Post your hatred for California here. Californians are the worst breed of Americans and are often known for

>shitting up other states by leaving Cali
>ignoring federal law
>spreading AIDS
>unironically thinking In N Out is a good burger restaurant

Californians are just sea Mexicans. They have no culture, no heritage and no future. They need to be exterminated asap.

Other urls found in this thread:

Califag here. While you aren't completely wrong, nothing is worse than the cancerous faggots up north of us.

You all fucking suck, and that's coming from a NY resident.

>Jew Yorker
>saying anyone else sucks

The last few times I've been to In-N-Out have been very mediocre. Ever since Chik Fil A opened up near me it has completely outclassed every other fast food place.

Because I can. I should know.

I was born and raised in California. (Las Vegas, NV now). You are out of your fucking mind if you think in n out burgers aren't at least the top 3 burgers of all time.

>insulting In-N-Out

Take that back at once you heathen

Shut the fuck up faggot, fuck Jew York

Coming from someone outside of the US out of everything i have seen i'd say California is the shittest state in America and needs to be nuked.

Fuck you too, kike.


He didnt watch reviewbrahs review on in n outs burgers. Awhh sweetie its like you like being a ratarded mongoloid.

Fuck off NJ no one likes you.

Actual retard, you know JYC is seperate from the rest of the state? Big surpirse, you obviously don't.

Youre both literally the reason people call us le 56%

>Californians are just sea Mexicans.
No, californians are literally mexicans. california got so many mexican immigrants that they actually outnumber californians themselves

Californians please gtfo of Arizona and stop complaining about our politics and gun laws

You talking about canada or oregon/washington?
because oregon/washington is our doing, droves of califags migrating there and voting in the same idiots who ruined california.

California isn't the problem. It's the liberals and feminists that live here. I'd place the collective beauty and advantages of living in California over any other city on the planet.

Massfag here, feels bad to be the greece-pay debts state of the US

Jew York is all kike territory faggot

southern california is what you hate
northern california is white and voted for trump

I travel the world and hate cali, but most foreigners that are young and have vaginas seem to think California is where all the cool things happen in the US. I don't hesitate to tell them I'm from California. Gets me so much pussy. Shit's so cash famalam

California was great before the US gov jews stopped taking european migrants in 1965 and started talking mexican and asian ones instead

>mfw Colorado has been ruined by the Californians

We just wanted to be left alone with our mountains, our snow and our communities.

Instead we get you yuppy fucks who over develop our state, drive up the cost of living and housing, speculate and change the demography.

Fuck you. Fuck all of you.

I have a game for you.

>tfw live in CA
>tfw borderline natsoc
>tfw own a bunch of guns
>tfw hispanic

Gives me weird feels sometimes. I hate almost everything about state politics, and unironically think Mexicans are invaders.






>Unironically thinking In N Out isn't a good burger restaurant
You've crossed a line pal. I will shit all day on my communist state. It deserves it. We deserve it. But don't you dare say shit about my Double Double Animal Style.

Oregon and Washington. I wont deny our responsibility in the matter, but they got the worst of what we have. It's all our shit taken to the next level. I would rather deal with Mexicans than those mentally ill faggots.

>unironically think Mexicans are invaders
maybe because they are
the first mexicans who started coming here were retards. they should have been the strongest anti-mexican voices. why let your new home become your old one? the problem was they all wanted their extended family and friends to come too, and here we are

>autistically spamming reddit memes
for what purpose?

In n out is trash, only liberals gooks and spics still eat that garbage (hence their great business revenue in cali)

i see 4 whites, one manlet white (manlets arent white)

fuck this one is too good

Cali born and raised (timber industry) CA was red until 1988,, enter the fucking spics, CA is a socialist, borderline communist state now, am a Seattle fag now WA is pretty bad but not as bad as commifornia

There is only one white. The rest is mixed chicanos/niggers.
California lov- i mean 33%

Aye to this

I may come from the lands of nignoggery that is Chicagoland, but California needs to be fucking nuked I pray every day it is wiped off the map from some North Korean strike when I wake up

Well to be fair you people did give them corrupt politicians the power to do that in 1965 in the first place so you dug your grave and you need to lie in it.

