% mutt.
>everyone I don't like is CIA
Canada is going to be 100% Muhammed soon
have fun
You don't need to try to LARP as an American. You already are. Turn on your TV and go outside
>implying I'm Canadian
>ITT Euros argue whos while while every 60 second another white women is being raped by a refugee.
show your flag then, pussy
That's some sick fantasy you've got there, my 38% mutt. Did a nigger whiter than you grope you while virgin walking home?
>he doesn't know this is my actual flag
>the actual state of (You)
same here, ill switch to my geo flag
show your shit tier country already you pussy
someone i know posted a bunch of "its ok to be white" posters around university of san francisco, and nobody has said shit about it because those who took em down swiftly made sure that people didnt know they were even there in the first place.
we need a real campaign
You're not white though.
nice digits doodles
Im 1/1655th german
I'm 1/64 of Irish ancestry, I'm basically whiter than the whole Europe United, how can cuckropeans even compete?
>Tfw already in this hellhole
Ooga booga where the guns at?
What did our country mean by this
This is my actual flag. In Brussels all Sup Forums users have this flag by default.
fuck off JIDF shill
Whiter than 95% of Drumpf voters, sweetie.
>he says, while using a Jewish flag behind his posts
this is sexy in fake america
Try this one and clam the fuck up, mutt.
liar your flag is under the troll path not country
awww I'm a mutt oh no sweetie
whereas brussels is under country path
they lie because they're afraid to die
>european flag
(((who could it be)))
Don't try and fit in. You're just as no good as the other sniveling mutts here. Amerimutts are not welcome on my Sup Forums. Here, have another picture of you getting BTFO, mutt
Good evening my friends, is there any particular topic on which you'd like to converse?
>be american
>going to wal mart to buy my black dad some snacks for when i visit him in jail
>walking through the gun aisle
>MS-13 members start robbing the store and taking the guns
>remember I have an open carry
>go to grab it but find out a peanut-allergic toddler has taken it
>good thing I eat peanut butter by hand and fondle my gun all day
>as the toddler collapses she shoots me
>wake up in the hospital
>they had to perform life-saving surgery
>hand me the bill
>my obamacare doesn't cover it
>take out a loan to pay for the healthcare
>try to tell manager at mcdonalds that I can't make it to work tomorrow
>"If you won't work then someone else will"
>don't have enough money to pay off my Dodge Challenger, phone bill, healthcare loan and $200,00 student loan
>lose apartment
>declare bankruptcy
>still have to pay student loan
>join army to pay off debt
>get sent to afghanistan to fight a war for Israel
>get shot in the back by the gangbanger in the unit for not giving him my MRE skittles
>army doc does a hack job fixing me up, paralyzed
>can't get welfare because apparently Tyrone needs it more than I do
Such is life in the greatest country in the world(tm)
At least identity is still prevalent where Amerimutts never had it, faggot.
Good, now renounce your nationality before it's too late. I advise all of my 9% white burgers to do the same.
bloody scary
Can someone post the stranger things viarant of the mutt american meme i cannot find it
Why not pic-related when it's a personal accomplishment to many of us here?
i had a burger and clapped because my friend clapped because his friend clapped because his friend clapped because his friend clapped because his friend clapped because his friend clapped because his friend clapped because his friend clapped
hah no skin off my nigger
Nope, Jews don't exist my country. Try again, mutt.
We don't consider being a nigger to be a personal accomplishment but I do respect your enlightened European perspective.
He looks like a fine gentleman. Sure better looking than pic-related which is what I can see behind your computer screen, bloody mutt.
So you admit yourself as a failure then?
Hold the line bois
ouch! I just got shot!
fucking kike shill homosexual, sage this kike NOW!
>tfw quads
77% of Americans self identified as white in the 2016 census which is drastically up 5 points from 2010
>Inb4 self identified is shit
self identified race matches best fit genetic cluster with a correspondence of .8 which in reality rounds to .9
So on average 90% of that 77% are genetically white so that's roughly 69%
gtfohere with that 52% kikeshit jew shill
you ruined it by replying to yourself, leaf
>they say, while on their strings to hold them down by their kikemasters
Still whiter than you.
No, I just said I wasn't proud of that in particular. I've heard European schoolchildren do well on standardized tests but apparently that doesn't include reading comprehension.
fake and gay like you, mongrellus
Feel free to post a link though, dumbo.
Nope, not a leaf. Try again, Muttley.
ha ha dem darn terries are gun be ded bois! cherlene get mah pistol U S A U S A U S A U S A
Read my comment again, sherlock.
>Doesn’t know real memes so keeps posting weak ass amerimutt shit
this isn't working like you think, everyone just sees you as butthurt about americans being superior. the only ones agreeing with your shit meme are butthurt virgin euroshitskins. im outta here, enjoying my freedom
later butthurt nerd virgins
Ah yes, I apologize my good lad. May the South rise again some day when we conquer Mongreland.
>t. memeflagging kike shill
notice how the ones spamming these low quality version of the amerimutt meme are almost always memeflags and are antitrump, anticonservatism and antinazism. who cant meme and hates trump and america? lefties and jews.
spotting the non-role player
this is too fucking close to reality, i came here for laughs not for real shit
Get it cause like Gomez is a fake marrano name
Why don't ya show us your real flag? Let's see that star of David