What is it supposed to represent anyway?
You know how when your mouth is closed, there's this little dip at the middle of your lips? I think erasing the line there gives that impression
The artist isn't indicating the entire mouth. If he skips part of it for artistic reasons then it's wrong.
The tubercle.
It looks worse when you draw it in, autist.
Your brain automatically fills in the gap. If this doesn't happen for you you have brain problems.
The real reason is budget. They're too cheap to draw it right.
Lips are fucking disgusting.
that looks like shit
>implied line: a line in an artwork that is not physically there but suggested by points in the artwork
Speaking about lips and side mouth, Long Riders have awesome side mouth.
You really don't think this looks creepy? Cartoons are stylized for a reason, manga can pull off realistic styles better but it just looks weird in most anime.
I've always hated monogatari mouths.
That looks like shit. Lips are horrible, just like noses.
That's why 2D is so pretty to look at. They got rid of all the ugly parts of the face and enhanced the good parts.
>budget meme
when will people stop believing this?
This is how most artists depict skin to skin contact. It usually happens on thighs, cleavage, ass and even fingers.
I have no mouth and I must shitpost.
>lips are ugly
The fuck am I reading?
Every fucking time.
I remember first watching that on a bus to Quebéc back in grade 7 in 2002. Yeah..,
your brain literally fills in the missing parts, that's why 2D>3D
An opinion.
Anime lips specifically are disgusting. Just like noses. That's why its best to leave them out.
This is the answer. Are people on Sup Forums so autistic that they can't recognise this?
That is revolting? People actually like nigger lips like this in their anime?
Looks like shit.
Do you really need to ask if people on Sup Forums are autistic enough for something?
OP is a fag, I see.
You're an idiot.
You are also an idiot. Manga can't "pull off" anything better, it's just still images and has potentially higher-quality drawings because of it.
yeah because people look so much cuter with no noses or lips. In fact, skin is gross too, where the FUCK are my skeleton shows, Japan?! Get fucking on it already, I don't want to look at disgusting meatbags anymore!!!!!!!!! I already have to see enough of that shit in real life!!!
I like this
Absolutely disgusting.
suggest more with less
this is how cartoons work
They have to draw it like that or side mouth wouldn't make sense
Side mouth still wouldn't make any sense in that case. Do you speak with half of your mouth closed?
Is that Kumin-senpai?
No, I don't know what you mean
hate that shit.
nigger lips.
You are literally retarded, congratulations.
I missed this shitty forced meme
Please post a better example of Monogatari lips.
>it's just still images and has potentially higher-quality drawings because of it.
That's exactly why it can pull it off better though. You aren't going the same level of detail in an anime frame that can go into a panel from a well-drawn monthly manga because the anime's schedule dictates they can't dedicate as much time to each frame as a mangaka could to one panel.
Is that a space toilet?
dat thigh
Don't worry, I got you covered.
ugh I hate it when they just like a suggestion of the nose, I fixed it
Now that's what I'm talking about, not that dot-nosed, split-mouth moe trash.
Thanks, Disney.
I hate how Kyoani draws their characters with two mouths.
Looks like something out of those tumblr scene redraws that are occasionally posted.
We occultic nine noses now?
this looks good though. thanks for proving OP's point.
I hate how user makes their posts with two retarded points.
Explain this one, assholes
>are Sup Forumsnons Sup Forumsutistic?
YES, the answer is always YES.
OP needs to kill himself.
Look dude, it's just a stylistic approach to representing softness. Quit getting your knickers in a knot.
occultic nine noses took from WIXOSS noses
So you just lack basic English skills.
Try making a face like that and you'll notice your lower lip curling in a little and pressing against your teeth.
This is what you're latching onto?
Those are normal lips, retard.
I thought they had comdoms in their mouth from the catalog thumbnail
I thank God they made that repository of artistic rejects. Now we know who's not to hire when we need good character design.
Is this acceptable?
>Now we know who's not to hire when we need good character design.
Too bad it's the most-scouted site on the internet.
Got to update that black-list mate.
What did he mean by this?
This isn't a QUALITY thread.
what's quality about being unable to finish drawing a mouth?
Can't take a joke, can you?
It's a stylized choice you autist. The hand thing is shit drawing
It's on model and looks good if you're not an autistic retard. Do you not know what QUALITY means?
I recognize you.
I get your joke, but I hope the denial isn't serious.
Oh boy.
Read the filename faggot.
Anime girls look so soft when their lines don't connect
Lips are literally the worst part of Monogatari, next to cat.
Next are you going to ask why eyes are sometimes a series of parallel lines?
Because it's cute. CUTE.
sheeeit, bitch wants my waddermelon
Why are blushes always depicted as lines or squiggles?
No they didn't. These kind of noses existed even before w ixxos
My waifu.
>not understanding literally anything about art