Representative democracy will never work.

That's because they're a christian based company, user.
Let the Lord in your heart and Eet Moar Chik'N

cali nigga here yo fuck white ppl blood

they hate us because they aint us

the in n out bashing is absolutely hilarious seeing as how it's the last bastion of white burger identity. the owners are Christian conservative huwhite people, and the bottom of the drink cups have scripture numerals on them

In & out is a Christian burger chain have you ever looked at the bottom of your cup?

Rockies = Midwest > Dixie >>>>>>>>>>>>> northeast = mid-Atlantic = worst coast

>dad joins military
>stationed in CA
>get born there
>mfw birth certificate and every other gov form is forever stained with CA, and thus everyone thinks I'm from there

Maybe In-&-Out is overrated but can we at least agree it's better than Burger King/Jack in the Box and most other fast food places? Especially for the price?

California is well on it's way to being a 3rd world country. It's called the land of fruits and nuts for a reason.

>t. has never in their life been to or knows anything about California
Northern California is where shitlib central is. Between the degeneracy of San Francisco, the destructive legislative power of Sacramento, and the progressive dumpster of Berkeley, Northern California should be nuked

Most of the red you see comes from INLAND CALIFORNIA, which borders the states of Nevada and Arizona
You faggots need to stop thinking that somehow the area that would become the state of Jefferson is the only place free from California degeneracy, especially when places like Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino county, and San Diego county are all located in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ALL ARE PRETTY FUCKING RED


Lulz... I've got a misdemeaner arrest warrent in that crap hole for a petty 2003 offense...willnever show my face there again

Thanks for moving here and ruining it, asshole.

Coming from a California native who is still in this fucking state, I agree. I need to get out, I just get too mad when I read about our politics, see retarded bullshit at every turn, or just talk to the average Californian cuck.

>petty 2003 offense

Holy shit this. Thanks fellow Arizonian
>Phoenix reporting in

Fuck off cunt lips I'm a conservative Trump supporter who is also a simple wage cuck who spent 7 cocksucking years homeless in Bellevue, KYS you cocksucker

If the Bay Area and LA were both nuked, 90 percent of Cali's problems would be solved.

norcal here, the predominantly liberal region ends as soon as you get past eureka or east of it. I grew up in del norte county and at one point there were more confederate flags than american flags in towns and neighborhoods.

Central valley user here. As the most red part of Cali, I'm just bored and praying for a happening involving the nuking of our gay cities. Whether or not I live is fine. Just want to see this state purged with fire.

I pray everyday that California either gets nuked by NK, or falls into the ocean from a massive earthquake.

They're just such a cancer on our population it's really sad. The amount of mentally ill in commiefornia is unbelievable and yet they carry on the same! Try to explain to one "hey your politicians are poisoning the population" and all of the sudden you're a Nazi who should be publicly murdered. Amazing, they act like the barbaric sand people I mean new European.

I'm looking forward to all the deaths an earthquake like that will cause in CA.

m8 eureka is like what 150+ miles north of Sacramento? you're pretty much in Oregon at that point

I wish Oregon and Washington would build a border to keep Californians out.

Cal Valleyan here, most people in my area are conservative, minus the coastal move ins and and the Mexicans. We aren't the type to fuck everything up, the coastal people are.
Oh and In and Out is utter trash, people here either love, like, or are silent on it. I hate it.
Aids is Hollywood
Everyone's ignoring federal law, it's just America gearing up for civil war

you pretty much said it. most of them aren't Americans.

Reagan shut down all the mental institutions in the state before he did it nationally in 1981. That's why there's so many mentally ill people in CA.

>tfw family been in California since before the gold rush
The problem isn't California, it's that your shitty states keep sending your kikes and fags our way to tilt our elections. Prime example is notorious fag Scott Wiener

Have ya been to Bohemian Grove?

Lived there for 20 years and worked in the State prison system for a few. A few good points, mostly involving the geography of the high sierra and its almost complete and utter abscence of the most noxious classes of ameriscum. You do unfortunately run into boomer liberals but take solace in the fact they frequently disappear in the back country from their own stupidity.

Other than that the entire place needs to be cleansed by fire.

kekpcha imagine: Contra Costa Bail Bonds sign

>nothing is worse than the cancerous faggots up north of us.

You mean your kin? WA and OR are just proof that cancer will spread if not dealt with quickly.

>mfw even those cucks couldn't handle Kalifornia anymore

No, but a family friend has been going since the 80s

Red Robin

Fuck yourself

In N Out aren't even burgers. When I want a burger I'm never EVER thinking of In n fucking Out. When I want in n out then I go to in n out, but this meat sandwich is not a burger.

California is a Jew paradise and a Mexican shit-hole.

They fucked that state bad. Many more will follow.

Real Oregonian here. Fuck off Califag. Everything wrong with my state is from California imports. We were solidly Libertarian when I was a kid. It was all earth muffins and rednecks. Half the trucks had gun racks in them. I can't believe how fast we were demographically displaced. Seeing that here is how I know Europe is fucked lol. We were literally displaced in 20 years. California is cancer.

If all you have to compare it to is McDonalds and Jack in the Crack. In N Out is good, but lets not go overboard here.

As an Oregonian, I'm sorry for your loss.

We used to have a border sign implying the Californians shouldn't stay.

>born and raised city-dweller Californian
>understand and accept that we deserve all the hate we get
>secretly hope we get nuked by norks
I really just wish someone would put us out of our misery.

>tfw born and raised in CCC. Used to be OK here but it's complete shit now like everywhere else in the BA.

Phoenix checking in, fuck Califaggots

Only a kike or sand nigger doesn't like In-N-Out due to the verses contained in the wrappers. It's a good deterrent against Satanists, because it burns their brown poo stained hands.

I lived in Concord & Walnut Creek for 10 years. WC was still a place nigs got pulled over after exiting the freeway, but concord had gone from being marginally shit to complete shit before I left.

Late 90's I scored a gf with rich af family and lived in her condo in the sunset district for 3 years. That was nice - despite being surrounded by degeneracy and filth.

I always tell people teh states are great if you're a 1%'er -> 5%'er Maybe even 10%. Everyone else is literally hanging on by their fingernails.


>Californians are the worst breed of Americans
nigger, people from the south and midwest are fat retarded guncrazy fucks. Literally untermensch.

People from california are mostly fit, educated, rational...etc.

I will confirm this. I likes me a good burger and In-n-Out is good. Also (I left in '04) they used to have a maximally customizable secret menu where they'd make damn near anything you wanted if you asked for it.

>People from california are mostly fit, educated, rational...etc.

Turn off the electric jew and save your soul, Cletus.

I'm serious. One of the easiest ways to identify local californians is the fact that they exercise and are fit.

Oregonian here. You can thank California for fucking ruining this beautiful state, driving up living costs, and making it almost impossible to talk to someone without offending them.

just another reason exercise is cancer

Coloradans are the fittest states and we're neutral.
Dumbfuck hicks and douchey liberals can all go suck a dick.
It's unrealistic to ship all niggers to hell but it's not our fucking problem to take care of the little fuckers.

Burgers arguing about burgers, I didnt realise it was so important to your culture

Man, I lived in MA u til I was 20. It was only after I moved that I realized how fucked it was.
Gotta say though, the public education I got there was better than most of the country. Not sure if that would be the case any more.

What you're seeing is likely that people who are intelligent & monied enough to fuck off from CA aren't representative of the genpop.
There are two distinct classes in CA. The corporate class - educated, intelligent, fitter than average because limitless outdoors/innawoods opportunities, and the "rest".. poor, dumb, usually ugly and not fit/fat. Tend to like meth and living in places like Stockton, Tracy and other valley sinkholes.

These are the people who would normally be your manual laborers, road workers, bin men etc. who've been driven out of the economy by massive competition from beaner illegals and city bankruptcies and cutbacks in services.

The more you trailer trash hate us, the better - as long as it prompts you to stay the fuck out of here.
But come the next depression you and your Trump-king create, you'll be back at our borders again, demanding that the "shitty liberals" you hate so much feed you.
Fucking hypocrite cunts.